religion in elizabeth's reign Flashcards
what the differenves in religion between catholics and protestants
catholics followed the pope worshiped in highly dectorated churches and only listened to catholic servies and saw elizabeth as the illigitimate daughter of anne bolyn and mary queen of scots as rightful hier
whereas protestnats had the monarch at the head of the church services in eglish as well as plain churches
some protestants thought catholics so be wipes out immediatily
who were the puritains
they were an extreamist group of proestants they didn’t like the new changes and though there should be no head to the church or bishops and cthe church should eclect committty goes to run their churches as well as dislikeing decoration
they thoug sunday was holy and should be devoted to god and hat everday should be simple they avoided entertainment gambling visits and theaters dunrkensess or swearing
there were three kinds
puritans- accceoted religous setllement but wanted mre changes
presbitarians- more extream and popular in scotland they wanted no bishops and slimpler services
separatists- they were hte most extream they wanted no national church so that each church could have power over itself
what were the aims of the relighous settlement
she had to compreimise he ideas betweeen catholics protestants and puritains to avoid rebellion as welll as consider the catholic threat from mary queen of scots the lingering infulence of catholic phillip of spain who was married to mary 1 .
scotland was offically ruled by franced so was offically catholic but alot of the important nobels were catholic and she was worried that if she was excommunicated then it woul dgive catholic powers a reason to invade
most of the members of parilament were also protestant but many in the house of lords were catholic protesatans who had fled under mary also expected a more protesnatnt country to reurn to
what was the meaning of the middle way
she was creating tolerance and a portestant church with some elemts of catholisism to the differnet religous gorup in the country
what were the acts of supremicy and unifromity
they made the religous settlement the law in 1599
supremecy- elizabeth became supreme governeer of the church of england which gave some hope to catholics that the pope may still be the ehad of the church in future important officals like mps and members of the church had to swear an oath of loyalty may wary’s acts of heracy against proteestants were reversed
the act of unifomity ment that services were to be carried out in english and the protestant book of common paryer was to be used in churuches preiests were allowed to marry but had to wear vestemts and decorations were allowed in churches
how did elizabeth inforce her new religous rules
royal i junctions meant that all clergy men were provided with instructions ordering them to inforce the acts and to fine recusants and she sent 125 commisoners on tours of the country doing visitations to make sure they were following he new changed and to make them take an oath of supremicy to her 400 clergy who refued to follow the changes in 5 years
what were reactions to the religous settlemet
people rescpected the new archbishop of cantorbury mathew parker but fines on recusants were not strictly inforced only 250 out of 9000 perists refused the act of supremicy but moderate catholics and protestant did not oppose the laws
france was occupied with civil war so took little interest phillip of spain and the pope hoed the changes would not last ut they did not get invoulved
the counicl of trent ( meeting of important catholics put forward critisisms but the change had already been accepetd by the public
who were recusants
they were popel who refused to go to curch on sunday william allen set up a school to train preists who wanted to change the rules back the preists were jusits and encourged people not to accept the new chnages and noot follow the rules by elizabeth responded by making the fine for recustancy £20 and an act of treason anyone foun helping a catholic preist could be killed and so could jesusits and seminary periests
what were consepquences for mary’s execution
her pricy councilers were for to go behind her back and do the exeution in a different place without knowledge liz was furious and refused to talk to cecil for a month and wrote a letter of apology to james mary’s son catholics did nothing and the plots eneded james protested but blaimed the privy council rather than liz
phill was alredy planning an invasion but mary’s execution comfirmed his desire to get rid of her
how did puritains affect the religous settlement
37 puritains preists were dissmissed for refusing to wear vestements
cartwright wanted the removal of bishops so that curuch could run itself he was forced to flee the country when liz rejected his ideas
stubbs wrote a pamphlet critsizing liz when when she was going to marry ajenuo it offeneded portestants so puritans lost support
puritans in parliament and the privy council
strickland introduced a bill banning vestements
feild and wilcox- worte book critising the curch the were presbitarian and imrpsioned for not following the act of unifromity and purtian printing presses were destroyed
cope- mp called for the removal of bishops both men were attacked by hattten arrested then put inot the tower of london and elizabeth closhed parliament
how were purtains delt with accross the country
liz was worried about developemnts in the puritain movment prophysings where they help meeting was worried could use to start rebellion archbishop was ordered to ban meetings got new archbishop who was strongly against purtains and all curchmembers had to swear a new oath of layalty 3/400 refused and were romved from office
separitists0 wanted ti separted from the atholic chruch and have the power to decide how the practiced religion and a separist chruch was set up in norwirdge the leader was arrested and forced ti leave england then the act Against Seditious Sectaries was passed meaninf separists could be banished or even killled