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What is this?
SPAD indicator, usually positioned 50m beyond signal
Means you have passed a signal at danger
- Stop
- Contact Signaller
- Answer his/her questions
- Follow instructions
what is this?
Rigth Away Indicator
When illuminated tells the driver the station duties are complete and its safe to proceed
What does this mean
This means the signal it is attched to is and automatic signal, operated by the passage of trains through the track circuit.
The signaller or a person operating a signal replacement switch can set some automatic signals to danger.
What sign is this?
Possession Limit Board
Denotes the limits of a possession. Double sided and red in both directions. SPAD if passed without authority.
Whats the DRA and what does it do?
Driver Reminder Appliance.
When set will light up red and prevent the train from taking traction. It is used to remind the driver that he or she is at caution.
Instances when you should use the DRA:
- When stopped at a staion when the last signal was Caution
- When stopped at a station and the next signal is Danger
- When stopped at any red signal
- Stopped at a station when authorised past a signal at danger
- Stopped at a station when proceeded on the authoirty of a positon light
- When the GSMR tell you to STOP
What are these?
PRI: Preliminary Route Indicators
Gives the driver advanced warning which route is set up ahead. It points to the same route that the junction indicator will point.
If the junction signal is at danger it will be blank.
What do the board wwith three stripes on mean?
Countdown Marker Board: 300m until
gives pre warning of the sign concerned.
What does this sign mean?
Not to be Moved Board
Do not move this train, only the person who put the sign on can remove it.
What do these signs mean?
Car Stop Boards
Shows the driver the appropriate place to stop for his/her train length.
Whats going on here?
Semaphore stop signal on the same post a distant signal.
The Stop signal is controlled by the signal box there, and the distant signal at the next signal box.
Obey the stop signal first if it at danger.
What is the green one and waht does it mean?
Banner Repeater Sign:
When a signal has sighting issues such as on a platform, curve in the track, trees, buildings etc, these can be used to give the driver a pre warning as to what that signal is set to.
In this case the signal that it relates to is showing a green aspect.
What is this sign and waht does it mean?
Stop Baord
Do not pass without permission. If you do it is a SPAD.
Can only pass this sign if:
- Permission has been given.
- Instrucitons on the board allow it.
What does this mean?
AWS Visual indicator
In this configuration it means the AWS warning has been acknowledged.
What does the sign on the left mean?
TSR warning board with direction indicator.
This indicates that a TSR speed of 20mph is ahead, the arrow indicates the TSR is on the left diverging TRACK from the straight track to the left
What is this sign and what does it mean?
Speed Previously Advised Terminated Early
They will be put up over all the TSR boards.
What is this sign?
Limit of Shunt Indicators
No part of the train should pass this sign without authority from the signaller. SPAD if you do.
In the sectional Appendix, what does this symbol denote?
In the Sectional Appendix, what does this symbol denote?
Signal Box
In the Sectional Appendix, what does this symbol denote?
Overhead Line Neutral Section [OHNS]
If your doctor or pharmacist has given you prescription medication whihc may afect your vigilance or performance, what actions must you take?
Inform your DM before taking the medication
Give three occasions when you may be required to undergo a medical screening?
- Following accident
- When there is a reaosn to believe you are under the influence
- When selected randomly
If you believe you should have recieved a publication and have not, what action would you take?
Speak to DM and make sure to gain a copy, do not delay and ignore. it is your responsibility.
When you pick up your WONS what are your responsibilties?
- Read it
- understand it
- sign it
keep it on you
- keep it confidential
- produce it for management if asked
How often is the Periodic Operating Notice Issued, and what is its purpose?
- Every three month
- Updates the rule book, changes will appear here four times before going into the rule book.
What is the rule book seperated into?
What publication contains table A
Setinal Appendix
Where would you find information regarding your next turn of duty?
Booking on / Rosta case
What is the title of the workign time directive related to trian driving
Hidden 18
What colour is the late notice case?
What does a green cab pass holder have the authority to do?
The bearer is competent in rules/regs and procedures relateing to driving and can asses or instruct. They can have upto three non railway guests.
What are the instructions regarding the use of mobile phones when carrying out safety critical duties
- turn it off and put it way.
- can use it in an emergenncy when conventional methods have failed.
What is the basic principle of most signalling systems?
One train in one section at any one time
What is the defintion of permissive working?
Permits one or more trains to proceed into an alreadly occupied section of line.
What is the meninng of a green aspect?
Safe to proceed
What is the meaning of a red apsect?
