MSK notes Flashcards
What makes up the LOAF muscles?
Lumbricals (1&2)
Opponens Pollicis
Abductor Pollicis Brevis
Flexor Pollicis Brevis
innervated by median nerve
Describe innervation of intrinsic hand muscles?
all intrinsic hand muscles innervated by ulnar apart from the LOAF ones.
smiths fracture
fracture distal radius with anterior displacement
Wallerian degeneration
- axonal degeneration at site of injury
- myelin sheath degenerates
- then phagocytocysed by tissue macrophages
Hirutism vs hypertrichosis
Hirutism - androgen dependent hair growth
Hypertrichosis - androgen independent
Trendelenburg gait
- superior gluteal nerve
- gluteus medius affected
- nerve side effected is OPPOSITE to side of pelvic drop
What may be seen in surgical neck of humerus fracture?
- axillary nerve damage
- difficulty abducting arm
- loss of sensation of deltoid
Sharpey’s fibres
- periosteum attached to bone by strong collagenous fibres
Feature of rheumatoid arthritis
- cholesterol deposition in nodules
- often spares DIPs
triad for reactive arthritis
- Conjunctivitis
- Arthritis
- Urethritis
Describe septic arthritis common culprit?
- stap aureus
describe septic arthritis?
- single, red, swollen, painful joint
- yellow turbid synovial fluid
- invasion of synovial membrane
Describe key features of osteoarthritis?
- shorter duration of morning stiffness
- often worse after movement
- loss of joint space
- subchondral sclera
- osteophytes
Psoriatic arthritis
- sausage digits
- nail changes
- pencil in cup deformity
- psoriasis: think purple plaques bilateral elbows
detachment of the nail from nail bed