BIO 131 EXAM 1 study guide Flashcards
What is Linnaeus’ order of taxa (Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class. etc.)
Domain, Kingdom, Phylum (for animals) or Division (for plants and some other groups), Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
How to make/use a dichotomous key
- Define the purpose
- Choose characteristics
- Create pairs of contrasting statements
- Start with a general question”
- Arrange the choices hierarchically
- Provide identification at the end:
- Test the dichotomous key
- Share or use the key
Domain: Bacteria, Phylum: Cyanobacteria, genus: Anabaena
Heterocyst- nitrogen fixation
Vegatative cells- just grow lol
Akinete- Larger resistant stage
Domain: Bacteria, Phylum: Cyanobacteria, unicellular with gelatinous sheath surrounding cell; looks like clusters of colonies
Domain: Bacteria, Phylum: Cyanobacteria long filament of cells; photoautotrophs
Kingdom: protista, Domain: Eukaryota, phylum: Tubilnea Supergroup Unikonta: Clade Amoebozoa
This type of protist is distinguished by its remarkable flexibility and the existence of pseudopodia. Extends a clear outermost area of the cytoplasm called ectoplasm supports the fragile membrane as endoplasm flows into this extension.
- engulf, debris (food) by phagocytosis
- Monoaxial (one way) cytoplasmic streaming (ectoplasm and Endoplasm)
Domain: Protozoa, Phylum: Eumycetozoa
-plasmodial slime mold
-diploid coenocytic (multinucleate)
- plasmodium phase Cellular slime molds- remain separate amoeba/ amoeba flagellates
Domain: Eukaryote, Kingdom: Protista, Phylum Kinetoplastida, Super group: Excavata, Clade: Euglenozoa
- sleeping sickness
Domain: Eukaryote, Kingdom: Protista, Phylum Euglenophyta, Super group: Excavata, Clade: Euglenozoa
- Unicellular organism; moves using its flagella; asexual reproduction; have chloroplasts to absorb sunlight
- Eye spot
Phylum Foraminifera
Domain: Eukaryote, Supergroup “SAR” clade: Rhizaria
-multi-chambered test of CaCO
Phylum Radiolaria
Domain: Eukaryote, Supergroup: SAR, Clade: Rhizaria
- axopodia
-single chamber test of SiO 2
Domain: Eukaryote, Kingdom: Protista, Clade Alveolata, Phylum Ciliophora
-feeds using cilia and flagella and phagocytosis via the oral groove
-Trichocysts: defensive mechanisms to deter or capture predators, such as other microorganisms
-pellicle: is a protective and structural feature, contributing to their shape, support, and protection
-contractile vessicles: are specialized organelles that help regulate water content and prevent cell rupture in freshwater environments with varying osmotic conditions
Phylum Dinoflagellata
Domain: Eukaryote, Kingdom: Protista, Clade Alveolata, Super group: SAR
-“Dyno” like Dynamo means to spin
-2 groves each with a flagellum, spiral as the swim
cellulose cell walls, Zooxanthellae
- Pigment peridinin= red color
Phylum Bacillariophyta
Domain: Eukaryote Kingdom: Chromista, Phylum: Bacillariophyta, Clade: Stramenopila
(Diatoms) SiO 2 cell walls,
* pigment fucoxyanthin = brownish color
Phylum Phaeophyta
Domain: Eukaryote, Kingdom: Protista, Clade: Stramenopila
- brown algae
-Anatomy: Holdfast, Stipe, Blade, Gas bladders
Fucus lifecycle- dioecious sporophyte plants (2n) makes antheridia
(sperm)and Ooogonia (eggs). Zygote grows into new plants.
Phylum Rhodophyta
Supergroup Archaeplastida, Kingdom/Phylum Rhodophyta, Domain: Eukaryote
-red algae
-pigments: Phycoerythrin, Phycocyanin= red colors
-Sporophyte (2n) and Gametophyte(n) phases
-Tetraspores (n) form by meiosis on (2n) sporophyte plant
-Recognize-female and male (n) gametophyte plants
-Separate male, female gametophyte plants
Phylum Chlorophyta
Domain: Eukaryote, Clade: Viridiplantae
-green algae (Chara, Chlamydomonas, Spirogyra, Volvox)
-Chlorophylls a & b
coccus (cocci)
spherical shaped bacteria
Rod shaped bacteria
What is diploid coenocytic
Diploid: In genetics, diploid refers to a state in which an organism or cell has two sets of chromosomes.
Coenocytic (or coenocyte): A coenocytic organism or structure is one that consists of a multinucleate cell without cell walls dividing it into separate compartments. Instead of undergoing cell division with complete cell wall formation (cytokinesis)
SO: its something that has two sets of chromosomes (diploid) and does not have cell walls separating its nuclei (coenocytic).
Domain: Eukaryote Kingdom: Chromista, Phylum: Apicomplexa, Clade: Alveolata, Super group: SAR
-causes Malaria, Merozoites inside
red blood cells.
