Rules Part 1 Course Flashcards
What does CMS stand for?
Competence management system
What is the CMS?
Competency management system.
What are the two groups/types of competences?
Technical / Non technical
What are the 6 technical competencies?
- Preparing for duty
- Staring a journey
- Operating trains in service
- Dealing with out of course / emergency situations
- Route knowledge
- Traction knowledge
What are the 7 non technical skills competencies?
- Situational awareness
- Conscientiousness
- Decision making
- Self management
- Work load management
- Working with others
- Communications
What does PQA stand for?
Post qualified assessment
Name 6 methods of assessing drivers?
- Observation
- Downloads
- Sim
- Written
- Verbal
- Reports
What is unobtrusive monitoring?
Monitoring you are not aware off, for example downloads, managers assessing your driving, network rail recording your radio calls and giving you an A to F rating.
What records are kept about our competencies?
Everything is kept
As per module TW1 what driver equipment do you need for duty?
And additional items for WMT
- Head lamp
- Hi vis
- Watch
- Up to date notices
- RT3185
- NR3190
- Any other equipment TOC wants:
- Keys: T Key, BR1, Cabba Key
- License x2
- Glasses x2
- WONS / PONS / traction guide / SA
What does DCDP stand for an what is it?
Driver competency development plan.
If you have an incident or make a mistake which highlights a lacking competency this plan seeks to address this in this gap. Usually involves additional training.
What will you find in the traction notice case?
- Previously in New notice case
2. Modifications to traction units
What three things cover reporting for duty correctly?
- Right time: check day before
- Right Place: booking on point/ driver equip
- Fit for duty: if not don’t come
If a rosta means you would breach hidden 18 what do you need to do?
Contact your TCS immediately and tell them.
What does TCS stand for?
Train crew supervisor.
If you are Unable to attend work, taking meds, running late, not in possession of driver equipment what must you do?
Contact your DM, DCCM or TCS immediately and tell them.
If you are returning back to work after being off ill what must you do?
Ring DM, TCS and give at least 12 hours notice.
What are your responsibilities regarding the WONS?
- Read them
- Sign them
- Update them
- Keep them safe
- Keep them confidential
- Produce them for management if asked
What must you do if you have a publication or lose one?
Make sure you get a copy, speak to your DM, TCS, DTCM and make sure you get a copy and understand it.
When you receive amendments to publications what must you do with them?
Insert them into the correct position in the relevant publication.
What are these driver diagram abbreviations?
What notice cases must you check every day?
- Late notice case
- New notice case
- SPAD notice case
- Rosta Case for new turn
What is the booking on procedure?
- Call TCS
- Print diagrams
- Check notice cases: Late, new, spad
- Annotate diagram to personal preference to personal NT skills.
What details does the late notice case contain?
- Safety of the line info
- Lit and locked
- Rail head adhesion
How long will a notice stay in the late notice case?
72 hours
What colour and what does it say above the late notice case?
When will an ESR become a TSR
When it is published in the WONS.
What is in in the New notice case?
- Those transferred from late notice case
- Safety related info
- Communications from management
- Last 4 weeks and then go to general notice case
What’s in the general Notice case?
Notices previously on the new notice case and remains here for 4 weeks to allow people returning from leave to read any relevant notices.
What will you find in the permanent notice case?
- Items posted here will not be removed
- walking routes etc
- Cab pass info
- Company procedures / processes
What will you find in the health and safety notice case and it’s colour?
- Yellow
- Fire exits and evacuation
- Walk routes
- Safety matters
- Safety certificates and legal health and safety statements
What information will you find in the SPAD case?
- SPAD’s:circumstances / lessons learned
- SPAD alerts
- ID high risk signals
- Multi SPAD signals
- Issues of defensive driving
exam question: What does the WONS include
Safety notices A: Temporary speed restrictions B: Engineering arrangements C: Signalling and permanent way alterations D: General Instructions
What information will you find in the rosta case?
- What Diagrams a driver is booked on
- Time to report
- Turn number or job number
Before leaving duty what must you do?
- Know next turn of duty is
- Complete any reports
- Safely store away equipment
- Relax
exam question: Responsibilities regarding prescription drugs?
