part 3: treatment of speech sound disorders Flashcards
target selection for tx
-types of patterns
-effect on intelligibility
-age of acquistion
-error consistency: start with sounds that are sometimes produced correctly
cycles approach - when to use
-children with highly unintelligibile speech
-goal of tx is to increase intelligibility/communication
-no mastery criterion, cycle the phonemes out as need
cycles approach - emphasis of tx
- auditory bombardment
- production practice
3.errorless learning
go in order from most stimulable sounds
cycles approach - method
-review practice words from previous session
-introduce phoneme target for the day
-auditory bombardment (read list of words containing sound for 1 min)
-activity with new target words
-stimulability prob to select targets for next session
-2nd auditory bombardment plus phonological awareness activity
-home practice
goal of traditional/motor based approach
change motor behaviors
-assume all artic errors happen bc of incorrect placement of
3 stages of traditional approach
- establishment
- generalization
- maintenance
establishment: traditional approach
teach correct production in easiest environments
-perceptual discrimination/training: identification, isolation, stimulation discrimination
steps for production practice
- imitation/stimulability training
- teach phonetic placement
- successive approximation: build off of what child can say and modify them into target sound
- contextual utilization
core vocabulary treatment
focus on small, functional vocab in increase intelligibility; can be combined with other approaches
steps for core vocab tx
- child, parents, teachers select 30-50 high functioning words
- select 10 words each week of tx
- end session by rehearsing best productions (consistently correct productions removed from list, inconsistent words remain on the list)
visual feedback: electropalatography
a false palate provides feeback about the placement of the tongue along the hard palate
visual feedback: spectograms
provide visual feedback of the acoustics of speech. certain sounds have acoustic cues that can be readily observed in a spectogram
visual feedback: ultrasound
provides visual feedback of tongue shape and some information about tongue placement
visual feedback: real-time spectra
the Start App provides a real-time spectrum, allowing both the clinician and client to see the 3rd formant
visual feedback: drawing of vocal tract or articulatory synthesizer
drawing or using a articulatory synthesizer can help the client visualize
enhanced auditory feedback of a client’s own voice. good for almost any sound
auditory feedback: straws
especially good for laterilized /s/
auditory feedback perturbation
acoustic cues (formants or pitch) are manipulated while a person speaks so they hear something else
different types of tactile feedback
-sucker or tongue depressor
Speech Buddies
minimal pairs (phonological approach)
focus on contrast of sounds (a single phoneme contrasted to another single phoneme)
-communication oriented: help child understand difference
-typically paired sound with errored sound
-use perceptual training