Health and Wellness Power Point Flashcards
(WHO) defines health as a “state of complete physical, mental and _________, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
social well-being
Each person has a _______ of health and define it in relation to their own values, culture, personality and lifestyle.
personal concept
_______ is a state in which a person’s physical, emotional, intellectual, social, developmental, or spiritual functioning is diminished or impaired
______ illness is a short duration and severe.
_____ illness persists longer than 6 months
_________: The Surgeon General’s Report on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, 1979. The 10 year national objectives for promoting health and preventing disease.
Healthy People
Healthy people 2020 goals include attaining high-quality, longer lives free of ______, disability, injury, and premature death
preventable disease
Healthy people 2020 goals include achieving health equity, _______, and improve the health of all groups
eliminate disparities
Healthy people 2020 goals include creating social and physical ______ that promote good health for all
Healthy people 2020 goals promote _________, healthy development, and healthy behaviors across all life stages.
quality of life
Positive health behaviors include immunizations, proper sleep patterns, adequate exercise, and ______.
stress management
Negative health behaviors include using drugs, smoking, alcohol abuse, poor diet, and ____.
refusal to take medications
A ____ is a theoretical way of understanding a concept or idea.
Health Belief Model (Rosenstoch, Becker & Maiman’s) addresses the relationship between a person’s beliefs and _____.
________, perception of the seriousness, likelihood that person will take preventive action.
Health Promotion Model (Pender) is directed at increasing a patient’s level of _____. Individual characteristics & experiences, _______ can affect outcomes
behavior specific knowledge
Basic Human Needs Model (Maslow) attempts to meet the patient’s ______.
basic needs
Holistic Health Model
attempts to create conditions that promote _______.
optimal health
Maslow’s Heirachy starts at the _____ with physiological needs moves up to safety and security then love and belonging then to ______ and the last need category is self-actualization.
self actualization
______ influence how a person thinks and acts.
______ can negatively or positively influence health behavior or health practices.
Health beliefs
Health beliefs and practices are influenced by internal and external variables and should be considered when _______.
planning care
Internal variables that influence health and health beliefs and practices include the developmental stage, intellectual background, perception of functioning and ____ and _____ factors.
emotional and spiritual
External variables that influence health and health beliefs and practices include family practices, ____ factors, and cultural background.
The three levels of preventive care
primary prevention
secondary prevention
tertiary prevention
____ prevention precedes disease or dysfunction.
____ prevention includes specific prevention such as immunization for influenza and hearing protection in occupational settings
_____ prevention focuses on those experiencing health problems or illnesses and are at risk for developing complications or worsening conditions.
_____ prevention screenings techniques or treating early stages of disease
______ prevention involves rehabilitation rather than diagnosis or treatment
____ prevention tries to achieve as high a level of functioning as possible
____ are variables that increase the vulnerability of an individual or a group to an illness or accident.
risk factors
Risk factors include genetic and physiological factors, age, environment, and ____.
One theory surrounding risk factor modification and changing health behaviors is called the Stages of Change by DicCLemente and Prochaska. Their model involves the precontemplation, contemplation, _____, action, and maintenance stages.
In the ____ phase the patient is not intending to make changes within the next 6 months.
In the ____ phase the patient is considering a change within the next 6 months.
In the _____ phase the patient is making small changes in preparation for a change in the next month
In the _____ phase the patient is actively engaged in strategies to change behavior; lasts up to 6 months
In the _____ phase the patient has sustained change over time; begins 6 months after action has started and continues indefinitely.
To be most effective, nursing interventions must match the _____ that the patient is in to change health behaviors effectively.
stage of change
Improvement in health may involve a ___ in health behaviors.
______ involves how people monitor their bodies and define and interpret their symptoms.
illness behavior
Illness behavior is ______ by many variables and must be considered by the nurse when planning care
Internal variables that effect illness behavior include the ___ of illness and nature of illness.
External variables that effect illness behavior include the visibility of symptoms, social group, cultural background, ______, and accessibility to health care.
The impact of illness on the patient and family include behavioral and emotional changes, impact on body image, self-concept, family roles, and _______.
family dynamics
The objective of patient teaching about lifestyle changes is to reduce the health risks related to _____ through the behavior change of the patient.
poor lifestyle habits
The patient teaching strategies include providing active listening, asking about perceived barriers, assisting the patient in establishing goals, and _____ .
reinforcing the process of change
In order to be a good nurse it is important to take care of yourself. Be sure to eat a nutritious diet, get adequate sleep, engage in exercise and relaxation activities, establish a good work-family balance, engage in regular nonwork activities, develop coping skills, allowing personal time for grieving, ______, and find a mentor.
focus on spiritual health
Nurses are particularly susceptible to the development of _______ and the subsequent problems of secondary traumatic stress and burnout.
compassion fatigue
Compassion fatigue develops as a result of the relationships that nurses develop with their patients and families, whereas _______ from conflicts or nurse job dissatisfaction within the work setting.
burnout stems
Compassion fatigue and burnout frequently affect a nurse’s health, often leading to a decline in health, changes in sleep and eating patterns, emotional exhaustion, irritability, restlessness, impaired ability to focus and engage with patients, ______, inability to take pleasure from activities, and anxiety.
feelings of hopelessness
Compassion fatigue and burnout frequently affect a nurse’s health, often leading to a decline in health, changes in sleep and eating patterns, emotional exhaustion, irritability, restlessness, impaired ability to focus and engage with patients, ______, inability to take pleasure from activities, and anxiety.
feelings of hopelessness
An increasing number of health care institutions and organizations are offering _______ for the nursing staff that are designed to help decrease compassion fatigue and increase resiliency.
educational programs