Health Care Delivery Systems Power Point Flashcards
Challenges to health care
Reducing health care costs uninsured patients, while maintaining high-quality care for patients
Improving access and coverage for more people
Encouraging healthy behaviors
Earlier hospital discharges result in more patients needing nursing homes or home care
Nurses are the ____ of patient care.
Nurses face challenges to prevent gaps in healthcare across health settings and provide _____.
continuity of care
Values of the nursing profession are rooted in helping people to regain, maintain or improve health, prevent illness, and find _____.
comfort and dignity
The national priorities partnership promotes ____.
best practices
The national priorities partnership promotes prevention, treatment, and ______ for the leading causes of mortality.
intervention practices
The national priorities partnership ensures person- and ______ care.
The national priorities partnership make care ____.
The national priorities partnership promotes communication and ______.
care coordination
The national priorities partnership makes quality care ______.
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) states that nurses need to be transformed by practicing to the full extent of their _____.
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) states that nurses need to be transformed by achieving _______ of education through an education system that provides seamless progression
higher levels
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) states that nurses need to be transformed by becoming full partners with physicians and other health care providers in ______ the health care system
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) states that nurses need to be transformed by _____data collection and the information infrastructure for effective workforce planning and policy making
Regulatory and _____ approaches help with health care regulation and reform.
Professional standards review organizations (PSROs) were
created to review the quality, quantity, and ______ of hospital care provided through Medicare and Medicaid
Utilization review (UR) committees review admissions, diagnostic testing, and treatments ordered by physicians who cared for patients receiving ____.
The _____ sets quality standards for accreditation of health care facilities.
The Joint Commission
The ______ ensures that health care providers and agencies comply with state regulations - Nurses Practice Act.
state licensing boards
Other regulatory agencies include
US Department of Health & Human Services
US Food and Drug Administration
State and local public health agencies
“_____” - also called Sentinel Events are preventable and devastating. They include surgical, product or device, patient protection, care management, environmental, radiological and critical.
never events
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act allows ______, reducing costs, improving quality.
access to health care for all
Provisions of the affordable care act include insurance industry reforms, increased funding for public programs and improved coverage for _____.
Health Services Pyramid Slide Review
Five levels of services include disease prevention, health promotion, primary, secondary, and _____.
Health care settings include preventive, primary, secondary, tertiary, restorative, and ______.
In preventative health care settings they reduce and control risk factors and include immunization, stress management, and using a ____.
seat belt
In primary health care settings the emphasis is on _______. It includes prenatal and well baby checks, family planning, nutrition counseling, and disease control.
health promotion
In secondary health care setting the aim is diagnosis and treatment of ______. Secondary health care settings include _____ and emergency departments.
acute illnesses
The _____ health care settings are highly specialized and involve highly technical care. i.e. oncology centers, burn centers, intensive care
The ____ health care setting includes intermediate follow up care. i.e. home health care, rehab centers, and skilled nursing facilities
The ____ health care setting includes long term or chronic illness care. i.e. hospice and palliative care, respite care, adult day care, assisted lviing
Preventative care reduces and _____ risk factors for disease.
Primary care focuses on improved ______ and requires collaboration.
health outcomes
Health promotion programs _______.
lower overall costs
Health promotion is the major theme for patients who receive preventive and ____.
primary care
Health promotion programs reduce _____ of disease.
Health promotion programs ______ complications.
Health promotion programs reduces the need for more _____.
expensive resources
Secondary and Tertiary care are also called ____.
acute care
Secondary and Tertiary care (acute care) focuses on ______ and treatment of disease.
_____ is the most common and expensive service of the health care delivery system.
disease management
____ of care by uninsured contributes to high costs.
Discharge planning begins at ______.
Discharge planning continuity of care requires working with all members of the ______.
interdisciplinary team
Discharge planning requires ______ to various health care disciplines.
Discharge planning involves patient and family members . Also called ____.
patient centered care
Comprehensive patient and family education is involved in ____.
discharge planning
_____ care involves hospitals, intensive care, psychiatric facilities, and rural hospitals.
secondary and tertiary care
_____ care serves patients recovering from an acute or chronic illness/disability
restorative care helps individuals regain ______ and enhance quality of life
maximal function
______ care is a provision of medically related services and equipment to patients and families in their homes for health maintenance, education, illness prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease, palliation, and rehabilitation.
home health care
Home health care involves coordination of ______.
Home health care focuses on patient and family _______.
Home health care usually is reimbursed by ______ (such as Medicare and Medicaid in the United States), private insurance, and private pay.
Home health care usually is reimbursed by ______ (such as Medicare and Medicaid in the United States), private insurance, and private pay.
_______- includes physical, occupational, and speech therapy, and social services.
Rehabilitation begins on ______.
Rehabilitation focuses on preventing _______ and maximizes patient function and independence.
_______ provide intermediate medical, nursing, or custodial care for patients recovering from acute illness or disabilities
Extended care facility
_______ provides care for patients until they can return to their community or residential care location
intermediate care/skilled nursing facility
______ is for people who are disabled, functionally dependent, or suffering a terminal disease
continuing care
Available within institutional settings or in the home via continuing care includes nursing centers or facilities, assisted living
_______, adult day care centers and
respite care
Nursing center or facilities provide _____ intermediate and custodial care. Nursing, rehabilitation, diet, social, recreational, and religious services.
24 hour
Residents of any age with chronic or debilitating illness
are cared for at _____.
nursing centers or facilities
_____ are regulated by standards: Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987; Box 2-2, p. 21
continuing care:nursing centers or facilties
Continuing Care: assisted living can be in a long-term care setting, home environment, and patients have greater _____. There are no fee caps.
______ care provides short-term relief or “time off” for people providing home care to an individual who is ill, disabled, or frail.
_____ care settings include home, day care, or health care institution with overnight care.
Respite care includes trained volunteers to enable _____ to leave the home for errands or social time.
family caregivers
_______ provide a variety of health and social services to specific patient populations who live alone or with family in the community
adult day care centers
Adult day care centers may be associated with a _______ or nursing home or may operate independently
_____ is family centered care that allows patients to live with comfort, independence, and dignity while easing the pains of terminal illness.
Hospice focuses on _______ (not curative) care
Many hospice programs provide ______, which is important in maintaining the health of the primary caregiver and family.
respite care
Accountable care organizations (ACOs) were
developed to coordinate _____. Nurses act as leaders and care coordinators.
medical care
Patient-centered medical home (PCMH) coordinates care, ______, monitors patient outcomes. Primary care providers function as the hub of the PCMH
gathers clinical data
Issues in Health Care Delivery include the nursing shortage, competency, and _______ (pay for performance, patient satisfaction)
quality and safety in health care
Other health care delivery issues include the globalization of health care resulting in _______, nursing informatics and technological advancements, and the magnet recognition program - nursing sensitive outcomes.
vulnerable populations
Changes in the future of health care opens up opportunities for_____.
Health care delivery systems need to address the needs of the uninsured and the _____. Health care organizations are striving to become better prepared to deal with these and other challenges in health care.
The solutions necessary to improve the quality of health care depend largely on the _______ of nurses.
active participation