- Tell them job is safety critical and ask if they will affect performance, if so seek an alternative if possible.
- Tell TCS, DM immediately and not when signing on.
Exam question: what equipment must driver have for duty as in TW1 and then WMT.
- Head lamp
- Hi vis
- Watch
- Updated notices
- RT3185, NR3190
- any other TOC specific items:
- Keys
- Glasses x2
- Licenses x2
Exam question: what’s hidden 18
Max 12 hour shift
Min 12 hour break between shifts
Max 72 hours per week
No more than 13 consecutive days
Exam question: what would you find the SPAD notice case?
- SPAD’s: circumstances / lessons learned
- High risk signals
- Multi SPAD signals
- Defensive driving issues
Exam question: what would you do if you were ill and cannot work?
Contact first call, DM, TCS as soon as possible.
Exam question: what should you do when you are returning to work after sickness?
Inform DM, DTCM, TCS at least 12 hours before returning.
Name the publications?
- Rule Book
- SA
- Route Maps
- Traction Guide
- Drivers Manuals: eg PTP
Information about the rule book?
- Updated twice a year. June / December
- Module format
- Contains rule required to work safely on or over the railway infrastructure.
- Red box: critical information
- Changes advertised in PONS before entering RB.
When do you contact the signaller when a signal is at danger?
- Immediately
2. If obvious reason for delay, wait 2mins, then reconnect every 5 mins.
Two sections:
first section: New additions,
second section: Old additions.
- Issued quarterly.
- Contains alterations to permanent publications. (Eg rule book, advertised four times)
- Used to straight update to SA.
Sectional Appendix?
- Compiled by Network rail, it is the official definition of the railway infrastructure, giving a detailed description of all railway lines owned by network rail.
- Four sections,
- Detailed running line diagrams
- Exceptional year poor adhesion tables
- Table A
- Special working arrangements
- Route availability
- General instructions
- Local Instructions
What does the driver diagram contain?
- Turn Number
- Book on/off time
- Work content
- Date
- Day of week
- important phone numbers
- STP or LTP
- Stopping pattern
On the driver diagram what does the stopping pattern contain?
- Train reporting number
- Station Stops
- Unusual stops highlighted
- Departure times
- PIS code
- Train timing eg 110
What are the three responsibilities regarding safety
- Obey all regs and rules.
- Obey all instructions by PIC.
- Report anyone who breaks rules or procedures.
What do you do if you see a suspicious person lurking?
- Challenge: find out if they are authorised to be there.
2. If not happy to do this or still suspicious tell PIC or BTP
Cable theft is a big problem, If you see someone line side what should you bare in mind?
- Hi vis logo???
2. Contact Signaller
If you find a suspicious item on a train what should you do?
- Contact signaller immediately and follow instructions.
- Move passengers out of immediate vicinity
- Us PA to try and find owner.
Only evacuate if signaller tells you too.
What is the HOT protocol?
Obviously suspicious?
If you find a suspicious item at a platform what should you do?
- Don’t touch.
- Inform station manger and BTP.
- Move everyone from vicinity.
- Try a do find owner via PA
How many people maximum are allowed in your driving cab?
2, with exceptions with green and blue pass.
What is the green pass?
Competent in rules and regs as a train driver able to assess and instruct.
WITH RED BAND allowed up to 3 non railway guests.
What is a blue pass?
Competent person/manager
Competent in rules and regs and can assist in an emergency.
WITH RED BAND: allowed up to two guests.
What is a yellow pass?
Technical staff
Competent in PTS / Cab discipline
Fitters and OLE staff.
Exam question: describe late notice case and what you might find in it?
- Red
- Must read written on it
- 72 hours except ESR’s
- Situated near signing on point
- Emergency Engineering works
- anything specifically todo with safety of line
- ESR’s will remain until published in WONS cancelled.
What does CMS stand for?
Competence management system
What people are allowed in the drivers cab?
- Driver
- Route learners
- Pilot-men
- Cab pass holders
- Anyone competent person allowed to be there for their duties.
What do axle counters do?
Count in a axles of a train into a section and then count the axles out of a section, before returning the previous signal section to clear.
Hidden 18?
