Embryology key questions Flashcards
Urachus (allantois) becomes….
single median, umbilical ligament
Umbilical arteries become…
right and left medial umbilical ligaments
ductus venosus becomes the …
ligamentum venosum
left umbilical vein becomes the …
ligamentum teres (round ligament)
ductus arteriosus becomes the …
ligamentum arteriosum
Describe how patent foramen ovale may lead to stroke?
- Paradoxical embolism
- venous thrombus migrates and enters systemic circulation
- through patent foramen ovale
- resulting in stroke
presence of what gene leads to male development?
- sex-determining region of Y chromosome
- results in male development
- absence of SRY leads to female development
Describe the cascade of events that occur when SRY gene is transcribed?
sex cord becomes…
support cells become…
sex cord —> seminiferous tubules
support cells either Sertoli or Leydig cells
Sertoli cells produce what key hormone
anti-mullerian hormone
- causes regression of mullerian ducts
leydig cells create what key hormone
- conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone in genital fold
- results in formation of penis and scrotum
mesonephric (wolfian ducts) grow to form…
- vas deferens and associated ducts
what happens in females as they don’t have the SRY gene?
- mullerian ducts DONT regress
- become uterus and fallopian tubes
- wolfian ducts regress
- female external genitalia develop (labia majora, minora and clitoris)
processus vaginalis is a…
invagination of the peritoneum
allows descent of testis through inguinal canal into scrotum
what transcription factor is necessary for to allow metanephric blastema to receive signals from ureteric bud?
- WT-1 is transcription factor and tumour suppressor gene
- mutations in this gene are associated with cancer in children’s kidneys which is known as wilm’s tumour
first arch of branchial pouch gives rise to
muscles of mastication
second arch of branchial pouch gives rise to
muscles of fascial expression
third and fourth arches of branchial pouch give rise to…
muscles of vocalisation
muscles of deglutition
sixth arch of the branchial pouch gives rise to..
intrinsic muscles of the larynx
Superior parathyroid glands develop from which branchial pouch
inferior parathyroid and thymus are third pouch derivatives