Review Flashcards
Which neurons are nociceptors activity transmitted?
by alpha-delta myelinated and unmyelinated C fibers
A patient reports persistent pain along a rib on the anterior and posterior surface of his chest. There were numerous vesicles noted in a stripe fashion, but these abated about 9 weeks ago. Which is the most likely cause of this symptomology?
postherapeutic neuralgia
A patient is attempting to draw more blood flow to a painful area through relaxation techniques. This technique is called?
exaggerated pain to nociceptive stimuli, pain that continues even after pain stimuli is removed
spontaneous, unpleasant sensations, feelings “pins and needles”, “tingling, prickling, “falling asleep”
increased sensitivity to pan
pain after non-noxious stimuli
reduced pain sensation
absence of pain
Elizabeth experiences intense pain initiated by light touch that should not normally induce pain
Heartburn is most likely the consequence of what?
an esophageal spasm, backflow of gastric contents into the esophagus, and stimulation of the esophageal sensory nerve endings
The factors that increase the risk of developing ulcerative colitis are believed to include which of the following?
genetics, environmental risks, and immunologic disorders
Ulcerative colitis and Crohn disease share several similarities. Specific distinctions or differences that are unique to Crohn disease include which of the following?
pain that is severe and localized, smoking increases the risk, and primary affecting the proximal portion of the colon
Appendicitis is one of the most common abdominal conditions requiring emergency surgery. Although its symptoms sometimes overlap with those of other abdominal disorders, appendicitis is initially characterized by which of the following?
nausea, vomiting, constipation, migrating lower-right quadrant pain, and periumbilical pain
Which of the following is a common but serious consequence of progressive inflammation of diverticula (diverticulitis)?
peritonitis, intestinal obstruction, bowel abscesses, and bowel wall perforation
The pituitary gland produces a hormone that is a potent anabolic agent that causes the development of all tissues of the body that are capable of responding to it. This hormone is called
growth hormone
The most significant regulator of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) release is?
osmotic pressure of plasma
The pathology of syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) secretion, leading to dilution of serum and an excess of water relative to solute, produces
hemoconcentration and falsely high Hb
An enlarged thyroid gland produces a colloid goiter when
lack of Iodine prevents T3 and T4 formation but without stopping thyrogobulin formation
If the cause of hypercortisolism is an adrenal tumor, which option is indicated?
unilateral removal of the affected gland
The origin of congenital adrenal hyperplasia occurs when circulating cortisol levels
are insufficient to provide negative feedback to the anterior pituitary gland