- No longer than 12 hour shifts
- Min 12 hours between shifts
- Max 72 hour week
- Max 13 consecutive days
What is a purple pass?
Senior guard.
Competent in rules and regs and regs as a guard and able to asses and instruct guards.
Not allowed in driving cab.
What is a black pass?
Sold to other TOC and FOC’s, allows other drivers to route learn.
1 pass holder at a time
What is a pink pass?
Given to newly qualified driver
Not allowed any persons in the cab
Expires 1st year of post qualified cycle.
Responsibilities regarding personal staff ID.
- Wear it at all times whilst on duty.
- challenge anyone not wearing one?
- If lost report this to DM immediately.
What is the in cab etiquette?
- Phone OFF
- Do not distract driver
- Good lookout
- obey all instructions
- Show pass when requested.
What is the mobile phone protocol?
- OFF: silent, vibrate, flight mode not allowed. OFF
- Not permitted use in cab except in an emergency.
- no other electrical device allowed which is capable of connecting to the internet or receiving messages of any form, be it WhatsApp, email, messenger etc.
Why are reports important a for a delay?
- Helps improve performance and target improvements.
- Helps understand problems.
- Helps reallocate delays and thus saves the company money.
when would you complete a report?
- Incident
- Delay
- Late
- Train fault
- Signal fault
- Trespassers
When must report be completed by?
Before completing your shift.
Who has lead responsibilities in comms etc?
Everyone has lead responsibility over driver.
Leads Signaller
Route setting agent leads points operator
Shunter L’s Driver
Pilot Man L’s Driver
Hand Signaller L’s Driver
If it’s unclear who has lead responsibility when communicating who has lead responsibility?
The person who started the conversation.
What phrases can you use when on the radio?
- Repeat back
- Correction
- This is an emergency call
- Over
- Out
How could you receive signallers instructions?
- Direct: face to face
- Direct: telephone/radio
- Via guard, shunter, hand signaller
- Via any competent person relevant in the rules.
What’s the standard communication structure for usual calls?
- Right person
- Me: (name, title, employer, phone)
- Location:
- Want: what you want
In comms what words or phrases should you never use?
- Line not clear
- Over and out
How can you ensure you convey a clear message over the radio?
- speak clearly
- no umms and ers
- slightly slower
- normal rhythm
- normal volume
- mic close but not touching mouth
What must you consider before using the comms if required to contact signaller?
Wait until you have utility and it won’t cause a distraction.
If using Phone on or near the line what should you do?
Be in a position of safety.
What are the seven NTS?
- Conscientiousness
- Self Awareness
- Decision making
- Workload management
- Self management
- Working with others
- Communication
what are the three areas of the human factors model?
- The individual: physical capabilities etc
- The workplace: systems, shift pattern, workload
- The organisation: culture etc
What qualities does Situation Awareness include?
- Attention to detail
- Overall awareness
- Maintains concentration
- retain information
- anticipating risk
What does “Consciousness” NT skill include?
Fully understanding your Work and taking a professional and methodical a approach to it, with respect for the rules and procedures.
Describe what is included in the NTS skill Communication.
Disciplined approach to the professional standards with regards language and format and medium of communication.
And being assertive to ensure standards are maintained.
Sharing information,
Describe what is included in the decision making NT skills?
Diagnosing and problem solving
Describe co-op with others NT skills?
- Considering others
- supporting others
- respecting others
- dealing with conflict / aggression
Describe workload management NT skills?
- Multitasking
- Prioritising
- Calm under pressure
Describe self management NT skills?
- Motivation
- Organisational
- self learning and up to date
- confidence
Hidden 18: what are:
Rest periods?
Max consecutive days?
- Min 12 hour shifts between shifts
- Max 13 consecutive days.
**What’s equipment must you have with you with regards TW1 and how would you replace equipment lost or damaged?
- Headlamp
- Hi Vis
- Watch
- RT3185, NR3190
- Up to date notices
- Any other equip TOC requires
If lost speak the to DM or TCS immediately and ensure it is replaced before next turn.
**Other than the TW1 kit what is the other driver equipment needed?
- Keys: caba, BR1, T
- glasses x2
- license x2
- publications: WONS, PONS, SA, RM, TRACTION GUIDE,
**what is the purpose of the WON?
The Weekly Operating Notice (WON) provides information of Safety Notices, Temporary Speed Restrictions, Engineering Arrangements, Signalling & permanent Way alterations and General Instructions & notices for specific regions.
