AWS / TPWS RS/522 Flashcards
General purpose of the AWS?
To provide the driver with an audible and visual indication when a distant signal is clear or at caution.
If the driver fails to acknowledge these indication an emergency brake application will be initiated.
How far is an AWS magnet positioned ahead of a signal?
Are AWS magnets provided at semaphore stop signals?
Will an AWS magnet be provided at a semaphore stop signal which also has a semaphore distant signal?
Yes, the AWS is provided for the distant signal
Which publication will show if AWS magnets are provided or not?
Sectional Appendix
Do reduction in permissible speed Warning Boards have AWS magnets fitted?
Yes, of the permissible speed was a above 60 and the reduction is 30% or more.
Name all the places you might find an AWS magnet?
- Main Light Signals
- Semaphore Distant Signals
- Level Crossing Warning Boards
- PSR Warning Boards [third less}
- TSR Warning Boards
- ESR Warning Boards
What does the permanent magnet do?
- first magnet the train will encounter,
when an electromagnet magnet is not provided or not energised and no suppressor magnet is active the AWS will give a warning indication to the driver.
What is the Electromagnet
- Fitted to the outward side of a permanent magnet if fitted.
- When energised the AWS magnet will give a clear indication to the driver.
When an electromagnet is energised what indication will the AWS give to the driver?
If the AWS magnet has no energised electromagnet or suppressor magnet not fitted or active what signal will the AWS give to the driver?
What is a suppressor magnet, and give an example of when one may be used?
Used to suppress permanent magnets when no indication is required for example going the wrong way along single/bi line.
What is a portable AWS magnet and give an example when they may use one?
Used to give a driver a warning on the approach to a TSR / ESR area. 180m from warning board.
What is the AWS fitted equipment on the train?
- AWS receiver
- AWS Audible indicator
- AWS visual indicator
- AWS/TPWS Acknowledge button
- AWS isolation/fault indicator
What noise does an AWS make for a clear signal?
What noise does an AWS make for a warning signal?
What does this AWS visual indication mean?
Black Signal:
- Associated signal is showing green/ clear, and
- Audible warning not been acknowledged and brake will apply if not acknowledged.
What does this AWS visual indication mean?
Yellow / Black Signal:
- Warning horn has been acknowledged.
How long does the driver have to acknowledge the AWS warning indication before emergency brakes apply?
2.5 Seconds
What does an AWS isolation/fault indicator mean when the light is:
- Off
- Flashing
- Steady
- AWS normal
- AWS fault
- AWS isolated
When would a driver receive an AWS warning indication? [6 items]
- Caution or Red aspect
- Caution Semaphore distant signal
- PSR reduction more than 33% less
- ESR / TSR waring boards
- ABCL / AOCL / OC warning boards
- Depot test magnet
Is the AWS capable of distinguishing between a red, yellow or double yellow aspect?
What indication will the driver get when;
- colour light signal is showing green
- distant signal is clear
clear bell signal.
What do these signs mean?
Going correct way along a line
- Start of AWS gap,
- End of AWS gap
What do these signs mean?
Going wrong way along a line
- Start of AWS gap,
- End of AWS gap
however if there is a TSR or ESR in this section those warning boards will have an AWS magnet.
what do these signs mean?
Single Bi lines when the AWS does not apply to that movement and a suppression magnet is not fitted.
- Blue one: Permanent AWS cancel indicator
- Yellow: Temporary AWS cancel indicator eg TSR
Where would an AWS cancelling indicator board be positioned normally?
180m after the magnet concerned
What is the purpose of the TPWS?
Under what circumstances will it trigger [4 items]
***NOT to prevent SPADS but to mitigate their consequences by preventing a train entering a confliction point***
The TPWS will initiate an emergency brake demand if the train has:
- Passed a signal at danger
- Approached Signal at danger too fast
- Approached a reduction in PS too fast
- Approached a buffer stop too fast
Where will TPWS be installed?
- Red aspect signals on passenger lines
- Red aspect signals on non passenger lines where that signal protects crossing or convergence of a passenger line
- At stop signals where conflicting movements could take place in the overlap
- Buffer stops on passenger line platforms. [65m away and will trigger over 10mph]
- Approach to PSR, where speed greater than 60 and reduction is a third or more
What distance is the TPWS set away form a buffer stop on a passenger platform and what speed will it operate above?
