MicroEvolution Flashcards
MicroEvolution is any change in a population’s _____ over time or between generations
Gene frequencies
The only level of evolution we can normally observe in our life time is
A population is all the members of a ____ that potentially would like to ____ together. They form the local ____ pool
Traits, high gene, gene
The hardy Weinberg equation conditions identified 5 sources/cause of evolution:
Gene flow
Random mating
Natural Selection
Large population
Types of Natural Selection: In response to a drought a birds population’s average beak size increases
Directional Selection
Types of Natural Selection: Because both underweight and babies over 9 pounds. Hve a reduced survival, average human birth rate remians fairly stable over time.
Stabalizing Selection
Types of Natural Selection: A dry land snake population expands its range into a marshland and forest area. Over time subpopulations form adapting to living and find prey in aquatic marshland and the other specializing in the shaded forest areas
Disruptive Selection
In response to a new antibiotic the frequency of resistance increases
Directional Selection
Fur coloration is fairly constant in small mammal populations. Both lighter and darker morphs tend to succumb to predation more easily
Stabalizing Selection
Genetic Drift takes place in _____ populations
The effect of genetic drift on a population, is that over time the _____ is reduced by random events. In a _____ effect a larger population is reduced to a few individual and then the population recovers become a large again.
Gene pool, bottle neck
When a new population if founded by a few individuals and the new population remains isolated form the parent population this causes a ____ effect
The net result of genetic drift is _______ in a population
Change in allele frequency
In lab a group of stoneflies only used 25 individuals to mate for each generation, by 35 generations the allele frequency had
When they used 50 individuals to mate for each generation, by 35 generations the allel frequency had
Our california sea otters were hunted down to around 30 individuals. Since then they number have come up around to 2,750. Looking at the genetics of this population you would expect the diverstiy to be ______ because the population has been through a ______
lower, Bottle neck
The most obvious result of sexual selection is _____ in a population, where you can distinguish the females from the males
Off Spring
It is seperate from natural selection in that it solely adapts for traits that enhance an organism’s ability to _____. Natrual selection in that it solely adapts for traits that enhance an organism’s adaptation to ______
Reproduce ,survive
Male elephant seals competing againts each other to establish a harem is an example of sexual selection in that it directly selects male individuals with certain traits that are more likely than other individuals to
produce fertile offspring
Frequency Dependent Selection is when the most common form is selected _____
In our coho salmon when the jack forms is most prevalent, they have problems finding ____ and are selected againts. When hooknose is the more prevalent morph there is more _____
Mates, competition
When right-mouthed predator fish are abundant, they prey learn to avoid them, increasing the survival of ____ predator fish
In _____ there are several recognizable forms or morphs in the same population. The morphs are not specifically ____ to local conditions. Red flower and white flowering peas in the same population is a ______.
Polymorphism, adapted, ?
A locally adapted population is an ecotype. This population shares traits as a whole that make it better adapted to _____. You compare it to another _______
Habitats, Population
A series of locally adapted populations along an environment gradient is a _____. IT is made of several different ______.
Cline, Ecotypes
List the environmental factor in the three environmental gradients we looked at:
I. Long island to the Atlantic ocean: fish allele frequency along a _____ gradient.
II. Maine to georgia fish allele frequency along _____ gradient.
III. Yarrow plants in California along a ____ gradient
I. Salinity
II. Latitidue
III. Elevation
Lions and Tigers are both members of the same ____ becuase they share a common _____.
Genus, ancestor
Lions and Tigers are seperate
In Taxonomy, a groupo of families more closely related to each other than groups of families would for a(n) __
We use the ____ ____ concept to determine what make up a species
Biological species
Species are all the natural ______ that potentially can ____ together
Populations, reproduce
How come sometimes populations meet the B.S.C standard but still aren’t recognized as a seperate species
No potential to interbreed
The B.S is a “gold standard”, two cases where species are recognized but don’t meer the standard
A) Forms fertile hybrids but still are sperate species EX:_____
B) __________ EX: Fossils
Wheat, non-sexual species cannot reproduce within population
Some breeders have crossed lions and tigers to make ligers and tigons, still biologist consider tigers and lions to be a seperate species becuase these liger and tigon hybrids are ______
For a new species to form of _____ to gene flow develops between groups of populations