History Final Flashcards
Hunter-Gatherer societies
People probably came from Africa then migrated elsewhere Paleolithic Times -know for controlling fire -Adapted to their environment -Typically hunter-gatherers -Specific gender roles -Men(hunted) -Woman(raised children, gathered) -Men and women were equal Neolithic -Happened because of warming in the climate after ice age -Didn't take place instantly everywhere, different areas experienced their own revolution at their own times Pastoralism-domestication of animals major developments
Roman and Chinese gender relations
Rome -Men are superior -Patriarch Chinese -Same as Rome
Male dominated society
Hammurabi’s Code
Laws in ancient Mesopotamia(Sumerians)
By the Babylonian king, Hammurabi
fall of rome social
Rise of Christianity
-Those who were fighting in the army were looked down upon by Christians-commiting sin
-Christians taught pacifism
-Church schisms
Decline in Morals and values
-Leaders wasted money on parties instead of the empire
-A lot of gladiator fights(brutal fights that all citizens attended)
Public health
-Used lead pipes for their water
-Spread of disease
-Alcohol consumption
Inferior technology
-Relied too much on animal and human labor
-Didn’t invent anything new
-Couldn’t provide for their people
-Didn’t adapt to the new technology of the land they conquered
-Slowly lost territory
fall of rome military
-The empire was getting too big, it was really hard to control their empire, not enough patrol at the borders Military spending
-Spent a lot of money on the borders so the Barbarians
could not get in.
-Left little money for other parts of the empire(like road conditions, public housing, etc)
-Many people started to get mad and started to not support the empire
-Had to hire soldiers from other places and then the
soldiers were unreliable
-Because of the military spending, the empire had to raise the taxes- many people didn’t like this.
-Increasing attacks by Barbarians
-3rd century AD- Roman empire was fighting a civil war with Italy and they weren’t careful on keeping the borders strong. Soon germanic hunters and whatnot came into the empire and started to overthrow them
-Fast Expansion of the Empire
-The empire was growing so fast that they couldn’t keep the borders secure and strong.
-Many rebellions
-Barbarian Knowledge of Roman Military Tactics
-By serving in the army, barbarians gained knowledge of roman military tactics
fall of rome economic
-Emperors of Rome had bad policies, their decline in economics led to a worse military
Political Corruption
-Emperors were chosen by the previous emperor and led to corruption
-The army was fed up with the not cool beans emperor so they strangled them leading to more rebelion
-This happened many times
Slave Labor
-This resulted in rebelion for obvious reasons
-Caused technological changes and growth
-Because of wars against slaves, people changed their views on slavery
-Farming was starting to be done on a large scale (this is called latifundia) with wealthy people and slaves
-This made food cheaper and farmers could not keep up with the cheap prices of large scale farming therefore leaving farmers jobless.
Inflation- and increase in prices
-The emperor Marcus Aurelius stopped conquering lands and decreased the amount of gold in the economy.
-The coins that were originally made with gold stopped having as much in it therefore decreasing the value of coins.
-As and effect of this, merchants had to start marking up prices of goods.
Urban Decay
-Most Romans were not very wealthy so they lived in small apartment-like rooms that smelled like death because they did not have plumbing
-The rent was $40 a year and if you couldn’t pay rent, you were sent onto the crime ridden streets leading to decay
greek philosophers
-Father of Greek thought
-Created Socratic Method of thinking
-Put to death because he was questioning state religion
-Wrote about all we know of Socrates
-Student of Socrates
-Wrote about the thought of 3 class of people
-Cave metaphor
-Plato’s student
-Tutor of Alexander the Great
mandate of heaven
Zhou dynasty
- Only 1 true ruler of China at a time, who had the blessing of the gods
- Gave explanation to why things happened and that the gods were in charge
Pax Romana / Pax Sinica
A long period of peace in China
Formation of Silk Trade(brought Buddhism)
The end of Pax Sinica
-Smallpox, measles, and bubonic plague killed ¼ of population
-Small farmers gave land o big farmers to pay off debts
-Peasant upbringing
Civil Service Exam
From Han Dynasty
Created a National; University to prepare people for employment, based on Confucian philosophies
greek city states
Each city-state had its own form of government
No central government
Each had the same religions and culture(not forced)
Because of its geography, it led to the creation of poeis(cities)
Cities sometimes fought
Political systems
Monarchy-a king rules
Aristocracy-the nobles rule
Oligarchy-a few wealthy landowners and merchants rule
Democracy-all citizens participate
Built around 2500 BC by Indus Valley Civilization
Abandoned when the the civilization started to fall but was later rediscovered
Collapse of Han China
Natural disasters Emperors kept dying -Court took advantage Political court battles Rebilions Battles