**what are your responsibilities of the WON?
- Read and understand it
- Sign it
- keep it with you
- Keep it safe
- Keep it confidential
- keep it up to date
- Produce it for management if asked
**Describe the late notice case and what you would find in it?
- As near the booking on point as possible
- notices last 72 hours except ESRs.
- Locked
- Red boarder
- ESR’s
- Blanket speed restrictions
- Engineering works
- Rail adhesion rating
- non treated lines
- severe weather warnings
- emergency diversions
- anything related to safety of the trains
** which notices cases must you read every day?
- Late
- New
- Rosta (for next turn)
**when can a driver ride in a cab?
- When driving
- Route Learning
- Assessing / instructing
- Required to accompany driver in the course of your duties.
*what are your responsibilities when it comes to your ID card?
Wear it at all time so whilst on duty. If lost report this to the DM, DTCM, TCS immediately .
what are the GSMR point to point calls?
- Normal speaking, urgent
- PA
What are the GSMR group calls?
What are the the two types of call groups?
- Point to point
2. Group broadcast calls
In the rule book what module contains rules about accidental train division?
Module M1 Section 5
when do you contact a signaller when detained at a signal?
Immediately, unless cause is obvious then wait 2 minutes beforehand contacting him, and 5 minutes to reconnect.
Unless told otherwise.
In the rule book, in which module would you find information regarding the OLE.
AC module
In the rule book what’s information is in a red box?
Critical information
Give examples of PQA? Post qualified assessments?
- Downloads
- Rules year 1 the new every two years
- Manager ride along
- Sim Days
- Verbal questioning
What does JUPL mean?
Join unit previously left
What does REL mean?
What does PNB mean?
Personal needs break
What does LU mean?
Leave Unit
What does DISP mean?
dispose of unit
What does DVR mean?
What does DOO mean?
Driver only operation
What does FO mean?
Friday Only
Why are notices posted in the general notice case for four weeks?
Gives those returning from absence a chance to catch up.
Name the sections of the WON
General safety info A: speed restrictions B: Engineering arrangements C: Signalling and P way amendments D: General Information
What does the black bold line in the WONS mean?
Change published for the first time
What does the crucifix motif mean in the WONS
Warning boards and indicators will be moved as work progresses.
WHat do the three stars indicator mean in the WONS
Last time this notice will appear.
How long will a driver be issued with a pink pass?
1 year. Until first summary day
Name five things you must do when travelling in the driver cab?
- Phone off
- Keep good look out
- Obey instruction
- Do not distract driver
- Produce pass if asked.
How can the GSMR be used in day to day operations?
- Point to point: normal/urgent/DSD/PA/BTBC
- Group calls
SEC/SGC/BAC - PT (acknowledge) and PG (standing at signal)
What will the DSD do if left for more than 60 seconds?
Send a DSD warning message to the signaller if the train is in “forward” or “reverse” and the driver has not depressed the DSD.
Name three types of Signalling systems?
- Track circuit
- Axle counters
- Absolute Block
Give way in which a signaller can detect trains?
- Track circuit
- Axle counters
- Visually
How do Signallers communicate in absolute block?
Via bells and the use of interlocked block instruments which relay information regarding a clear or occupied block.
3 different types of light Signalling?
- 2 aspect
- 3 aspect
- 4 aspect
How is a controlled signal box worked?
- Via signal box
- Ground frame
- Person with a signal post replacement switch
Signaller can set some controlled signals to operate automatically.
What is meant by absolute block system?
1 train in a block at any one train.
Absolute block from SS to first HS.
signallers are aware a block is occupied by the use of bells and block instruments, using these to communicate with following signal boxes to indicates occupied and clear blocks.
What does the prefix on a signal identification plate mean?
Either route or controlling signal box.
How far ahead of a signal is the AWS magnet?
Where would you find an AWS magnet?
- Main aspect signal
- Distant signal
- Automatic level crossings
- Depot test magnet
Where would you find info about AWS GAPS?
