Roots Flashcards
Outer most layer
ground tissue
is a diverse and versatile plant tissue that fills the space between the specialized vascular and dermal tissues
vascular tissue of roots
Tracheids: These are long, tapering cells with thick walls and small pits.
Vessel Elements: Vessel elements are shorter, wider cells with perforated end walls.
Parenchyma and Fibers: store food or perform metabolic functions, while fibers provide structural support to the xylem.
Sieve Tube Elements: These are the main conducting cells of the phloem. They are elongated cells with perforated end walls called sieve plates.
Companion Cells: Each sieve tube element is associated with a companion cell, which provides metabolic support and energy to maintain the transport processes in the phloem.
Parenchyma Cells: may also contain parenchyma cells that store sugars and perform various metabolic functions.
identify monocot vs. eudicot roots
Monocots: Fibrous root system
Eudicot: Taproot system
how do lateral roots grow from pericycle
Honestly look it up
increased nutrient absorption, enhanced tolerance to environmental stress (such as drought and disease), improved root development, and overall healthier growth.
root nodules
enables fix to atmospheric nitrogen. It reduces the plant’s reliance on external sources of nitrogen, such as synthetic fertilizers or nitrogen-rich organic matter. (Nitrogen fixiation)