spread of christianity
Most people were polytheistic Paul the Apostle spread monotheism Teachings of Christianity were against fighting(armies), taught pacifism Internal church schisms Might have led to the fall of Rome
silk road- goods
From afghanistan -Copper and tin From Iran -Silk From China -Exotic animals and plants -Didn’t say where this is from just that these were traded. -Gold and other metals and Ivory, gems, stones, and glass -In caravans heading to china -Dates,saffron powder, pistachio nuts -Furs -Pistachio nuts From persia- to china -Ceramics -Jade -Bronze -Crops -etc
silk road ideas
Buddhism went to China, Central Asia, India
silk road diseases
Bubonic plague
4 noble truths of buddhism
location of hinduism
comparing mesopotamia nad hebrew beliefs
-Military leaders were more important than priests and became known as kings
-Polytheistic, built ziggurats for worship
-Had slaves, lower class were hired workers
-Upper class woman had a little freedom
-Founded by Abraham
-Forced to leave Canaan due to drought, went to
Egypt, enslaved
-Moses led them out of Egypt and into modern day Israel
belief of doaism
Founder is said to be Laozi, also called Old Master
Goal is to seek harmony with nature
Followers renounce all worldly ambitions and let the universe run its course(give up ambitions, don’t change the world, just go with it)
oracle bones
Used during the Shang Dynasty
We know of their writing system because of Oracle Bones
Fortune tellers, tells the future
Ancient Writing
Paleolithic -Art work shows us the climate Sumerians -Cuneiform -World’s first writing system created by scribes -Made using clay Ancient Egypt -Hieroglyphics -Form of writing on papyrus, a type of plant like paper -Developed number system based on 10 Indus Valley Civilization -Sanskrit -Form of writing -Evolved the language into Hindi Olmec -Developed calendar and number system that includes 0 -Glyphs -Pictures of real objects
Sunni -One of the main branches of Islam -Accepts first 3 caliphs -Has a different understanding of Sunna than Shia Shia -One of the 2 main branches of Islam -Mostly followed in Iran -Rejects first 3 caliphs, accepts Ali(4th caliph) as the true successor of Muhammed
Buddhism and Jainism
To be reborn into a new life based on your previous life
If you lived a good life, you’ll reincarnate as something that’s epicly cool beans
budhism emergence
Founded by Siddhartha Gautama
Pampered young prince who wanted to understand suffering
Left his family to become ascetic(giving up everything he has)
Meditated, after he became enlightened and called himself Buddha(the enlightened one)
environmental changes
Agricultural Revolution
-Because of the warmer climate, they were able to grow crops
-Had a surplus of crops
-Domesticated crops already growing in the region and learned how to store them for long periods of time
-Limited their diets
-With more farming, not as much hunting
-Used to be nomadic pastoralism, only a few stayed in one place
-Had a dramatic effect on the environment
-Contaminated water, sickness
-Spread ideas and trading among the different groups
-Permanent settlements start to take place
-Social stratification, classes of people formed due to the establishment of cities
-Form a government
-Technological innovations
-Polytheistic(explained things they didn’t understand)
Cause of neolithic Revolution
-Happened because of warming in the climate after ice age
River Valleys + Agriculture
-Led to economic growth and trade
-Had easier access to water
What does Paleolithic mean?
Paleolithic was the longest period of time meaning old stone age
How did humans in the Paleolithic era gather food?
Called “hunter gatherers,” they found their own food instead of farming and making it themselves
What caused hunter-gatherers to abandon foraging as their primary food source?
New ways of foraging were invented. New methods appeared, faster and easier ways to get food
What impacts did humans had on the environment in the later portions of the foraging era?
Environment changed, animals population decreased
New plants and animals
Prior to 10,000 years ago, how did most people live?
In small(12-20 people) hunter-forager groups
The best explanation for the change in world population between 10,000 years ago and 7,000 years ago is the development of____
Better means of food production
Most historians agree with which theory explaining early human migration?
Humanity began in Africa and spread to the rest of the world
Which of the following would be the most important factor determining a favorable location in revolution of a village into a city
A predictable supply of drinking water
A major difference between a village and a city in Neolithic Times was____
Cities possessed greater specialization of labor
Which feature was most important in Neolithic peoples progress to become more complex?
Specialization in labor
What was the significance of legal codes to early civilizations?
They reflected and reinforced existing social and political hierarchies
Which of the geographic features were a primary factor that enabled the Sumerians to farm crops such as barley?
The river valleys of Tigris and Euphrates
Why did civilizations become possible?
