EBP: foundations Flashcards
3 pillars of ebp
-clinical expertise/expert opinion
-client/patient/caregiver perspectives
-external scientific evidence
6 steps of ebp practice
- ask - formulate an answerable question
- search
- appraise - evaluate evidence
- integrate
- evaluate - evaluate effectiveness
- disseminate
P - patient/problem
I - intervention
C - comparison/contrast
O - outcome
what kind of patient or problem are we looking at
what tx is gonna be used
the intervention used compared to something (no tx, a different one, etc.)
what is the measure, how you will know the answer to your question
where to find evidence
Pubmed, ebsco, google scholar, library database - search engines
systematic reviews - normally stated in the title
clinical best-practice summaries - asha website
systematic review
reviews other studies to give a big picture about the question
systematic refers to defining what their searching for before they search
systematic review + statistical analysis on the results they found
clinical best-practice summaries (guidelines on asha)
clinical expertise
best practices on documenting lit search
-heading: where you searched & search terms
-include a link to article location
-list notes below the citation about the article’s usefulness for your current purpose
-document every search, so you dont repeat your work later
-reorder citations within each search from most to least useful
-make notes to self on future searches to try
how to read research article quickly
1) abstract - is this article relevant
2) find the research question (in the intro)
3) find answers in conclusion
4) start from the top, get context from lit review
5) methods evaluate study quality
6) results: evaluate rigor
when is it allowed to use prisoners as participants in a research study
when might it be acceptable to lie to participants about the purpose of a research study?
-it has to be necessary in order to conduct the study and it cannot do the participants any harm
-participants must be informed at the very end
-be prepared for possible consequences coming from the lie
informed consent
-informed of procedures, risks, alternatives
-understand, make free choice to participate (reading level 6-8th grade)
coercion, fair compensation
rewards cannot be too enticing (too much money sways beyond comfort, difference in cultural values)
can quit anytime and still get compensation
vulnerable populations
includes anyone whose capacity for decision-making is diminished (people living in poverty, pregnant women, prisoners, intellectual disabilities, etc.)
students - if you feel like you have to participate for your grade or something like that
-extra protections
-only when the truth upfront would make the experiment impossible
-must minimize risks of harm due to deception
-must debrief at end
participant selection
-fair distribution of risks and benefits
-minimize selection bias (this includes convenience and vulnerable populations)
withholding treatment
no trreatmet control groups: may feel unfair to let people go untreated
-you dont know yet if the treatment works so its not unenthical
conflicts of interest
-when researcher has another role/interest related to the research/outcomes
-clinicians shouldnt recruit their own clients unless they have to, if they do involve disinterested monitors