Aging Theory Power Point Flashcards
NICHE stands for
“Nurses Improving Care to the Hospitalized Elderly”
To provide principles and tools to create change in healthcare facilities. Goal is to achieve patient centered care for patients over 65 years of age is the mission of _____.
NICHE is committed to improve ______, and the patient/family experience. They also support the organization’s efforts to serve its communities.
quality of care
____ is the branch of medicine dealing with the physical and psychological aspects of aging and the diagnosis and treatment of diseases involving older adults.
______ is the study of all aspects of the aging process and its consequences
______ is concerned with the assessment of the health and functional status of older adults Uses the nursing process to meet their needs.
geontological nursing
_____ is the the art and practice of nurturing, caring and comforting rather than merely treatment of disease
gerontic nursing
The ______ is a professional organization the helps set standards, guide practice, and advocate for change in health care. They identify all of these standards as being key to the aging population.
Amer Nurs Assoc (ANA)
ANA Professional Standards of Nursing Performance:
Quality of Care Performance Appraisal Education Collegiality Ethics Collaboration Research Resource Utilization
Many people associate the term “old” with disease, disability, and death.
But it is key to remember that old does not equal illness and disease. Older adults can be healthy, active, and 100% independent. The vast dynamic of life styles lived by older adults includes: living with family, _____, independently, living with a spouse, nursing homes, assisted living facilities etc. So when we consider aging, we must be careful to not make assumptions about life style and disease presence.
living alone
The original definition of geriatrics was focused on disease and disability. But now the focus of geriatrics is: _____, interventions to maintain optimal function, and health promotion.
quality of life
The older adult population makes up ___% of the population. More than 35 million Americans are 65 and older.
There are ____ adults age 62-64.
6 million
Those aged 65 and older makes up the ____ segment of the population.
fastest growing
By 2030 there is estimated to be ____ Americans aged 65 and older.
70 million
As many as ____ of patients in acute care settings are greater than or equal to 65yrs old.
More older women live alone than _____.
Those who live alone are more likely to live in _____.
1.3% of people 65-74 years old live in ____.
nursing facilities
15.4% of people ____ years old live in nursing facilities
90% of older adults live in ______.
independent housing
____ of caregivers are over 65 years old
The average age of RN workforce is ___ years old.
Young old is ____ yrs old
65-75 years old
Middle old is ____ yrs old.
75-85 years old
Older old is ___ .
85 and up
____ age is looks at ability, health, etc.
_______ is one’s perception of their age. Perceived age is another persons estimate age of someone based on appearances. Where as perceived age can be a strong predictor of survival because it correlates with actual health.
Age identity
EXAMPLE: 65 inactive vs 85 active…
______ age is the number of years.
Frail adult (any age) has declining physical health & resources and is \_\_\_\_\_. Factors to consider is age, disability, and multiple chronic illness.
____ adults have an increased risk of poor coping, malnutrition, dehydration
Decrease Physical reserve, and disability
Having a ______ of the patient provides the most opportunity to help the patient achieve and maintain optimal health.
holistic view
______ is like racism or prejudice beliefs.
_____ can be defined as “any attitude, action, or institutional structure that subordinates a person or group because of age or any assignment of roles in society purely on the basis of age”
In other words, it is prejudice often based on chronological age. It includes assumptions such as: asexual, social isolation, lack of creativity, physical/mental decline, family burden, among others…
Examples—Elderly are ill disabled, unattractive, forgetful, unable to learn or understand.
Sources of these beliefs—come from personal experiences, education, employment, peers/society, media.
we now focus on ______ practice, not stereotypes, and often times stereotypes and bias have been shown wrong through evidence and research.
Nurses must be ______ to their own feelings, attitudes and beliefs about aging, as well as the effect these will have on caring for older clients
Biological Theories of Aging
Cross-linkage theory
Free radical theory
Programmed aging
Psychosocial Theories
Disengagement theory
Activity theory
Older adults greatest fear in advancing age is _____. Many elders have chronic health problems. Some older adults fear _______ or transition to N.H. facilities
poor health
Many times I’m asked “How to pick a N.H. See p174 on “Focus on older adults”
Physical appearance—look like a home?
Care—ADL’s, social, recreational activities
Look at resident’s when touring—how are they cared for? Are they clean, groomed?
Family Involvement-are you welcome at any time
Environment—clean, staff & residents etc. Smells
Staff-competency, ratios, “chatter” complains
Nursing Interventions with the Aging
Learn about comorbidities, treatments of illness
Educate older patients/family
Help patients keep track of medications/ med regimens
Encourage family/friend involvement when appropriate
Allow elders to express their wishes in end-of-life care (Advanced Directives and living wills)
Help with complex decision making i.e. Living quarters: N.H., Assisted Living, or Home; offer education and/or support
Aging population is growing, and living longer. Nurses have a huge role in improving quality of care and quality of life for this _____
unique population
Understanding theories of aging, and the unique qualities of geriatric patients can help us provide better ______.
We should focus on _____, disease prevention – older adults can be 100% independent.
health promotion
Understanding the TTM (stages of change) of Health Promotion can help us understand the stages of change and ____ our patients to healthier lifestyles.
better guide