-2 Hosts: human and mosquito
Chara sp
Sub phylum Charaphyceans (Chlorophta): Be able to identify sexual structures ( Antheridia and Oogonia) from prepared slide
-All haploid, zygote immediately under goes meiosis.
-More closely related to plants than other green algae.
(Ammonia formation) in water in trickling filter as organic
waste (proteins) is digested by bacteria and other protists in water
NO2 formation) in Biotower
-Probable Denitrification in Biotower as well
What is Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) ?
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is a measure of the oxygen required by microorganisms to break down organic matter in water
What role do archaea play in the digester?
archaea are essential microorganisms in anaerobic digesters, where they are primarily responsible for the conversion of intermediate products into methane during the process of methanogenesis.
Aqua Gaurd
Screens out unwanted waste from house holds
Primary Clarifier
Second form of treatment. Seperates solids with rotaing arms that spin. (Physical proccess)
Tracking filter
Where waste products in the effluent are broken down
What types of compounds do the hetertrophic bacteria breakdown?
Organic waste and Ammonia (NH3)
How does the trickling filter provide a suitable habitat for these aerobic bacteria?
By providing an oxygen rich environment using rocks to break down organic pollutants
What chemical compound being broken down in the trickling filter forms the ammonia in the water?
Whatr would happen to a stream if a large amount of water with high B.O.D levels was released into it?
It would kill the biofilm
How does the biotower get rid of the ammonia, and what is it converted into?
It breaks down ammonia by letting the water sit in the bacteria (bio film) for longer. It converts it into nitrite (NO2) and nitrate
How does UV light disinfect water?
It breaks DNA
Two types of Archea are activie in anaerobic digester. What does the first group do?
The first group breaks down ammonia
What does the second group of Archea do in the anaerobic digester
Reduces ammonia and nitrate, making it safer for discharge
What are some ecological roles of the marsh?
Provides a habitat for animals to migrate to and maintain vital marsh plants
How does the cell wall anatomy determine gram stain response (positive/negative)
the Gram stain response is determined by the thickness and composition of the cell wall. Gram-positive bacteria retain the crystal violet-iodine complex due to their thick peptidoglycan layer, while Gram-negative bacteria do not retain it as effectively because of their thin peptidoglycan layer and the presence of an outer membrane.
What is the gram stain procedure
Dry sample onto slide, using flame
* Add Crystal Violet, 30 sec
* dH2O rinse
* Add Iodine solution, wait 30 secs
* dH2O rinse * Add ETOH drop by drop to destain
* dH2O rinse
* Add Safranin, wait 30 secs
* dH2O rinse
* Blot dry Gram Positive Gram Negative
stain +/- Antibiotic response- E. coli, Staphylococcus epidermidis
Staphylococcus epidermidis: Purple postive
E. coli: pink negative
In evolutionary terms, a group with a trait that is “better fit” _________.
leaves more fertile offspring into future generations
The scientific method can be used to solve problems or answer questions that can be _____.
be measured using physcial properties
In science an documented and accepted general explanation for a process is called _________.
a theory
a hypothesis
a law
Analogous traits in two species ___________.
have the same functions and do not show common ancestry.
In convergence,
the same mutation forms in more than one population at the same time.
two dominant species begin compete for resources.
closely related species look similar to each other.
different species adapt to similar environments.
formerly isolated populations reestablish gene flow.
different species adapt to similar environments.
How would you properly identify (describe) a bacteria with a round shape and grows in pairs?
Prokaryotes’ essential genetic information is located in the
Which term describes a prokaryote that obtains both energy and carbon as it decomposes dead organisms?
Bacterial cell walls are composed of _______.
Which is not a prokaryote feature?
Cell wall
Plasma membrane
A nonessential gene in a bacteria that is present in only some of the individuals in a population (such as antibiotic resistance) most probably would be found in the ______.
genophore/nucleoid region
In a process called _______________ bacteria take in atmospheric nitrogen and produce ammonia.
nitrogen fixation
In transformation bacteria_______________.
take in free DNA from their environment.
Cells ( and some organelles) reproduction- match the cell type with the division process
Prokaryotes ( Bacteria and Arcahe)
Eukaryote - One cell goes to 2 identical cells
Eukaryote- one (2n) diploid cell goes to 4 (n) haploid cells all distinct
Chloroplasts and Mitochondria
Binary Fission as independent
Binasry fission inside a eukaryotic cell
Binary Fission as independent cell
Binasry fission inside a eukaryotic cell
Place these events in the origins of the eukarya in order of occurrence, earliest to most recent:
Formation of nucleus and endomembrane system
Formation of mitcochondria
Formation of chloroplast from
Formation of chloroplast from
Formation of nucleus and endomembrane system
Formation of mitcochondria
Formation of chloroplast from cyanobacteria
Formation of chloroplast from an algal cell