Review of Systems and Medical Screening Flashcards
What is the purpose of a review of system
- ID symptoms unusual for impairment-related conditions
- ID symptoms related to reason for attending PT
- ID symptoms unrelated to patient’s primary problem
- ID if the patient fits into your scope of practice
General health and constitutional screening: fatigue (what are some common causes)
- psychological: depression, anxiety, stress
- endocrine/metabolic: hypothyroidism, DM, adrenal gland dysfunction (Addisons disease)
- infectious diseases
- neoplasm
- cardiovascular/pulmonary: CHF (lack of perfusion/O2), COPD, pneumonia
- connective tissue disorders: Ehlers-danlos, POTS, FMS, RA
- sleep disorders: sleep apnea, narcolepsy, insomnia
General health and constitutional screening
- sense of uneasiness or general discomfort
- often noted with systemic conditions that typically generate a fever
- feeling unwell
General health and constitutional screening
fever, chills, sweats
constitutional symptoms
General Health and constitutional screening
unexplained weight loss
- cancer
- mental health/eating disorders
- drug addiction
- general aging (decreased activity, isolation, side effect of meds)
- dysphagia
- stress
- GI dysfunction
General health and constitutional screening
unexplained weight gain
- chf
- lymphedema
General health and Constitutational screening
what can cause this (and groups of conditions
- always ask how long it has been going on => is it acute or recurrent?
if not GI dysfunction
- acute condition: hungover, widthdrawal, stress
- chronic: pregnancy, GERD, radiation, mental health
- Neurological: mengitis, migrains, vertigo
General health and constitutional screening
Paresthesia, numbness weakness
examples of conditions
- progressive?
- patterns?
- causes: radiculopathy, acute compartment syndrome, cancer, stroke like symptoms, nerve palsy
General health and constitutional screening
what can cause it/types of conditions
- neurogenic causes: stroke, bppv, vertigo, concussion/TBI
- cardiovascular: orthostatic hypotension, dehydration (diaretics), POTs, A-fib, heart block, carotid artery of Vertebral-basliar artery occlusion,
- Other: hyperventilation, anxiety, pe, heat stroke, medications
General health and constitutional screening
Mentation/cognition changes
where can these changes be demonstrated
- level of consciousness
- attention
- memory
- orientation
- thought process
- judgement
Cardiovascular and peripheral vascular screening
- palpitations: pt reports, usually excessive caffeine
- syncope
- dyspnea
- cough: is it nocturnal (PND)
- sweats: autonomic reactions, cardiac issues
- edema: CHF, venous insufficiency
- cold distal extremities, skin discoloration, open wounds/ulcers
General health and constitutional screening
Pulmonary screening
- dyspnea, cough: productive? => how often are you coughing
- wheezing
- stridor
Hematologic screening
types of disorders
Erythrocyte disorders:
- low = fatigue, dizzy, brain fog,
- polycythemia = chronic hypoxia; at risk for clots
Leukocyte disorders:
- infection cancer/leukemia
- low WBCs is common in cancer patients
platelet disorders:
- high: clots
- low bleeding
bleeding disorders:
- hemphilia (Genetic)
lab values
- males: 14-17.4
- females: 12-16
lab values
- normal ~45%
- males: 42-52%
- females: 37-47