RHD Flashcards
RHD definition
damage to right side of brain
causes of RHD
DEFIcitis related to date,, time, and place
attention deficits of RHD
different types especially sustained attention and selective attention
RHD perception deficits
visual perception deficits including deficits in left visual field
RHD reasoning and problem solving deficits
deficits in problem solving and generating solutions
RHD memory deficits
recall of previously learned info and learning new memory
RHD social communication (pragmatics) deficits
deficits in abstract lang, understanding jokes, making inferences, understanding nonverbal cuees
RHD organization deficits
arranging information and planning
RHD insight deficits
recognizing probs and impact on daily functioning
RHD possible lang deficits
comp, expression, pragmatics
T/F: RHD has body and image distortions
T/F: RHD has visual memory and imagery prbs
WHAT facial recognition deficits are seen in RHD
PROSOPAGNOSIA: unable to recognize own face, family members faces
T/F: RHD has intact aud comp
-its impaired
T/F: RHD is accepting of their illness
-ANOSOGNOSIA: denial of illness
T/F: RHD has problems in affect and emotional appropriateness
T/F: RHD has reduced sensitivity to external world
LIST assessment of RHD
-LANG eval
-cog eval
-determind presence of any co-morbidities
what tests are commonly used in assessment of RHD
-Mini inventory of right brain injury (MIRBI)
-ross information processing assessment (RIPA)
-RIC evaluation of communication problems in right hemispher dysfunction 3 (RICE 3)
tx of RHD should be based
on specific clients goals and needs
RHD tx should have specific emphasis on
-visuospatital neglect (by active scanning, external and internal curing)
-planning and problem solving (presenting real-life scenarios),
-overall communication (pragmatic skills)
RHD tx should focus on what cognitive domains
-problem solving
list tx considerations of RHD
-ask q’s and use reminders to keep on topic
-avoid sarcasm, matephors
-provide consistent routine
-break down instruction into small steps
-decrease distractins when communicating
-use calendars, clocks, and notepads to remind person of important info
what should uou do in tx of RHD if he/she is experience left-side neglect
-stand to persons right
-place object to the persons right
what are 2 tx program for RHD
-therapy for prospagnosia
describe PACE
-IMPROVE pragmatic skills by teaching them to differntiate between relevant and irrelevant stimuli, use of contextual cues, follow conversational rules, and avoid confabulation
components used in PACE
-IDENTIFY themes or main idease frm reading stimuli
-help client to order info from least to most important
-work on turn taksing, topic maintenance, and otheer pragmatic skills
describe therapy for prosopagnosia
-create list of verbal cues that help in recalll of imporant people
-practice sorting cues with corresponding picturs of family members