Religon-Chapter 31 Flashcards
What means “ to call upon” or “invocation;” the priest asks the Father to send the holy spirit.
The churches great prayer of thanksgiving, offered by the priest and the assembly is called the______.
Eucharistic Prayer
What is the change fro bread and and wine to the body and blood of Christ that happens during the Eucharistic Prayer?
What is the liturgy of the Word
The second part of the mass, it follows the liturgy of the word.
What 4 things do we bring to the altar during the Preparation of the gifts
Bread, Wine, Water, and Money
Why do we collect money during the Preparation of the gifts
The money helps poor people and it also helps to support the church
Who participates in the Eucharistic prayer
The priest/presided and the assembly
The Eucharistic prayer begins with a _________ between the priest and the assembly/people
What is a dialouge
A conversation between 2 or more people
Even though the priest does most of the speaking , the Eucharistic prayer is the prayer of ________ ___________
everyone gathered
The ___________ is a summary of the good things God the Father has done for us throughout history
The Preface follows the ________ and leads into singing the ______________ .
Dialogue, sanctus/ holy, holy, holy
During the epiclesis, the priest asks God the ________ to send down the ___________ __________ over the gifts and the assembly
Father , holy spirit
During the epiclesis, the bread and wine are changed into the _________ and ___________ of Christ
Body and blood
During the epiclesis, the assembly is also changed, becoming the _______ of christ.
What is the order of the liturgy of the word
- Readings from bible
- homily
- creed
- Prayers of the faithful
What is the order of the liturgy of the Eucharist
- Preparation of the gifts
- dialogue
- preface
- Sanctus(Holy, holy,holy)
- epiclesis
- Institution narrative
- consecration (transubstantiation)
- mystery of faith
- oblation
- doxology
- amen
What is a doxology
An statement of praise
What happens during the oblation
We ask god to receive our sacrifice of praise
For what and whom do we pray during the intercessions
We pray that the church will be united with Mary and Joseph and the apostles and saints. We pray for the church leaders and for the dead and that god will remember us
When you sing or say amen what are you saying yes to?
Yes, that you believe in the transubstantiation