Danger Stop
What are route indicators provided for?
- To indicate the route you are set up to take at a junction.
- Can include letters or numbers
What will be displayed in a route indicator?
letters and numbers that identify the set track
How are indications of route given within a semaphore signalling areas?
- Stacked
- Stepped
- Route indicator
What is the definition of a shunt movement?
The movement of a train or vehicle other than in the normal operation of the running line.
Unless authorised otherwise, what is the max speed in a siding?
How are shunt movementc controlled?
- Handsignals
- Radio
What does a TPWS do?
It is there to mitigate the consequences of a SPAD, not to stop it. It has two dydtems, the OSS and TSS.
What two methods does an AWS give an indication to the dirver?
Audio and visual
- Audio: beep/horn [Clear/danger]
- Visual: black sunflower /yellow and black sunflower
Black Sunflower: clear / warning acknowledged
Yellow/black Sunflower: Warning needs to be acknowledged
What will happen if the driver fails to acknowledged the AWS warning?
Driver has approx 2.5 seconds to acknowledged, if he does not then the emergency brake will apply.
When set what does the DRA prevent the dirver form doing?
Used to remind the dirver he is at danger and will not allow traction power to be taken.
Circumstances he/she shoudl use the DRA are:
- Stopped at a platform with red signal
- Stopped at platform after passing a caution to get in
- Any stop signal
- At platform when authorised past a red to get in
- At platform when authorised by a associated position light to get in
- When GSMR sends STOP message
- When leaving the cab
What is the definition of a Permissable Speed
The maximum allowed running speed on that line for that location
Why would a TSR be implemented?
- Engineering works
- Signal Faults
- Level crossing faults
- Weather conditions
- Fault on rail
- Fault on Trains discovered
- etc etc
Where would the driver find information regarding a TSR?
WONS Section A
the WONS has the following section:
- Safety related info
- A: Speed restrictions
- B: Engineering Works
- C: Signal works faults
- D: General safety
What additional equipment is supplied at an ESR?
- EROS board
- AWS magnet 180m away [can be reduced to as low as 45m]
EROS: Emergency Restriction of Speed warning board
Where would the driver find info about an ESR?
Late Notice Case
When working on trains what is your first consideration?
When moving on a running line what lights MUST you need to have switched on?
Headlights and tail lamps
and, but not must marker lights
What light must be lit on the rear of a train when running on a mainline
Red Tail Lights
What class is a ordinary passenger train?
Class 2
During train dispatch, if you observed station staff rasie one arm above head, raise a dispatch bat or exhibit a white light above their head, what would this indicate.
It means platform duties are complete
to the driver means nothing and absolutly do not drive off.
During Train dispatch, how can the ready to start signal be given to the driver?
- Buzzer code TWO
- RA/R indicator
- Handsignal
What are the following buzzer codes:
- Ready to start
- Do not open doors
- Stop
- 2
- 2:2
- 1
You must not sound your warning horn between what times?
23.59 - 00.60
What horn noise would you use if you see anyone on or near the line
high and Low tone until they acknowledged it.
What publication contains info on level crossings?
Sectional Appendix
What would you do if you observed a defect or irreglarity with level crossing equipment ?
- Contact Signaller
- Complete RT3185 form
Give five examples of an operational incident?
- Stop at worng station
- Station over run
- station under run
- Speeding
- Open worng doors
What catagory of SPAD is the following?
Any SPAD where a STOP aspect or indication was dispalyed correctly, in sufficient time for the train to be stopped safely at the signal
- CAT A - Train passes signal at danger where preceding signals showing the correct restrictive aspects to allow train to come to a stop under normal conditions…can be due to driver error, rail head conditions, a fault with the train etc.
- CAT B - Train passes signal at danger due to signal going back to red without warning. Can be caused by signaller error or signalling equipment failures.
- CAT C - Train passes signal at danger that has been put back to red because of an emergency.
- CAT D - Runaway train/vehicle passes signal at danger…can be classed as CAT A under some circumstances.
Give 4 reasons why you might be required to undergo a drugs an alcohol test?
- Random
- After an incident
- If there is sufficent ground to suspect you are under the influence.
- Routine medical
What is the alcohol limit for driving?
29mg per 100ml of blood
How long can drugs stay in your system
depends on the drugs but can remain detectable in your system for many months.
If you are unable to attend work who do you call first?
First call 0330 808 1047
Other than drugs name a few things that can cause a driver to not be fit for duty.
