Cardio mcq's Flashcards
left circumflex artery occlusion would show what on an ECG?
ST elevation in leads V5-V6
aortic stenosis will result in what failure first?
- left ventricular failure
- war of increased ventricular pressure
- as ventricles try to pump blood across narrowed valve
Left ventricular failure will result in?
- backlog of blood into lungs
- pulmonary oedema
- first sign could be bibasal crepitations
What is the first sign of pulmonary oedema before enough fluid accumulates to be visible on CXR?
- bibasal crepitations
- before pleural effusion can be seen on CXR
What are earlier signs of pulmonary oedema?
on CXR
Kerley B lines as fluid infiltrates the interstitium.
narrow pulse pressure is a sign off…
aortic stenosis
65 y/o female to A&E , shortness of breath, sharp pain in RHS of chest, painful on taking a deep breath. Patient also complains of mild pain in RHS leg.
- pleuritic chest pain
- cough
- haemoptysis
60 y/o male to A&E . 3 day history of increasing severe chest pain. sharp, tearing pain, starting in back of chest. radiating straight through back between shoulder blades.
looks in pain but no pallor, heart rate 95, respect rate 20, tempt okay. 155/95mmHg BP
ventricular tachycardia
- patient is pulseless
- cardioversion required
- cannon ‘a waves’
JVP atrial fibrillation
absent ‘a waves’ due to dysfunctional atrial systole.
mitral stenosis clinical signs
mid diastolic murmur
opening snap
49 y/o increasing shortness of breath on exertion. no chest pain or cough, no ankle swelling. crackles at both lung bases, decrescendo diastolic murmur at left sternal edge.
most likely diagnosis?
aortic regurgitation.
long Q-T syndrome
- inherited condition associated with delayed repolarisation of ventricles
- may lead to ventricular tachycardia
ventral septal defect commonly associated with what murmur?
pan-systolic murmur
Eisenmenger’s syndrome
- reversal of a LHS to RHS shunt in a congenital heart defect
- due to pulmonary hypertension