renal key notes Flashcards
16 y/o low grade fever started a week ago, feeling fatigued, indicates pain in joints. visiting toilet more.
Urine dipstick shows trace proteins. Blood test shows raised eosinophils.
Likely diagnosis is:
Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis.
- –> fever
- –> skin rashes
- –> raised eospinophils
Elevated white cell count
Raised leukocutes
Raised nitrites in urine
charactersitic of:
33 y/o female, A&E severe RHS flank pain/ pain started 3hrs ago, not constant. moving towards right iliac fossa. nauseas and has low grade fever.
most likley has?
Suspected renal stone.
Thus appropriate action would be abdominal USS.
Diabetic nephropathy always presents with:
increased proteinuria.
21 y/o female complains of urinary frequency, nocturia, constipation and polydipsia. symptoms started 2 weeks ago.
genreal malaise, some pain in her left flank.
most appropriate investigation is:
Patient has symptoms of hypercalcaemia.
measure calcium/
renal carcinoma characterised by what triad
- haematuria
- flank pain
- abdominal or flank mass
alongside malignancy symptoms
- weight loss
- malaise
67 y/o diabetic female, collapsed while going to toilet. did not lose consciousness, appears well.
Urine dipstick positive for glucose nitrates, leukocytes and haematuria
66 y/o poorly controlled T2DM, 2 day history of severe pain in RHS flank, nausea and fevers that come and go/
on examination patient appears unwell, sweaty and has visible rigors with temp of 38 degrees.
Urine dipstick positive for protein, blood, leukocytes and nitrates/
CT of abdomen reveals gas in renal parenchyma
likely diagnosis?
describe the action of NSAIDs on glomerular filtration pressure?
vasoconstriction of afferent arteriole.
bladder’s lymphatic drainage is predominantly by:
- external and internal iliac nodes
para-aoritc lymph nodes predominantly drain:
- the ovaries and testes
ADH key facts
- released from posterior pituitary
- acts on aquaporin 2 channels in apical membranes
- of DCT and collecting ducts
left testicular vein drains into…
left renal vein
in patients complaining of abdominal discomfort and nausea, with frequent epsiodes of kidney stones and UTIs. what anatomical abnormality may be found on imaging?
- horse shoe kidney
- fused kidneys crossing anterior to aorta
18 month baby boy with recurrent urinary tract infections.
he is noted to have abnormal renal function.
USS performed showing bilateral hydronephrosis.
most likely underlying diagnosis
patient may have posterior urethral valves