- Fatigue
- Poor wellness and health: anxiety, depression, stress
- Poor communication skills
- Lack of concentration and attention
these are the four main factors that contribute to SPAD’s
Give ways trains drivers will be assesed?
- Observation
- Verbal questioning
- Written
- Simulation
- Practical
Where would you find info regarding your next turn of duty?
Booking on point, rosta case.
Identify the publications issued to a driver?
- Rule Book
- Sectional Appendix
- Traction Guide
- Route Maps
Name the notice cases
- Late notice case: RED / says MUST READ above it
- New notice CAse
- General Notice Case
- Permanent Notice Case
- Health and safety notice case: Yellow
- SPAD notice case
What regulations cover excessive working?
Hidden 18
What is the Hidden 18 requirments?
- No more 12hour shift
- Min 12 hours rest between shifts
- No more than 72 hours per week
- No more than 13 consecutive days
What are your responsibilities when issued with publications?
- Read it
- Sign it
- Take care of it
- Update it
- Keep ot confidential
- Produce it for management if asked
What does a black line in the rule book mean?
Change of rule published for first time.
What publication supplements the rule book?
Which publication contains details of TSR’s?
Give two phrases that must not be used on communications?
- Not Clear
- Over and Out
How is cab access controlled?
Cab passes:
- Pink; noone allowed
- Green: assess instrut/ 3 guests
- Blue: Assist driver in emergency / protect line, managers
- Purple
- Black
- Purple/orange striped
When can you use a mobile phone whilst driving?
Emergency only. Turned off all other times.
What is the name given to the last signal controlled by a particular signal box in an absolute block section?
Section Signal
Define the term station limits?
From 1st home signal to section signal
What is the distance overlap included in some home signals?
What three things does a track circuit block consist of?
Section section
Overlap (183m)
what happens when a train passes a signal showing a green aspect on a track circuit?
It turns to red (danger)
Identify two ways trains can be controlled at junctions on a track circuit block line?
Junction indicator
Route Indicator
What light will be used during pemrissive working?
Positon light, two white lights 45 degress form each other.
What type of sign is used when a main aspect signal is obscured by curvature of the linne, tunnel building etc?
Banner repeater,
What sign is used when the signal is hard to see or may be misread?
Co-acting signal
Why was TPWS introduced?
To mitigate the consequences of a SPAD, not prevent them.
What TPWS equipment is positioned at some stop signals?
TSS arming and trigger loop together at the signal.
What will happen if a driver fails to acknowledge the AWS wanring horn?
After 2.5 seconds the emergenmcy brake will apply.
What is the ECO’s role?
Control the operation of electrified lines, managing trains and shutoffs, and monitor and supervise the electrical control.
What is used to indicate the max permitted speed along a line?
Permissive sped sign.
What equiopment is used to warn dirvers of an approahcing ESR ahead?
EROS board and magnet n180m away form it, although this distacne can be reduce dup to 45m in tight spots.
What horn must be used to give wanring in a depot?
low tone
Give three way a driver may recive a ready to start siganl?
RA/R Sign
2 Buzzers
Green Flag / Green Light
After reaciving a ready to start signal what must the driver always do before taking power?
Double check the signal is clear.
How are depots protected, give some examples?
Position lights at shed entrances
Derailers outside shed
Desognated person authorises movemnt
3mph in shed / 5mph outside
Give some reasons whya dirver might be given permission to pass a signal at danger?
- Signal Broken
- Signal cant be cleared becasue train reversed into section and startiong form behind signal
- Signal cant be cleared due to faulty level crossing or TC
- Shunting
- Assisting
- Emergency evacuation
- Removing part of divided train
- Removing train that did a bad SPAD
- inspecting the line
- Single line wokring by pilotman
- Line under possession
What would be the normal structure of a normal coms calls.
- Me (name/title/employer/phone number)
- Location
- Want
- Repeat
How do you ensure you relay profession communication?
- A B C (accurate, brief, concise)
- Mic close but not touching mouth
- normal volume
- slightly slower pace normal rhythm
When to make an emergency call.
Earthwork risks (earth)?
- Landslide
- Washout
- Retaining wall failure
- Embankment Failure
When to make an emergency call.
Earthwork risks (Water)?
- Water rising from cess/ track
- Water pooling in cess / track
- Water flowing through a cutting
When to make an emergency call.
On passing train?
- Head light missing
- Door Open
- Unstable Load
- Fire on Train
- Hot axle Box
- Tail light missing
- Driver making emergency horn / lights / hand signal
When to make an emergency call.
Train on approach to?
