Restraints Power Point Flashcards
A _____ is any involuntary method, chemical or physical, of restricting an individual’s freedom of movement, physical activity, or normal access of the body.
Restraints are used for immediate safety of patients, _____, or others.
Negative impact of restraints due to incidence of ____.
client deaths
Negative impact of restraints due to infringement of rights and ____ of clients.
Negative impact of restraints due to lack of support that restraints reduce ____ or injury.
Negative impact of restraints due to ____ of increased risk of injury.
Negative impact of restraints due to increased ____ in some clients.
When working with geriatrics _____ and use of medications can lead to skin tears, cuts, and bruises.
thinning skin
When working with geriatrics it remember decreased ability to _____needs to be considered.
When working with geriatrics it remember there may be an increase in agitation, confusion, or ____
undesired behavior
Exhaust other options first before using ______and limit time in restraints
Categories of Restraints
Physical Restraints -nonviolent -violent Chemical restraints Administrative restrain
____ restraints require order and face-to-face assessment of the patient within 24 hours of the restraint application
_____ must perform a face-to-face evaluation of the patient within 1 hour of restraint application.
Restraints should be worn no longer than ____ hours for adults 18 years of age or older and ___ hours for children and adolescents 9 to 17 years of age
1 hour for children 8 years of age or younger
4 hours
2 hours
When restraint is deemed necessary, the least _____ form that protects the physical safety of the patient or staff must be used.
Indications for restraints include _______, treatment interference, and behavioral phenomena.
falls/safety of client
Alternatives to Restraints
Environmental adaptations Lighting Sensory interventions Eliminate aggravating stimuli Place needed items near/personalize space Call bell Toileting Bed alarms
Alternatives to Restraints
Distraction TV (caution if client confused) Music Puzzles/Games Magazines/books Snack/drink Any hand activity appropriate
Alternatives to Restraints
Call family to see if anyone available to sit with client
Place nurse’s cart outside client’s door
Arrange staff to provide 1:1 supervision
Locate the client in area where multiple healthcare providers can assist with supervision
Alternatives to Restraints
Assist client to chair
Move to room closer to nurse’s station
Sit in Day Room or common space
Safe/Proper Application of Physical Restraints
Applied by only qualified staff
Apply per manufacturers’ instructions
Apply following facility policy
Secured to movable frame of the bed
Secured with a “quick release” knot
Never “tie” all restraint ties to same side of bed
Device does not impair circulation or neurological function
Documentation for restraints include
Order as outlined in facility policy
The behavior of client warranting restraints
Alternative measures attempted
Type of restraint
Amount of time in restraint
Hourly or less client checks while in restraints
Release of restraint for toileting/ROM