Reproduction Flashcards
How is progesterone related to pregnancy?
Progesterone required to maintain (> 2 ng/ml) preganancy but not markedly different than non pregnant females
What signals parturition
Cortisol released from fetus increased maternal estrogen.
Increase in proteins for contraction and prostagladin release
PGE2 resultes in lysis of corups luteum which causes decrease in progesterone and increase in prolactin
Within 24 hours of progesterone drop.
What stimulates oxytocin release
Released due to pressure placed on cervix and released from postieor pituitary
What are the stages of parturition
1) 6-12 hrs, Increase PGF2 Alpha, Decrese progesterone
Sublinical contractions, cervix dilation, nesting
2) 2-12 hrs (cats up to 24 hrs); increase relaxin, oxytocin
Overt abdominal contractions / expulsion of fetus from vaginal canal
3) varies (5-15 minutes) Oxytocin
Placenta expulsion, uterine involution
How do singletons increase risk of dystocia
less leutolytic hormone
No drop in prepartum progesterone
What are the clinical categories for dystocia
Failure to begin stage 2 labor
cessation of stage 2 labor before complete
prolonged unproductive labor stage 2
apparently normal stage 2 labor with fetal distress
Define dystocia
difficult birth or inability to expel fetus through the birth canal
How do you categorize fetal presentation
Presenation: anterior, posterior, transverse
Position: fetal spine in relation to dams pelvis
Posture: How fetus head and limbs are positioned to its body
40% bor posterior position dogs
What are maternal causes for dystocia
uterine inertia, stress/environement, heriditary, decreased calcium, inadequate oxytocin
abnormal pelvic canal, uterine prolapse/torsion, vaginal stricture mass
What are fetal causes for dystocia
malpresenation, fetal death (decreased cortisol release), Oversize, fetal malformation
When should evaluation for dystocia occur
Systemic illness
Stage 1 for > 12 hours no progression
No puppy after 2 hours of stage 2 labor
Forceful contractions for 30 min with no fetus
Uteroverdin in vaginal discharge but no puppy/kitten within 2 hrs
What is a normal fetal heart rate
< 180 = stress
What are indications for medical management of dystocia
Labor not progloned
cervix dilated
fetal size is within limits for vaginal delivery
Obstructive causes have been ruled out
What is the treatment to medically manage dystocia
Correct electrolytes, hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia
Oxyttocin 0.5-2 IU SC, IM
Define eclampsia
acute depletion of ionized calcium in the extracellular compartment during the peripartum period
What are risk factors for eclampsia
young primiparous bitches
2-4 weeks post partum most common
What is the treatment for eclampsia and side effects
10% calcium gluconate 1.0-1.5 ml/kg d 2.5 ml/kg cat over 30 minutes
Vomit, bradycardia, QT shortenng, arrhythmia if given too fast
Why are steroids contraindicated in ecamplsia treatment
Decrease Ca absorption in GI
enhance renal excretion of Ca
Impair osteoclasia
Define metritis
ascending bacterial infection associated with partuition. Occurs with low serum progesterone
What are the risk factors with metritis
abortion, dystocia, obstruction, obsetric manipulation, retained fetus / placenta, urterine prolapse
What are the common types of bacteria with metritis?
E. Coli, Staphylococcus, streptococcus, proteus
What is the return to fertility with metritis
Good as not associated with underlying uterine pathology like pyometra
How does mastitis occur in dogs
ascending infection
Also reported in pseudopregnancy, blastomycosis and myobacterium
Does normal milk contain bacteria
Yes- small amounts, slightly acidic
How can milk pH help determine antibiotic
Acidic- TMS (if pups are not going to nurse)
Alkaline- Amoxi/clav
Any- enrofloxacin
How do you treat non septic non systemically ill mastitis
Warm compress, analgesia, Milk expression
What are four reflexes to evaluate neonatal vigor
Dorsal stimulation
Righting reflex
Suckling reflex
Rooting reflex
APGAR score what is it in dogs
7-10 no distress better survival than lower
4-6 moder; 0-3 severe
Assess Heart rate, respiratory rate/crying, reflex irritability, mobility, mm color
What are the risks of ‘swing’ a neonate that is not breathing
head trauma, dropping, aspiration of stomach contents
What is the cause of bradycardia in neonates
hypoxemia, hypothermia
Not vagally mediated as does not there until > 4 days of life
What is normal USG
1.006- 1.007; glucose and protein found in urine as renal tubules not developed
What is anasacara
congenital edema with or without heart disease
Subq edema, intrathoracic / abdominal fluid accumulation
What is neonatal isorethrolysis
Kittens with colstral ingestion of a different blood type than their own.
Type B Queen with Type A kittens
What is juvenile cellulitis
Progressive granulamotous pustular disorder < 4 months generally
Found on face and enlarged lymphnodes; sterile supperative arthritis, pyrexia, anorexia
steroids +/- grisofolivin
What are the contributors to neonatal depression following dystocia
hypoxia, and anesthetic gents given to the dam
What are the treatments after vigorous rubbing does not start breathing
Tight fighting mask for breaths at 20-30 cmH2O to expand lungs
Intubate use 12-16 ga IV cath if needed
Once lungs expanded breathing 30 bpm with no more than 10 cm H2O
How is epinephrine used in neonatal resucititation
if respiratory support and chest compressions not fail then give dose
How is doxapram used in neonatal resuscitation
Central stimulant, effects diminished with brain hypoxia
0.1 ml IV
When is naloxone administered in neonatal resuscitation
Only if dam given opiods before birth. 0.1 mg/kg IV
How is at atropine used in neonatal resuscitation
Not used as bradycardia is not vagally mediated
What is radiographic evidence of fetal death
Gas in the body cavities or surrounding sekelton
Overlap/collapse of fetal bones
Alterations of the spatial releationship of bones of the axial skeleton
How is heart rate affected by contraction?
Fetal heart will decrease as contraction passes over it.
What type of epidural may be considered for c-section
Opiod epidural as it will allow for retaining of motor function
Does the uterus have to be closed and how
Does not have to be closed in small study
Should due an inverting pattern either single or double layer
What are the types of phimosis described in kittens in JAVMA 2019
Type 1: narrowed preputial orifice with generalized swelling and no penile preputial adhesions
Tx: circumfrential preputionplasty
Type 2: narrowed preputial orifice with penile preputial adhesions
Tx: PU
JAVMA 2019 how are serum anti Mullerian hormone and progesterone used to diagnosis ovarian remenent syndrome
If both increased then likley have ORS
If neither are elevated not likely ORS
JVIM 2019 What were the characteristics of anemia found in late pregnant bitches
Anemia noted with low colbalamine
increased total iron binding capacity and folate
How does pyometra develop
Recent estrus and proceeded by cystic endometrial hyperplasia
D 1-4 months after estrus
C ~ 4 weeks
Describe the medical management of pyometra
PGF2alpha: luetolysis and decrease progesterone levels, leads to cervical opening
dinoprost, cloprostenol, alfaprostol
Dopamine agonists- off label
antiprolactin activity- luteolysis indirectly by decreasing prolactin level
What biomarkers are increased with septic pyometra
increase c- reactive protien, serum amyloid A, PGF2 metabolites
What hormone was elevated during anestrus
What hormone is elevated during proestrus
When is LH elevated
about 1 day prior to ovulation, very end of proestrus
What hormone is elevated during estrus