Review from Book: Mod 40-49 Flashcards
What factors affect our attributions? How does culture affect our attributions?
Westerners - attribute behavior to people’s personal traits
China & Japan - more sensitive to power of the situation
When are attitudes especially likely to affect our behavior?
When external influences are minimal and the attitude is stable, specific to the behavior, and easily recalled
What is the foot-in-the-door phenomenon and how does it relate to what happened to US prisoners of war during the Korean War?
the tendency for people who have first agreed to a small request to comply later with a larger request.
Captors secured prisoners’ collaboration in various activities, ranging from simple tasks (running errands to gain privileges) to more serious actions (false confessions, informing on other prisoners, and divulging U.S. military information). After doing so, the prisoners sometimes adjusted their beliefs to be more consistent with their public acts (Lifton, 1961). When the war ended, 21 prisoners chose to stay with the communists. Some others returned home convinced that communism was good for Asia
What is minority influence? When is it likely to be successful?
The power of one or two individuals to sway majorities
hold firmly to your position and don’t waffle
self-confidence stimulates others to consider why you react as you do
people may privately develop sympathy for the minority position and rethink their views
What are group polarization and group think?
Polarization - the enhancement of a group’s prevailing inclinations through discussion within the group
Think - the mode of thinking that occurs when the desire for harmony in a decision-making group overrides a realistic appraisal of alternatives
What is implicit prejudice?
a negative attitude, of which one is not consciously aware, against a specific social group
How does violent media relate to social scripts?
Media violence teaches us social scripts—culturally provided mental files for how to act in certain situations
What is the decision-making process for bystander intervention?
Before helping, one must first notice an emergency, then correctly interpret it, and then assume responsibility
What did Freud believe about defense mechanisms? (do not need to know each type)
Freud proposed that the ego protects itself with defense mechanisms—tactics that reduce or redirect anxiety by distorting reality
What do the Thematic Apperception Test and the Rorschach inkblot test measure?
TAT - a projective test in which people express their inner feelings and interests through the stories they make up about ambiguous scenes
Rorschach - the most widely used projective test. Designed by Hermann Rorschach, the test seeks to identify people’s inner feelings by analyzing how they interpret 10 inkblots
What is Maslow’s hierarchy of need and what is self-actualization?
Psychological needs Safety Love and belonging Esteem Self-actualization -the process of fulfilling our potential
What are self-efficacy and the self-serving bias?
Self-efficacy - our sense of competence and effectiveness
Self-serving bias - a readiness to perceive ourselves favorably
How do the medical model and the biopsychosocial approach differ?
Medical model - psychological disorders have physical causes that can be diagnosed, treated, and, in most cases, cured, often through treatment in a hospital
Biopsychosocial approach - emphasizes that mind and body are inseparable
What is epigenetics?
the study of the molecular mechanisms by which environments can influence genetic expression
What is the prevalence of suicide and what are some risk factors of suicide?
800,000 suicides a year
Anxiety and depression
What are protective factors for psychological disorders?
Aerobic exercise Community offering empowerment, opportunity, and security Economic independence Effective parenting Feelings of mastery and control Feelings of security High self-esteem Literacy Positive attachment and early bonding Positive parent-child relationships Problem-solving skills Resilient coping with stress and adversity Social and work skills Social support from family and friends
What is panic disorder?
an anxiety disorder marked by unpredictable, minutes-long episodes of intense dread in which a person may experience terror and accompanying chest pain, choking, or other frightening sensations; often followed by worry over a possible next attack
What is rumination and how does it contribute to the cycle of depressed thinking?
compulsive fretting; overthinking our problems and their causes
(1) Stressful experiences interpreted through (2) a ruminating, pessimistic explanatory style create (3) a hopeless, depressed state that (4) hampers the way the person thinks and acts. This, in turn, fuels (1) further stressful experiences such as rejection. Depression is a snake that bites its own tail.