ATI - Oxygen Therapy - wk3 Flashcards
cessation of respiration
airlessness or collapse of a lung, usually as a result of hypoventilation or obstruction
a noninvasive, ventilation-assistance modality that provides higher airway pressure during inspiration and lower pressure during expiration, usually delivered by a face mask
bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP)
an abnormally slow respiratory rate, usually less than 12 respirations per minute
an odorless, colorless gas resulting from the oxidation of carbon, formed in the tissues and eliminated by the lungs
carbon dioxide
a noninvasive, ventilation-assistance modality that provides a set positive airway pressure throughout the patient’s respiratory cycle
continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)
a bluish discoloration, especially of the skin and mucous membranes, due to excessive concentration of deoxyhemoglobin (hemoglobin not combined with oxygen) in the blood
difficult or labored breathing
a soft, oxygen-delivery mask that fits under the patient’s chin, loosely covers the mouth and nose, and is held in place by an adjustable elastic strap
face tent
a device used to control the rate of oxygen being delivered in liters per minute
flow meter
the quantity of oxygen delivered in liters per minute
flow rate
the oxygen level inhaled by or delivered to the patient, expressed in a percentage of atmospheric air
fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2)
an excess of carbon dioxide in the blood
a diminished amount (reduced saturation) of oxygen in arterial blood
a reduced supply of oxygen to tissues below physiological levels despite adequate perfusion of the tissue by blood
a resistive breathing device that helps patients exercise their breathing muscles
incentive spirometer
the insertion of a tube into a body canal or cavity, as in endotracheal intubation
a hand-held device consisting of a flexible air chamber attached to a face mask via a shutter valve and used to provide ventilation to a patient who is not breathing or who is breathing inadequately; often referred to by the common brand name, Ambu bag
manual resuscitation bag
breathing assistance provided by a ventilator, one of various types of devices that support and maintain respiratory function
mechanical ventilator
one of the two external orifices of the nose; nostril (plural: nares)
a common oxygen-delivery device consisting of a length of tubing with two small prongs that are inserted into the patient’s nares
nasal cannula
a type of breathing assistance used to maintain positive airway pressure and improve alveolar ventilation without the need for an artificial airway
noninvasive ventilation
an oxygen-delivery apparatus used to deliver high flow rates and high concentrations of oxygen via a mask that fits snugly over the patient’s mouth and nose
nonrebreather mask
a tasteless, odorless gas that comprises 21% of atmospheric air and is used by the body to maintain adequate cellular function
a device that fits over the patient’s nose and mouth and delivers oxygen, humidity, and/or heated humidity
oxygen mask
a canopy that surrounds the patient, providing oxygen, humidification, and a cool environment to help control body temperature
oxygen tent
the delivery of oxygen for therapeutic purposes
oxygen therapy
an oxygen-delivery apparatus similar to a nonrebreather mask, but with a two-way valve allowing the patient to rebreathe exhaled air
patial nonrebreather mask
a technique that uses a mechanism such as a mechanical ventilator to force air into the lungs to provide breathing assistance
positive pressure ventilation
a noninvasive device that measures oxygen saturation indirectly via a finger or ear probe with a light-emitting diode (LED) and a photo detector attached by a cable to the device
pulse oximeter
the measurement of oxygen saturation indirectly via a finger or ear probe with a light-emitting diode (LED) and a photo detector attached by a cable to the oximeter device
pulse oximetry
an oxygen-delivery apparatus used for patients who require a moderate flow rate for a short period of time via a plastic mask that fits snugly over the mouth and nose
simple face mask
a t-shaped conduit with a piece that connects an oxygen source to the patient’s artificial airway
t tube
abnormally rapid breathing
the amount of air normally breathed in and out with each respiratory cycle either spontaneously or delivered via mechanical ventilation
tidal volume
an opening created by a surgical incision into the trachea for the purpose of establishing and maintaining an airway
a small oxygen-delivery apparatus that fits over a tracheostomy site and is held in place by an adjustable elastic strap that fits around the patient’s neck; also called a tracheostomy mask
tracheostomy collar
a small oxygen-delivery apparatus that fits over a tracheostomy site and is held in place by an adjustable elastic strap that fits around the patient’s neck; also called a tracheostomy collar
tracheostomy mask
the process of the exchange of air between the lungs and the environment, including inhalation and exhalation
an oxygen-delivery apparatus consisting of a mask with holes on each side that allow exhaled air to escape and color-coded entrainment ports that are adjustable to allow regulation of the concentration of oxygen delivered
venturi mask