Sergei witte
finacne minister replaced Ivan v, 1892-1906 wanted to strengthen autocracy+industrialse quick w/o social upheaval and instability autocracy
continued state promotion industrial growth by
state provvide impetus for industrial growth, nationalising state owned enterprises (russia only)
aims and policys industrialise quick
inc gov revenue, attract firing investment(France), attract foreign expertise, protect russian existing industries, build more railways
great spurt 1890’s
mass foreign capital(FRACNE+BRITIAN) funded insiutry plants in major cities
railways emmecnly expanded (more In 1 decade than whole c prior)
key dev placing russia currency on gold standard 1897
rouble more stable (foreign investors more attractd to russian industry)
1895 280 million roubles
1914 2000
+money loaded from other counties (France)
railway emphasis building
1881 amount of track:13.7k
1913:43,850k (32x more than 1861)
transiberain railway expansion
allowed transport of workers to more remote areas
source of revenue in long run
moving military around easier
helps with trad links for east
high tarifs/taxes continues
used to inc gov revene(for capital)
vol of grain exports continued to inc 20% in this period
impacts of high tarifs
protectionsm made imports more expensive making domestive goods/materials cheaper by comparison raising demand devloping domestic industries (protecting from foreign competiton)
impact of wittes tax policies
(higher taxes)
raised indirect taxes on consumer goods>prices of goods rise, for peasnts to be able to afford given incentivce to produce and sell more grain>merchents and state export more abroad>brings wealth into russia and allows investment in indsutry(develops)
more land used three feild sys(less fruitful) fammine
summary of the witte system
- foreign investment (reliance/laons)
2.strong rouble gold standard
4.high taxes
3 facts from the witte system
number of factorties inc by 1/3
number of industrial workers doubled#
million tons of fossil fuels (coalx5,ironx3.5,oilx4)
heavy industy
witte policy allowed devlopemnt of large scale heavy insudtries
regions began to spealsie in particular commodities
donbas region- coal
cities grown massively facts
moscow 1890-753k, 1914-1.7m
stpetersburg, 1890-928k, 1914,2.2m
evaluation of witte policys
caused sever unrest even though urban wc begun to grow
the state neglected the living and working class(marxist ideas growth)
peasnts being squeezed to pay for industralisation(disgrunted industrial workforce)
contributed to revolutionary sentimen in early 1900