Sectional Appendix
If you isolate the AWS on the TPWS 1 system will TPWS continue to work?
If you isolate the AWS on the TPWS 2 system will TPWS continue to work?
What faults would mean the AWS needs isolating?
- Horn does not stop sounding
- Brakes still applied when warning indications is cancelled.
- Successive or intermittent failures occur.
If the AWS is faulty and isolated can the train continue with passengers?
No, has to be taken out of service.
If you develop AWS fault what should you do?
- Stop
- Tell signaller
- carry out instructions
- tell ops control
Even if you think stopped over magnet, always tell signaller as this NT will prevent reset and go.
What instances might you need to isolate the AWS?
- Horn constantly sounding
- Brakes applied despite warning cancelled
- Successive or intermittently fault is suggesting the AWS is faulty.
- Stopped over magnet,
When the AWS is isolated and you’re proceeding to take the train out of service what are the various speed limits?
- 60mph alone
- line speed with competent person
- 40mph in fog or snow even with competent person
What’s the definition of an AWS competent person?
- Qualified in rules/regs and procedures and to proficient in carry them out.
Required knowledge in:
- All routes you are using
- Understand signals
- Understand ESR / TSR restriction
- Understand Line-side signage
- Know how to contact sig
With competent AWS person:
Driver duties?
Approaching signals:
- Call out aspect.
- Call out braking sequence.
Approaching speed restriction:
1. Call out braking.
With competent AWS person: competent person duties?
Approaching Signals:
- Acknowledge drivers call out
- Remind of restrictive aspects required.
Approaching Speed restrictions:
- Acknowledge driver overs braking call out.
- If required remind driver of speed restriction ahead.
Give some examples of signal irregularities?
- Discoing
- No indication showing
- Multiple aspects showing
- Incorrect sequences
- White light instead of colour
- Semaphore signal not straight
- Only one light on a position light.
- Impaired view due to foliage or sun bleaching.
What do you do if you experience signal irregularity?
If you are unsure what aspect is showing on a signal what should you do?
Treat it as the most restrictive.
If due to sun bleaching you are not able to view a signal properly what can you do?
Stop 20m short to get a clear view of it.
If a signal is tricky to see due to foliage but you can can still see it do you need to stop and report immediately?
No, earliest opportunity.
If it is not possible to see a signal due to foliage what do you do?
Stop and report
Where might you find an AWS?
- Main aspect signals
- distant signals
- level crossings
- depot test magnet
what speed is the OSS set at a buffer stop?
Therefore aim for 5mph
When would you isolate the TPWS.
- passing multiple sigs a time danger
- Pilot man working
- Modified working
- Failure of block instrument
What are the three lights/buttons on the TPWS 1 panel? Left to right
Red round: BRAKE app
Yellow round: fault/isolation
Yellow square: Train stop override
what is the premise of the OSS?
Stop the worst performing train within the 183 overlap.
If you have a TPWS intervention What is the procedure?
- Acknowledge
- Ensure train stopped
- Contact Signaller
- Obey instructions
- Not move until told otherwise.
- Complete RT3185
what are the buttons/lights on a TPWS 2 panel?
- Fault/isolation
- TSS override
If the TPWS has a fault light what do you do?
- Reset deck a couple of time to see if it clears.
2. If it doesn’t the train cannot enter service,
If the TPWS fails over the grids what do you do?
- Contact signal
- Permission to move
- Temp isolate TPWS
- move train and reinstate TPWS
- Reboot desk to see if solved
- Keep everyone informed.
What is the definition of the TPWS competent person?
- Qualified in rules/regs and procedures and to proficient in carry them out.
Required knowledge in:
- All routes you are using
- Understand signals
- Understand ESR / TSR restriction
- Understand Line-side signage
- Know how to contact sig
With competent TPWS person:
Driver duties?
Approaching signal:
- Call out aspects
- Call out braking sequences
Approaching speed restrictions:
1. Call out braking sequence.
With competent TPWS person:
Competently person duties?
Approaching signals:
- Acknowledge drivers call out
- Remind driver of restrictive aspects
Approaching speed restrictions:
- Acknowledge driver call outs of brake sequence
- Remind driver if required.
Where would you find a TPWS?