The increase of food production, which led to a surplus of food
Historians consider the Neolithic Era a turning point in history. What event occurred in that period bests supports this idea?
Denser population, specialized labor, and complex social relations led ot cities
China was isolated and unknown to other civilizations mostly due to its___
A society that is organized into a hierarchy of various classes
What does the reincarnation of a person into a given class depend on?
Karma or deeds in life
A pattern of diseases, such as smallpox and the Bubonic plague, as a contributor to the weakening of the Roman Empire was apparent in which other empire from this era?
Han Dynasty in China
What reflects the relationship between Greek and city-states?
They are very independent and therefore developed differently
What was the world’s most vital overland trade route leading up to 1000 CE?
Silk Road
Central to most Mayan city-kingdoms were large pyramids, which served as____
Religious temples for ritual bloodletting ceremonies
Analyze ONE reason why the Mandate of Heaven was developed by the Zhou dynasty in China.
Developed by the Zhou dynasty to explain how and why the Shang dynasty was overthrown and Zhou should be ruling.
Identify ONE similarity between the power of Chinese rulers under the mandate and the power of the Egyptian pharaoh.
Egyptian pharaohs were thought to be gods and the Chinese rulers under the Mandate of heaven were believed to have power invested in they by the gods.
Identify ONE difference between the power of Chinese rulers under the mandate and
the power of the Egyptian pharaoh.
a.The Pharaoh supposedly had divine power and were themselves gods while the Chinese rulers were only chosen by the gods.
Identify and explain ONE way the emergence of cities affected economic activities in early civilizations before 600 BCE.
The emergence of cities affected economic activities. People began trading more with each other and specialize labor, which made them more complex, because agriculture created a predictable source of food. They traded food, minerals, tools, and other goods.
Identify and explain ONE way the emergence of cities affected political hierarchies in early civilizations before 600 BCE.
The emergence of cities affected political hierarchies. A lot of the time the people with the most food like a good hunter would be put in charge, but as agriculture increased food became more common, warriors and religious leader began to hold more power.
Identify and explain ONE way the emergence of cities affected social hierarchies in early civilizations before 600 BCE.
The emergence of cities affected social hierarchies by making those with more specialized labor became higher. Often social hierarchies got food because of their class, but with the emergence of cities and trade, they got gold, gems, and treasure.
Identify and explain ONE positive result of the Neolithic Revolution.
During the Neolithic era art, religion, specialization of labor, and culture flourished and became part of society because they have a reliable source of food and didn’t alway have to be looking or hunting for food.
Identify and explain ONE negative result of the Neolithic Revolution.
Better weapons were developed which to more war and killing. Deforestation also destroyed the land and many died due to that.
Identify and explain ONE feature that distinguished the Neolithic Age from the Paleolithic Age.
During the Neolithic era the main source of food were the crops while during the Paleolithic era they got food from hunting and gathering.
Identify and explain ONE positive effect the Silk Road had on the Classical world.
The silk roads spread good and with them ideas and technology. Both of which were often adapted by often other cultures, which then in turn advanced it even more. Science and mathematics were greatly advanced due to the silk roads.
Identify and explain ONE negative effect the Silk Road had on the Classical world.
Negatively, the silk roads spread disease like smallpox from Rome to China and that killed many.
Identify and explain ONE similarity the Muslim Agricultural Revolution had with the Silk Road.
Both the Muslim Agricultural Revolution and the Silk Roads spread ideas and goods and helped technology and science advance as well as helping the economy.
Identify and explain one military factor that led to the fall of the Roman Empire.
The empire was getting too big, it was really hard to control their empire, not enough patrol at the borders and they were too focused on one part instead of watching the all of it.
Identify and explain one social factor that led to the fall of the Roman Empire.
Inferior technology
- Relied too much on animal and human labor
- Didn’t invent anything new
- Couldn’t provide for their people
- Didn’t adapt to the new technology of the land they conquered
- Slowly lost territory
Identify and explain one economic factor that led to the fall of the Roman Empire.
Emperors of Rome had bad policies, their decline in economics led to a worse military and heavy taxes to support the military, which was failing.
Profession of faith
There is no other God but God and Muhammed is his prophet
Daily prayer
Must be prayed 5 times a day
Alms giving
Share with community
Fast during Ramadan(9 months)
Journey to Mecca Go to Mecca and area Walk Kaaba 7 times Happens in 12th month Must happen at least once in your life
Order of Chinese Dynasties
Xia Shang Zhou Qin Han (Xavier should zap Quinn home) They should have used easier names!!!!!!!! X!?!?! Z!!?!?!?! Q!?!?!?!