Renaissance KT (1-45) Flashcards
His bronze “David” was the first known life-size human nude created since antiquity
Epicenter of the “High Renaissance”
The social class of the masses (non-clerical, non-noble)
Third Estate
Famous female ruler of the independent city state of Mantua
Isabella d’Este
Considered by many to be the greatest painter of the Renaissance and artist of the well-known fresco “The School of Athens”
His “History of Italy” promoted a secular histiography
Francesco Guicciardini
A commercial and military alliance of north German costal towns, which dominated trade in the North and Baltic seas
Hansa/Hanseatic League
Author of the influential “The Prince” who defended what might be called political realism today
Niccolò Machiavelli
“The _____ justifies the means”
“Ends” -Machiavelli in “The Prince”
“It is better to be feared than loved, but never _____”
“Hated” -Machiavelli in “The Prince”
Flemish painter who perfected the use of oil paints as seen in his “The Arnolfini Wedding”
Jan van Eyck
Method of learning associated with the medieval period and decried by humanists since it primarily used secondary sources and valued the mastery of “authoritative” viewpoints
Literally “to the sources”’ the motto of Renaissance humanists given their interest in the literary sources of the classical world
Ad fontes
The contention that every view is only one among many possible interpretations; an idea associated with the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche and which raises problems associated with the quest for objectivity in historical accounts
The everyday language of the people (as opposed to the “universal” language of Latin)
Thought to be the “father of Italian Renaissance humanism”; coined the phrase “Dark Ages”
The archetype of the “Renaissance man”, visionary, and artist of the “Mona Lisa” and the “Last Supper”
Leonardo DaVinci
Perhaps an “informed interpretation of the past”