Contrasting the Enlightenment and Romanticism Flashcards
What was the time frame of the Enlightenment?
Late 17th/primarily 18th century
What was the time frame of Romanticism?
Late 18th/first half of 19th century
What was the motto of the Enlightenment? Who said it?
“Sapre aude” = “Dare to know”; Immanuel Kant
What was the motto of Romanticism? What does it mean? Who said it? What works did he write?
“Dare to be”; Duty of a Romantic is to experience life to the fullest; Goethe; Faust and Sorrows of the Young Werther
In the Enlightenment, emphasis was placed on what 4 things?
Reason, intellect, logic, and rationality
In Romanticism, emphasis was placed on what 4 things? Even what?
Feeling, passion, emotion, and intuition; Even the irrational
In the Enlightenment, what was the preoccupation? What was it, fundamentally?
Application of scientific method and test of reason to all aspects of society; Reform movement
In Romanticism, what was the preoccupation? This is akin to what other period? What was focused on? What was rejected? What are 2 ways people met these preoccupations?
Individual genius, hero, and exceptional figure in general; Renaissance; Passions and inner struggle of life; Bourgeois social conventions; Experimented with drugs (especially Opium from China) and unorthodox appearance
What was the Enlightenment view of nature? What quote exemplifies this belief?
To understand and dominate nature for human ends (get power over it); “Knowledge is power”
What was the Romantic view of nature? What quote exemplifies this belief and who said it?
Revere and live in harmony with it, and it can and will dominate humans; “Let nature be your teacher” (Wordsworth)
What types of conceptions of god emerged during the Enlightenment? What are some of them and what are they?
Alternative; Deism (clockmaker), pantheism (God is everything and everywhere; Spinoza), agnosticism (God can’t be known), and atheism (materialism)
Appreciation of what emerged religiously? Who defended it, in what work, and using what grounds? What others emerged, what are they, and who defended them?
Traditional medieval Catholicism (mysticism); Rene Chateaubriand’s The Geinus of Christanity using mystical (not empirical) grounds; Fiedism (Religiosity as a leap of faith, not reason or rationality; Kierkegaard) and Pantheism (God is nature)
Which 6 types of print culture were prominent in the Enlightenment?
Novel, essay, encyclopedia, newspapers (1st daily = Daily Courant), journals, and magazines (Spectator)
Which 3 types of print culture were prominent during Romanticism?
Poetry (direct expression of one’s soul; “spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” Wordsworth), novels, and folk tales (“volk” = common; connects to nationalism)
What style of painting was prominent during the Enlightenment? Who was a prominent artist? What are some of the characteristics of it?
Neoclassicism; Jacques-Louis David; Antiquity, stoic, vibrant colors, tenebrism, naturalistic, perspective, architecture
What style of painting was prominent during Romanticism? Who were 5 prominent artists?
Romantic; Friedrich, Turner, Delacroix, Gericault, and Goya
What musical style was prominent in the Enlightenment? What were 4 characteristics? Who were prominent composers?
Classical; Restrained, formal, unemotional, and strict patterns; Mozart and Hayden (taught Beethoven)
What musical style was prominent in Romanticism? What were 4 characteristics? Who were prominent composers?
Romantic; Emotional, bold, passionate, and experimental; Beethoven (9th Symphony, was the first to have a chorus), Wagner (The Ring of Nieblung, nationalism), Chopin, Liszt, and Berlioz
During the Enlightenment, what type of historiography was prominent? Who was associated with it and what are their major works?
Secular; Voltaire and Edward Gibbon (Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire; blames fall of Roman Empire on Christanity)
During Romanticism what type of historiography was prominent? Who was associated with it, what was his major work, and what does it argue? What is this idea’s antithesis and who authors it?
The “hero”; Thomas Carlyle, History from Above, Hero drives human history (Great man view of history); History from below, Marx
What 3 styles of architecture are prominent during the Enlightenment? What are some examples?
Baroque, Rococo, Neoclassical; Palace of Versailles and Saint Paul’s Cathedral
What style of architecture is prominent during Romanticism? What is an example?
British Parliament