- Broken Rail
- Line side Fire
- Flood
- Obstruction
- Large animal on line
- 5 or more small animals on line
What is the standard emergency call structure?
- Confirm its the signaller
- Me: name, title, employer, phone number
- Location
- Incident
- Want: eg line block
- Emergency Services: if needed and who
- Repeat
What are the three additional pieces of information on and emergency call when it is an OLE line?
- OLE structure Number
- Request OLE shutdown
- Is anyone ion contact or been in contact with OLE
name some methods to stop a train in an emergency?
- Contact Signaller
- Red Flag
- Red Light at night
- Any light waved vigorously
- Detonators
What ways can you ensure safe walking or working on the line?
- Know open lines
- Know the speeds
- Know the directions
- Know the safe walk routes
- Get signaller to block line
- 5 and 10 second rules
- 6ft and 10ft in emergency, never 4ft
What does a green cab pass allow?
a competent person who is trained in rules and procedures as a train driver and who can assess or instruct. Allowed up to three non railway guests.
What are the PICEE responsibilities?
- ID yourself to anyone arriving on site.
- ID yourself to the PIC of each emergency services.
- Shrinking: keep all up-to-date on reduction in isolation.
- handover: tell ECO with new PICEE.
- Takeover: talk to ECO immediately to understand details.
- Switch On: warn everyone keep back
- Emergency going on: meet NP and both contact ECO
- Emergency Over: inform ECOP and wait for instructions, don’t leave
How many units per hour do men and women burn?
Men burn 1.5 per hour, women 1 per hour.
Name some safe walk routes?
- Authorised walk route
- Bridge
- Underpass
- Level Crossing
- Barrow crossing
Legal alcohol limit?
29mgh per 100ml of blood.
If you have to walk across the rail how is the best way of doing it?
- Know line speed and direction
- Look both ways
- Be in a visible Spot
- Cross ninety degree to the track
- Ballast to ballast
- Take account of weather conditions
How many hours before shift must you not drink?
8 hours
What must you do regarding prescriptions?
Tell DM before you start taking them.
As a trainee train driver how will you be assessed?
- Verbal
- Exams
- Sim
- Written
- Downloads
What are the NTS skills?
- Situational awareness
- Communication
- Decision Making
- Work load management
- Self management
- Co-operating with others
What is the PONS and what does it do?
Periodic operating notice
Updates rule book
Updated Changes appear 4 times before going into rule book
As a trainee train driver how will you be assessed?
- Verbal
- Exams
- Sim
- Written
- Downloads
As a train driver what signals could you be given to tell you it is safe to depart?
- Buzzer code
- hand signal
- RA R indicator
What is a shunt movement?
The movement of trains/vehicles other than normal movements on a running line.
What is a shunt movement?
The movement of trains or vehicles other than the normal movement on a running line
What protection is in place in a yard or depot?
- speed limits
- Derailer
- Position Lights
- Stop boards
- Shunter
- Walk Routes
What must you do before shunting?
- Confirm exactly what will be done
- How it will be controlled
If you lose contact with the shunter what should you do?
STOP immediately and wait for contact to be restored.
Before shunting what safety things do you need to make sure of?
- Line is clear
- No do not move boards are attached
- no vehicle or equipment in way
- no fouling of points
- no person on line
- no person on adjacent line in danger
Before shunting what safety things do you need to make sure of?
- Line is clear
- No do not move boards are attached
- no vehicle or equipment in way
- no fouling of points
- no person on line
- no person on adjacent line in danger
What information does the sectional Appendix include?
- Maps
- Speeds (table A)
- Stations
- Bridges
- Tunnels
- level Crossings
- Junctions and speeds
What does the letters and numbers mean in a driver head code? eg 1Z789
1: Train Class
Z: Route (destination)
789: Train ID
Where would you find an AWS?
- Main Signals
- Distant Semaphore signals
- Level Crossings ABCL, AHBLC
- PSR / ESR / TSR warning boards
- Depot test magnet
What is all the drivers equipment you need?
- headlamp
- Hi Vis
- Watch
- Two glasses
- License x 2
- Keys
- RT3185
- NR3190
Publications you need for duty?
- Rule Book
- Sectional Appendix
- Traction Guide
- Route map
Name the notices cases?
- Late: 72 hours
- New: 4 weeks
- General: 4 weeks
- Permanent
- Health and safety
- Roster Case: booking on time, turn no and time
When would a driver need to complete a report?
- Incident
- Trespass
- Delay
- Late for Duty
- Defect