GI Articles 2017-2019 Flashcards
JAVMA 2019 What were the findings associated with a US guided temporary percutaneous gastropexy with a gastrotomy catheter compared to thorcharization
Both methods led to rapid decompression. Ultrasound guided prevent misdirection of T-sutures.
Method recommeded if surgical delay may be anticipated over repeated torcharization, Most were in the body of the stomach
JAVMA 2019 Enterotomy for FB removal dehiscense rate in dogs.
For enterotomies 5% dehiscence rate
JAVMA 2019 What was the efficacy for vomiting and FB production with apomorphine in dogs.
95% of dogs vomited with IV injection 75.6% FB retreival
JAVMA 2019 When is apomorphine less successful
Premedicated (opiods, sedatives, antinauseas)
Decreased progressively after 2 hours (56% after 24 hrs)
Metal objects and rocks were less successfuul
JAVMA 2019 How did ASA status and plasma lactate affect dehiscence and mortatilyt in dogs having GI surgery
ASA >/= 3 more likely to dehiscice overall 5% rate for enterotomies and enterectomies
mortality greater with higher plasma lactate
R/A and bacterial peritonitis had higher dehesence rates
JAVMA 2019 what were the limitation of lap assisted biopsy with wound retraction device
Based on placement at umbilicus can evaluate stomach, proximal duodenum, distal aspect of the colon
JVECC 2019 What recumbency was used for E tube to esophagojejunal tube placement with fluoro and why
Left lateral recubmency used to allow for time for the pylorus to fill with air.
JVECC 2019 What are the CT findings of dogs with intraabdominal hypertension
compression of cadual vena cava
Severe renal artery compression
elevation f the diaphragm
extension into the vaginal cavity
JVECC 2019 What affects of IAH have on renal perfusion
anesthesia with IAH > 25 mmHg lead to decreased renal profusion, but now when conceious
JVECC 2019 What was the success rate of esophageal fBs via endoscopy and what was the complication rate
95%, with a 22% compliction rate
JVECC 2019 Which dogs were more likely to require surgery and have esophagitis for esophageal FBS
More severe esophagitis > 24 hrs present
Fish hooks more likely to require surgery
What are the common and most common location for esophageal foreign bodies (JVECC 2019)
Areas of narrowing
Proximal to GES (50%), Base of heart 30%, thoracic inlet and upper esophageal sphincter
JVECC 2019 What were the hemostatic findings in dogs with acute pancreatitis
Global hypercoagulable on TEG
Higher: D-dimers, Fibrinogen, VWF
Lower: antithrombin III, PT time
JVIM 2019 What were the effects of an antidiarrheal probiotic past for acute diarrhea
Pro-kalolin advanced resulted in shorter duration of diarrhea 32 hrs vs 47 hrs
Less need for additional medical intervention
all dogs improved in 7 days
JVIM 2019 What was the complication rate and the most common complications in an UK study for E tube placement in cats.
- 1% complications
14. 5% tube dislodgement; 12.1 % stoma site infection
JVIM 2019 In an UK study of E-tube complications What increased the risk of death and risk of infection in cats
Death: decreased BW, pancreatic, neoplasia, respiratory urogenital, and infecious disease
Infection: steroids and oncolytic agents
JIVM 2019 In an US study of E-tube complications what was the complications in dogs/cats and what was the most likely complication
Dogs: 43.1%, Cats 45.5%
Infection (C 17%, D 13 %)
Dogs also more likely to have food through the stoma
JVIM 2019 In an US study of E-tube complications what were the risk factors for complications
No risk factors for developing complications
JIVM 2019 What was the effect of intragastric pH with a famotidine CRI over three days compared to twice daily IV bolus dosing; What was a possible side effect
CRI resulted in higher period of time with higher intragastric pH over 3 days.
Bolus saw decline in increase of intragastric pH by day 3
JVIM 2019 in dogs given metronidazole and enrofloxacin what was the effect of symbiotic (pre and pro biotic) given 1 hr post abx
Improved appetitie in the placebo first group. In the tx first group no difference washout period may not have been long enough.
No change to vomiting or fecal scores
JVIM2019 What is the effect on cat intragastric pH of famotidine twice daily verses famotidine twice/24 every other day
Less effective acid reduction after two weeks for the q 12 hour every day dosing. The q 12 hour every other day dosing noted no decline on days treated
JVIM 2019 what is the use of video capsule endoscopy
Use as adjuvant to endoscopy
JVIM 2019 How does tylosin have effect on diarrhea
Macrolide antobitoic
Increased uncongeuaged bile acids and altered fecal microbial populations that did not return to pre period during study period
JVIM 2019 What are the mechanisms of protien loss in PLE
Physical/functional lymphatic obstruction leading to leak
Relase of cellular mediators affecting vascular permeability and fluid eggress into tissue
Mucosal ulcerations
JIVM 2019: Regardless of the mechanism how is the protien loss in PLE
Protien rich fluid accumulates in the interstitum and passes into the GI tract via mucosal tight junctions