- main signal on pass line
- signal on any line protecting a junction of a passengers line
- buffer stops
- PSR’s
When should you use the DRA?
- Stopped at platform against red
- Stopped at platform after passing yellow to get in
- Stopped at platform after passing signal at danger to get in
- Stopped at platform after getting in on the authority of a position light
- When leaving the cab
- Any stop signal.
When can you set the DRA whilst still in motion?
When coming into a platform
When cant you set the DRA while the in motion?
When the red aspect is not at a platform.
When would you not use the DRA?
1- In motion at Main signal at danger not at a platform.
2-buffer stops
3- speed restrictions
4-stopped at booked stop against green.
Why would you carry out a running brakes test?
- Check brake functionality and and it’s braking efficiently.
- Check conditions of rail
- Gauge effectiveness of of brakes
- Make amendments to braking techniques
What does the rule book say about what speed we must carry out running brake test
Normal braking at a high enough speed to be sure of brake functionality.
WMT 30 mph with a reduction of 10mph.
Max speed during snow?
100 max
10 mph below PS down to 50
Two of occasions you might enter a goods loop or siding with passenger train?
- Emergency with authority
2. When moved published in WONS
Horn code when making wrong direction move?
High tone continuous blasts.
What factors should a driver consider when stopping a train?
- Weather conditions
- Adhesion conditions
- Length/weight of train
- Gradients
Actions when encountering a caution aspect?
- Acknowledge
2. Proceed at caution expecting the next signal to be at danger / stop
What three things to consider when stopping at a platform?
- Location of stop board
- Gradient
- Weather conditions
4 braking pattern especially fin unfamiliar station - Signal at end of platform
Max Speed at:
- Platform threshold
- TWPS grid
How far stop from buffer?
- 15mph
- 7mph
2 metres
WHat does west mids PDP say about train speed when approaching a red signal?
20/20 rule
15/20mph 200m away from signal and stop 20m away from signal.
What’s does the RA indicator mean?
Station duties complete and it’s safe to proceed. Driver should still double check the signal though.
When setting off from platform what must a driver do?
- Double check signal
2. Look out train to check it’s all in order.
Five areas of WMT PDP?
- Preparing yourself for duty
- Preparing journey
- Safely operating train in service
- understanding Risk
- End of shift
- Eco driving
What level crossing must you approach at caution and only pass over when given a green hand signal under local control?
AHBC under local control
CCTV/RC: Wrong direction
CCTV/RC: movement in any directions when’s under local control
When would you do additional running brakes tests?
- Start of journey
- Change ends
- Consistency changes
- Before first stop point
- Before a crossing point where you are stopping
- Steep gradients
- Falling snow
What is train class 2
- Passenger train
- officers train
What is class 1
Express passenger train
What is class 5
Empty coaching stock
Why have TSR’s
- Engineering works
- track issues
- extreme heat affecting the rail head
- Adverse weather conditions.
- any other safety related reason that requires trains to operate at a reduced speed through a section of track.
What will a TSR publication contain?
- start date
- end date
- location
- affected lines
- speed
When will a repeater warning board be used?
when indicator 300m past the below my locations:
- Pass platform
- Exit from siding
- Dead end platform
What are the first 7 fault codes?
Expected bell:
- Got both
- Go at horn
- Nothing
Expected Horn:
- Got both
- Bell
- Got brakes no horn
- Got nothing
7a. No visual indicator change
When can you use the whistle and what tone?
- Persons on or near the line: HIGH/LOW
- Persons on or near the line urgent.
HIGH / constant - Whistle board: LOW / loud
- Shed: LOW / soft
- Wrong direction: HIGH / LOUD
What’s is the whole process if TPWS initiates a brake demand?
- Brakes applied
- Ensure train come to a stop
- Brake demand light flashes
- Acknowledge brake demand
- Light goes steady
- Contact signaller
- Answer his /her questions
- Complete RT3185
- Obey all his/her instructions
- Do not move train until told to.
Hand signal for
Move away:
DAY: Circle motion with arm
NIGHT: white light swung up and down. Green means slowly.
Come toward:
DAY: arm outstretched straight folded in to chest and out again.
NIGHT: white light swung across be body, green light for slowly.
