Alterations in Male Genital and Reproductive Fxn Flashcards
small, normally formed penis with a stretched length more than two standard deviations below the mean
Etiology of micropenis
defects in testosterone production or a deficiency that results in poor growth of the organs that targets of this hormone
Urethral Valves
most common cause of urinary obstruction in male newborns and infants, these valves are mucosal folds that resemble thin membrane and cause obstruction when the child attempts to fold
Si/Sx of urethral valves
intrauterine renal failure may cause decreased amniotic fluid, pulmonary hypoplasia, and either stillbirth or extreme distress during pregnancy
Urethrorectal and vesicourethral fistulas
rare and always associated with imperforate anus, failure of the uro-rectal septum to develop completely leads to persistent communication between the rectum posteriorly and urogenital tract anteriorly
The opening of the urethra is somewhere else besides on the tip
related to exstrophy if the bladder, results in urinary incontinence
painful, persistent erection
Etiology of Priapism
most causes are idiopathic, sickle cell anemia
uncircumcised foreskin cannot be retracted over the glans of the penis
Causes of Phimosis
chronic inflammation and infection from poor hygiene
foreskin that has been retracted over the glans up onto the shaft of the penis cannot be replaced in its normal position
Peyronie Disease
refers to the formation of palpable, fibrous plaque on the surface of the corpora cavernosa
Urethral strictures
fibrotic narrowing of the urethra and are usually composed of scar tissue
hidden testes and refers to any testis that occupies an extrascrotal position