Chapters 1-7 Religion Vocab Flashcards
Council of Jerusalem
Council held n 49 AD where peter and Paul debated if new Christians needed to be Jewish or not. Paul didn’t think that they did, Peter thought that they did.
A universal belief; believing in Christ
Name 5 denominations of Christianity
Lutheran, nondenominational, Protestant, Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox
Four names for Eucharist
Thanksgiving, communion, mass, body and blood
Another name for good news
A group of people who come together for a common person
A set of beliefs that help us answer life’s big questions.
To believe that God will care for us, love us, and help us for life; belief without seeing
Word of God(2)
Scripture, Jesus Christ
Good news
New Testament
The second half of the Bible. Tells about Jesus’ life.
3 main parts of the NT
Gospel, Letters of Paul, revelations
Other names of people who evangualize
Missionaries, martyrs, disciples, etc
Extremely holy and detracted to their faith, an excellent role model. To be canonized you have to be dead
Middle Ages
A time period form 500-1500 AD
50 days after Easter. Holy Spirit ascended on apostles in the Upper Room in Jerusalem. Happened around 32-33 AD. BIRTHDAY OF THE CHURCH
Justification by faith
Martin Luther’s beliefs that god saves us and we go to heaven by doing god deeds out of our hearts and by our faith and not buying our way into it.
The name of the religion of those who follow Jesus and his teachings
Great western schism
3 popes- got rid of all the popes
Why are church fathers important
They clarified the church teachings
A way of life where people form communities to devote ones life to God
Through actions/words; gong out to spread the good news
When/ what was renessance
1400-1700. Many Europeans rediscovered the writings of the ancient Greeks and Romans and began to use the, as their models for learning, art and architecture
Apostolic succession
The process by which bishops in every age are given the authority to carry out their work of shepherds g the church
Important center of Christianity
First martyr
St. Stephen (stoned)
Martin Luther posted the__ _____ and it started the _______________
95 theses, Protestant reformation
Major city in east for church
Secret symbol for church
When people focus on human interest and value
A movement of the 18th century. Emphasized the use of reason in solving problems and gaining knowledge
Paying your way out of sin
The name of the teachings and beliefs of Martin Luther. Many people followed his teachings and formed new churches
Council of trent
1545-1564. Purpose - to state the church teaching and to figure out how to fix the problem of the Protestant arguments and the heretics. The church fixed a few of the problems they had been having
People who have visions or types of communitcationsnwith God more powerful than prayer ex: Teresa of Avila, John of the cross.