Hand signal for stop
Both arms straight up
NIGHT: Red light held out
ON TRAIN: arm stretched out
What are the EASE UP hand signals?
DAY: both arms out stretched bought up to a point above head.
NIGHT: green light swung left and right.
What is the slow down hand signal?
Arm out stretched to the side lifted up and down.
Identify safety checks you must carry out before completing a shunt move without a shunter?
- line clears for length of shunt
- Vehicles are not foul of movement
- No equipment or vehicles obstructing line
- No persons working on line
- Warn anyone working on an adjacent line
- No scotch blocks or detailers present,
- No do not move board
- Facing points fitting correctly
What must you do before entering a shed?
- Stop short
- Get permission to enter
- Max speed 3mph in shed
- Sound horn before entering LOW tone
Max speed in depot or siding?
5 mph
If driving controls are defective and you must shunt a train from another cab what three things should happen?
- Be in a forward facing cab
- Shunter must be at the front of the movement, either walking ahead or positioned In the front cab
- Lose contact or comms stop immediately.
What is the purpose of the running brake test,
To ensure the automatic brake is working properly.
And to identify any adhesion problems so that you can amend your braking pattern.
When would you carry out an a additional running brake test.
- New journey
- Changing ends
- Before first stopping point
- Before a crossing point where you are expected to stop
- Steep gradients
- Snow or falling snow
- Ice
- Extreme weather conditions
What things should you bare in mind when shunting
- Speed limit 5mph
- Check facing points
- Don’t split points
- Permission to enter shed
- Keep an eye out for things such as derailers, persons, hand signals, other trains, trains foul of line, vehicles
before coupling what must you make sure of?
- No staff on train
- No not the move board
- No brakes applied
- No scotch blocks or derailers
- No fuel or waste pipes attached.
In a siding when a signal clears what must you do?
Wait for handsignal.
What are the shunting golden rules?
- Clear understanding of move
- Understands how it will be controlled
- Work only to shunters instructions
- If contact lost stop
- Obey all stop signs
- If signals clear still wait for handsignals
before shunt move?
- Safety line checks
- Clear understanding of move
- Clear understanding how it will be controlled
What info will you give your relief when handing over a train?
- Number of cars
- Faults
- Any additional stop orders
- Adhesion problems
- Reason for delays
When might you have to make a wrong direction move?
- Single line working
- Station overrun <400m
- Wrong direction
- Obstruction
- Cab controls failed
- Engineering works possession
- Reattaching detached portion
- Assisting failed train
- CR21
When might you have to pass a signal at danger?
- Signal failed
- Level crossing equip failed
- Tcoc failed
- EMU neutral zone failure
- Train starting from before signal
- Train failed in overlap
- Shunting
- A,E,R,R
- Examining Line
- Single line working
- Pilot Man working
- Emergency
- Possession
What horn should do you use on wrong direction moves?
- HIGH one long blast before
2. HIGH repeated blasts
Wrong direction move procedure?
- Horn
- Cancel AWS
- Caution points 15mph
- MLC: caution
- AHBC: green flag
- W/L & R/G caution
- Speed: Caution
Speed whenever passing signal at danger?
What three instances could you receive a green flag.
- From a level crossing attendant
- When points are set correctly in TBW.
- By a guard giving RA.
Whats in the sectional appendix?
Produced by network rail.
Section 1
- Maps
- Exceptionally poor railhead adhesion table
- Table A
- special working arrangements
Section 2
- Route availability
Section 3
- General instructions
Section 4
- Local instructions
What colour and fire for WATER fire extinguishers?
- Red
- solids
What colour and fire for CO2 fire extinguishers?
- black
- liquid
- electrics
What colour and fire for FOAM fire extinguishers?
- beige
- liquid
- solids
What colour and fire for POWDER fire extinguishers?
- Blue
- liquids
- Solids
- Gas
- Electrical
Definition of emergency evacuation?
Absolutely necessary passengers are to be evacuated due to imminence the threat / danger.
Definition of controlled evacuation?
Necessary passengers be evacuated to continue their journey by other means.
What are the methods of emergency evacuation?
- train to platform
- Train separated
- trains assisted
- train to train gangway
- train to train sideways
- train to train via track
- train to track