Renal) Nephrotic And Nephritic Syndrome Flashcards
Outline the anatomy of the glomerulus
How to categorise glomerulonephritis
Nephrotic and nephRItic
What are common symptoms for GN presentation
GN urine dip: what can you see to distinguish between nephrotic and nephrItic
Think of other differences too
Minimal change nephrotic disease
What is this
What is it associated with
Membranous nephrotic disease
Causes of this
What is IgA nephropathy (aka) what causes it how does it present what kind of damage does it do
Diffuse proliferation GN
What happens here
What causes it
How does it present
Focal segmental glomeruloscerosis
What is this
What are the causes
What is rage treatment
Crescendic GN
What is it caused by (conditions)
Associated with
What is it also
How to treat
What is membranoproliferaive GN
How does it present
What causes it
How to treat
Think of and list as many subtypes of glomerulonephritis as you can
How do they present