10 mph
What conditions must be met for a TPWS to be positioned at a Reduction in permissible speed?
the permissible speed is 60 or more and the reduction is a third or more.
What is the two TPWS track equipment modes?
OSS: Over speed sensor
TSS: Train Stop Sensor
How does the track equipment of the TPWS TSS work?
The TSS is mounted in the four foot at the signal:
- Energised when the signal is at danger, and
- Deenergised when the signal is clear.
What are the two track equipment components of the TPWS OSS.
- Arming Loop
- Trigger Loop
How does the track equipment of the TPWS OSS work?
- Train passes arming loop and clock starts
- If trains passes over Trigger loop within a set time period, it means its going to fast and TPWS operates.
Are TPWS OSS always active at stop signals regardless of aspect?
No, only when aspect is showing danger
Are TPWS OSS always active at reductions in PS areas or buffer stops?
Yes, always active here.
Is TPWS OSS provided at TSR zones?
Sometimes yes.
what is the on train TPWS equipment?
- Receiver
- Control panel
- Acknowledge button
- Temp isolation button
- Full isolation button [max speed 40]
What are the two lights and button called on a TPWS control panel?
- Brake Demand Light
- Temp isolation / fault light
- Train stop override button [lasts 20 seconds]
What does the Brake Demand light mean when:
- Off
- Flashing
- On
- No brake demand
- Brake demand initiated yet to be acknowledged
- Brake demand Acknowledged
What does the Temp Fault / isolation light mean when:
- Off
- Flashing
- On
- TPWS operating normal
- Fault exists/ start up check not completed correctly
- Temporary isolated
If when you start the train up the TPWS fault / isolation light continues to flash, what does this mean?
The automatic start-up check of the TPWS has not completed correctly. This can happen if the TPWS is over an active loop.
What does the Train Stop Override button do?
Over rides the TPWS for approx. 20 seconds or until the train passes over the TSS loop.
If the TPWS initiates a brake demand how long until the brake demand light clears and brakes release?
60 seconds
If the TPWS initiated a brake demand and you don’t press the acknowledgement button what light will indicate you have not done this and what state will it be in?
Brake demand button and will flash
if you press the acknowledge button the Brake Demand Indicator light will be on steady and extinguish after 60 seconds.
What is the difference between the standard and enhanced TPWS control panel?
On the enhanced panel the Brake Demand Indicator light is replaced with:
- SPAD Light / button
- Overspeed Light / Button
- AWS Light / button
- and has a Brake Release Button
The lights/buttons all have three states,
- OFF: No brake demand
- Flashing: brake demand needs acknowledging
- Steady: Brake demand acknowledged.
On the enhanced TPWS panel what does the Brake release button do?
Pressing this button with relevant braked demand button will release the brakes.
In cabs with the enhanced TPWS panel can you use the AWS acknowledgment button to acknowledge a brake demand form the TPWS?
No, the AWS acknowledge button will only work for the AWS magnet, you must use the buttons on the enhanced panel to acknowledge the relevant brake demand reason.
Where will the AWS/TPWS Temp isolation switch be found?
In the cab but out of reach from driving position.
Where will the AWS/TPWS Full isolation switch be found?
again, In the cab but out of reach from driving position.
When would you use the Full AWS/TPWS isolation switch instead of the Temp?
- Fault with TPWS
- Driver stopped on magnet and thus cant cancel AWS
TPWS fault codes, 1 -17
1: Horn and bell
2: Horn instead of Bell
3: None
4: Bell and Horn
5: Bell instead of horn
6: Brake without horn
7: None
7a: Visual indicator didn’t change
8: Horn
9: Bell
10: Unable to cancel
11: Indicator didn’t go black
12: AWS failed to arm
13: AWS failed to disarm
14: ATP/TVW failed to arm
15: ATP/TVW failed to disarm
16: TPWS failed to activate
17: TPWS operated when not required.
Name the AWS in cab equipment?
Audible indicator
Visual indicator
AWS reset button
Name the AWS on track equipment and where it is located?
