Enlightenment People Flashcards
Essay Concerning Human Understanding
John Locke
Tabula rasa
John Locke
Reception history
John Locke
Empiricism (learning occurs via experience)
John Locke
Plurality of Worlds
Bernarnd de Fontanelle
Downplays religious background of scientific thinkers when popularizing science
Bernarnd de Fontanelle
Translation of and commentary on Principia
Emilie du Chatelet
James Cook
Discovered Tahiti, Australia, New Zealand
James Cook
Huguenot and skeptic
Pierre Bayle
Pierre Bayle
Textual criticism
Pierre Bayle
Historical and Critical Dictionary
Pierre Bayle
“Bible of the 18th century”
Pierre Bayle
“Enlightenment is man’s emergence from his self-imposed immaturity”
Immanuel Kant
“Sapere aude”
Immanuel Kant
“Dare to know”
Immanuel Kant
Persian Letters
The Spirit of the Laws
Scientific attempt to examine government
Examines republic, monarchy, despotism
Checks and balances
Separation of power
Influential for American founding fathers
Most well-known and influential of the philosophes
Philosophic Letters on the English
Champion of 1st Amendment freedoms
Calas Affair
Treatise on Toleration
“Ecrasez l’infame”
Targets Leibniz
Denis Diderot and Jean d’Alembert
Treatise of Human Nature
David Hume
Science of man
David Hume
Social sciences
David Hume
System of Nature
Baron Paul d’Holbach
Advocated strict doctrine of atheism and materialism
Baron Paul d’Holbach
The Progress of the Human Mind
Marquis Marie-Jean Condorcet
“Perfectibility of society”
Marquis Marie-Jean Condorcet
On Crimes and Punishments
Cesare Beccaria
Humane treatment of prisoners
Cesare Beccaria
Torture and public executions are barbaric
Cesare Beccaria
Punishment should serve only as a deterrant
Cesare Beccaria
Prisoners should be rehabilitated via isolation in cells, work, and discipline
Cesare Beccaria
Discourse on the Inequality of Manking
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Private property is the origin of inequality
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Government is a social contract and a necessary evil
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
State of nature and “noble savage”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The Social Contract
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
“Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Participatory/direct democracy
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
General will
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Education should also occur in nature until the point where one can reason abstractly
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Origins of Romanticism
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Tableau Economique
Francois Quesnay
Francois Quesnay
Extractive value of land
Francois Quesnay
Wealth of Nations
Adam Smith
In a free economy, natural laws of economics can operate
Adam Smith
In a mercantile economy, natural laws of economics cannot operate
Adam Smith
Natural law of self interest
Adam Smith
“Invisible hand”
Adam Smith
Natural law of competition
Adam Smith
Competition results in economic progress by encouraging efficiency and innovation
Adam Smith
Natural law of supply and demand
Adam Smith
Adam Smith
Labor theory of value
Adam Smith
Impacted Karl Marx
Adam Smith
A Serious Proposal to the Ladies
Mary Astell
Women are as intellectually capable as men
Mary Astell
Equal access to education
Mary Astell
Some Reflections upon Marriage
Mary Astell
Patriarchy in marriage is a form of absolutism
Mary Astell
The sexes are unequal in marriage
Mary Astell
Mother of European feminism
Mary Wollstonecraft
Vindication of the Rights of Women
Mary Wollstonecraft
Treating women unequally fails the test of reason
Mary Wollstonecraft