Religion Semester One Final- 9 Flashcards
The new name of the person who “wrestled with an angel”.
leader after Moses
Spokesperson for Moses
The Ups and Downs of Israel’s history.
salvation history
The story of God’s actions and people’s responses throughout time.
salvation history
The name of the main river in Egypt.
In the book of Exodus, the people of Israel begin in this country.
the type of art that the stations of the cross in the Chapel of Mary of the Angels are in.
The tendency to want to sin (thanks Adam and Eve)
Another name for the original sin story.
the Fall
The first murder in the bible (who killed whom).
cain killed abel
The first large scale idolatry of the people who became Israelites.
golden calf
200 The killing of every living thing after a battle (think of Jericho).
In biblical notation, the last number refers to this.
last verse to be read
The “day” for our Jewish sisters and brothers, as well as our feast days and worship begin at this time.
The name of the meal eaten each year by our Jewish sisters and brothers to celebrate the final plague
seder meal
The Shema can be found in many Jewish homes here.
Devote male Jews may use these to hold the Shema while they pray.
10 of these pernicious ________ affected the Egyptians at the time of Moses.
The practice of providing food and shelter for all visitors, including foreigners. Abram was rewarded for providing this to visitors (angels)
What is hospitality?
Translate Alleluia.
praise the lord
Final a song written in praise for all God has done for his people.
This dude moved from Ur
Messengers of God
The leader of the slaves in the book of Exodus
Their main role is praising God.
Explain how sin has consequences. Give examples from the bible and from your life or current news(this semester).
Adam and Eve- disobeyed God= had to work hard and have pain when bearing children
Tower of Babel- try to be equal to God= not understand each other
Moses- didn’t listen to God= no promised land for him.
How does God work through flawed individuals? Select 3 people we have studied so far and provide evidence for how this flawed person served God and people.
Joseph- Was stuckupish Fancy dreams Blah blah Then got sold Then became potiphars servant Then got falsly accused Put in jail Interpreted dreams Important person Rest of story Sarah Didnt believe God would provide child Laughed Then angel comes to them Then has child Happy Thanks God Moses Kills an egyptian dude Runs away God comes through buring bush After much convincing decides to do something for God and goes to egypt Rest of story that you can figure out blah blah
How does scripture help us to understand how much God wants to be in relationship with us?
Scripture is God’s way of communicating with us. He talks to us through the scripture and tells us how to follow him and teaches us so yeah
Explain how sin grows from a single choice to a family issue to a murder rap to an international incident to the destruction of the world. Use the examples from sin stories we have studied, then add current events in the world that show how sin continues to spread and destroy.
In The Fall of Man, the story of the first sin is told about Adam and Eve. They make the choice to disobey God and eat the fruit from the tree that they weren’t supposed. Their sin grows bigger when they fear God, so they hide; their sin grows even more when they blame each other. In the story of Cain and Abel, Abel is liked better by God. Cain is jealous of Abel, so he kills his brother. In the story of the Tower of Babel, the people try to build a tower high enough to be able to reach and to be as good as God. God punishes them by making them all speak different languages so that they can’t understand each other. During the time of Noah, the people were sinning so God warned Noah and his family. Noah builds the ark to save two of every animal and his family. Through the flood, God destroys the Earth, Noah and his family stay on the boat for 40 days and 40 nights. God sends a rainbow, showing that he promises to never destroy the world again by flood.
plus current event
final essay
God creates world. Adam and Eve disobey God by eating from the forbidden tree, hiding from God and their third sin, blaming each other. Afterwards, they have kids but Cain kills Abel. After Abel dies, they have another son named Seth. The people of the Earth are all evil, except Noah and his family. God warned Noah about the flood and so he builds the ark, saving his family and two of each animal but they must stay on the ark for forty days and forty nights. The Earth is cleansed and God sends a rainbow symbolizing that He will never destroy the world by flood again. The people then try to build a tower high enough to reach God and be good as Him. God makes them speak all different languages so they can’t understand each other, they then all go elsewhere. Abram comes and God promises to build a great nation from him. His descendants will outnumber the stars and be as great as sand of the Earth.
Abram and Sarai are too old to have kids but an angel appears to them and tells them that they will and changes their names to Abraham and Sarah. Abraham has a son with Hagar, Ishmael. Sarah disapproves of Hagar and Ishmael, who then run away. They run out of water and food, so Hagar leaves Ishmael so she does not have to watch him die. An angel appears to Hagar, saying He will make Ishmael into a great nation. Ishmael gets married. Abraham and Sarah have Isaac, whose name means laughter.
order of peeps in bible
Creation Adam and eve Cain and abel Noah Tower of babel Abram and sarai Hagar Ismael Isaac Rebekkah Esau Jacob Rebekah Leah Other millions of children Joseph Benjamen Moses Battle of jericho Judges- Othneil Ehud Deborah Gideon Samson
edenic covenant
The Edenic Covenant is a conditional one, found in Gen. 1:26-31;2:16-17, that traces the consequences of the sin of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Their disobedience determined the fate of all of humanity. In the Edenic Covenant, God promises Adam that blessings and curses depend on the faithfulness of mankind. Because of their sin, the covenant provides that man ultimately falls to a spiritual and then physical death.
Adamic Covenant
The Adamic Covenant is found in Gen. 3:16-19 and is an unconditional covenant. Although only God and Adam are participants in this covenant, Adam is considered to be a representative of all of mankind, meaning the provision still applies today. In the Adamic covenant, God tells Adam what kind of hardships he can expect in life because of his sin. Many Christians interpret this covenant to include the promise of a redeemer who will come to rescue men from the consequence of sin.
Noahic Covenant
Found in Gen 9:1-18, the Noahic Covenant is an unconditional one that God made with Noah and his sons after the flood waters receded and everyone left the Ark. The Bible says that God caused a rainbow to appear in the sky on that day and used it to promise Noah, as well as all of mankind, that he would never again destroy the earth and all its inhabitants in a worldwide flood.
Abrahamic covenant
The Abrahamic Covenant is an unconditional covenant in which God makes a promise to Abraham that he would be the father to many different nations of people and that he would prosper and be blessed. Through Abraham came the race of the Jews, and the sign of the covenant is circumcision. The details of the Abrahamic Covenant can be found in Genesis 12:1-4;13:14-17; 15:1-7; 17:1-8.
Mosaic Covenant
The Mosaic Covenant was a conditional one that God made between himself and Moses. Found in Exodus 20:1 - 31:18, this covenant contains the commandments that God gave to the Israelites for uncovering God’s will and for governing the people. In Christian theology, the terms of the Mosaic Covenant, which are commandments, ordinances and judgments, expired on the cross when Jesus died for the sins of men, which started the “New Covenant.”
land covenant
The details of the Land Covenant are given in Deuteronomy 30:1-10. Some people have referred to this covenant as the “Palestine Covenant,” however the Bible does not refer to this covenant in that manner. Here, God makes an unconditional promise to the Israelites that he will give them a land of their own. This covenant also includes a provision that when the land is given to that nation, the people will all be united once again in serving God and their enemies will be destroyed.