AWS ramp or magnet
Positioned in the 4 foot
Normally 180 metres from the signal which it applies
Explain the AWS operation for a restrictive aspect?
the on train receiver receives a signal from the magnet.
A warning horn will sound in cab.
The visual indicator will display a yellow and black status.
AWS reset button must be pressed within 2.4 seconds otherwise the brakes will be automatically applied.
Explain the AWS operation for a clear aspect?
AWS will display a grey and black status
A ping will be given
No reset is required on the AWS reset button
When is AWS provided?
On approach to
A signal
Permanent speed restriction
Temporary speed restriction
Emergency speed restriction
AOCL and ABCL crossings
Test magnets when exiting shunt yards
AWS sign - white circle with a red cross?
Start of AWS gap in the right direction.
AWS sign - AWS in white square?
End of AWS gap in the right direction
AWS sign - white diamond with AWS?
End of AWS gap in the wrong direction
AWS sign - white diamond with AWS and red cross?
Start of AWS gap in the wrong direction.
AWS Sign - AWS cancelling indicator where permanent AWS magnet is installed?
St Andrews flag
AWS Sign - AWS cancelling indicator where TSR or ESR restrictions?
Yellow square with a black diagonal cross
what you would do if you had a wrongside AWS/TPWS failure?
Stop train immediately
Inform signaller immediately
Immediately complete RT3185 form
Right side failure, explain when you will need to report and subsequent actions?
Signaller must be told at first opportunity however do not need to stop specifically to do this. Complete RT3185 form
What faults could develop which requires the AWS to be isolated?
The horn does not stop sounding
Brakes are still applied when warning indication is cancelled
Successive or intermediate failures occur.
If AWS becomes defective, what should your actions be?
Stop train immediately
Inform signaller
Do not move train until instructed to do so
When can you isolate AWS?
Cancelling the warning indication does not stop horn
Successive or intermittent failures suggesting AWS equipment is defective
Train stops directly over the track, if isolate must make operative again as soon as train is moved. (Can move 2 foot without before contacting signaller on permissive working).
What systems are affected when AWS is isolated?
2 very important safety systems
Must have competent person (driver with route, signal traction knowledge) if moving train.
If signals cannot be seen or imperfectly shown, what r your actions?
Consider stop signal to be at danger
Distant signal to be at caution
Position light or shunting signal to be at normal.
If signal applies to you, stop and call signaller immediately.
If signal is on the other side of the railway contact signaller at earliest opportunity
Name the train equipment required for TPWS?
TPWS receiver under train
In cab Visual Control Panel comprises of -
Brake demand light (red)
Temporary isolation fault light (yellow)
Train stop overide button and light (yellow)
Temporary isolation switch for temporary block working or emergency special working
What will happen if you are speeding over an OSS?
Emergency brake application
No noise but flashing brake demand light
Must acknowledge with AWS reset button
XXX If an automatic brake application is initiated as a result of TPWS you must?
Ensure the train is brought to a stand
Acknowledge the TPWS brake demand
Report to signaller
Follow instructions you are given
Make no further movement of train until instructed by signaller
What is the purpose of the arming loop?f
When signal is displaying stop signal the arming loop becomes energised
As train passes over arming loop a timer starts. This is used to determine how long it takes the train to reach the trigger loop and can then determine the speed of the train.
Will apply emergency brake application if necessary.
Psr and buffer stop arming loop always on.
Signals arming loop on at danger
What is the purpose of the trigger loop?
When signal is at danger.
If train reaches trigger loop within a set time will activate and apply emergency brake.
Brake demand will be lit in cab.
No noise but must be acknowledged.
What does a flashing yellow light on visual control panel indicate?
There is a fault with the TPWS equipment in that cab.
Driver Must try to rectify by either shutting down the desk, isolating the system. This must not be done without authority from signaller.
What does the train overide button do when pressed?
If authorised to pass a signal at danger you should operate the train overide button.
Button will illuminate yellow.
Approximately 20 seconds to allow you to pass one signal at danger.
If TPWS develops a fault you must?
Stop the train immediately
Report the circumstances to the signaller
Do not move the train until instructed to do so
Act in accordance with the instructions you are given
Complete RT3185