Elizabethan life Flashcards
what happened to the rich during elizabeth’s reign and why?
the rich got even richer due to the stability of her reing there were no wars and so taxes were kept relativly low
furthermore, many had bought land during the dissolutions of the monestries and so made money off this
this also lead to a growing middle class of welthy merchants and skilled labourered who owned land
what were the homes of the rich like
they were built symetrical and everything was made to impress and show wealth
they also clearly separated the quarters of the rich and the poor one new feature added was the long gallary wich were flooded with natural light and showed of portraits of family members
what were the houses of the gentry like?
they tended to copy the trands of the rich and and they often updated their houses and they were built of stone and brick
soem older houses had upper floors added glass windowns were somtines installed as a show of wealth and there was also a separation between the rooms used by the rich and the poor
what were the houses of the lower classes like?
they were often simple and one room shared with animals they had earth floors and the walls were made of wood with mud infill they were furnished with simple possesions like stools and a bed slighly richer crafstmen may have been able to update theur houses with a kitchen or a chimeny
what were the fashions of the rich like
they would wear the finest clothes made of skil and linin to show their wealth
they would wear a doublet wich was a shirt and a stiff ruff around their neck to show their wealth
women would would wear gowns made form stain skilk of velvet and would have jewlery such as broaches and pearls
what would the gentry wear
they would try to copy the fashions of the rich but with lower quality cloth that was unembroyered and with less jewlery
what would the poor wear
they would ear clothes fit for work as they would have manbey only one or tow changed of clothes farmers may whear leather shoes and cloth clothes to keep them warm when working outdoors
how were the rich educated?
boys would be turtored in french greek or latin and would be taughted hunting dancing and social etiquette and girls would be thaughted how to run a large household
how were the gentry educated
the boys attened grammar schools how also learned greek and latin and by the end of elizabeth’s reign there were 360 of thses schools for each major town then boys would go on to university in oxford or cambridge to prepare them for a royal job or serving in government
how were the lower classes educated
normally couldn’t afford for them to go to school but if they were luck they may have gone to pariah schools where they would learn to read and write but many were forced to leave as teenagers to go and work
what were the cuases of poverty and the elizathan times
a rapidlly increasing population ( rose by 1.4 milion in approx 60 years) meant there was ahigher demand for food and jobs and hosuing and there were rising food prices
there were also previously meany expensive wars leading to high taxes and and many unemployed soilders
problem with trade in the cloth industry used economical problems wich meant less farmeers grew crops and more kept sheeps so meaning fewer workers were needed
and the enclosures acts meant that many
rent in rual areas also went up wich was called rack-renting
due to the dissolution of the monestries many alms houses that used to help the poor were closed
how elizbethans treat the poor
they classifed as alble bodied who could have worked but choes not to many people thought they should be punished and forced to find work
the impotent or hepless poor were thoes unable to work due to disibility or age or any other illness
the helpless poor were helped by the goverment and given poor rleif
what were the problems the poor faced
the able bodies poor were seen as some of the biggest problems in society and often begged in towns and were called sturdy beggars rouges or vagabonds
the poor were blamed for an increase in crime being too lazy to find a job spreading diseases like the plague by wondering from place to place and many werw worried they might start rebellion beacuse many were ex-soilders
if caught begging you could be punished in court
how did elizabeth deal with poverty?
previous tudor monarchs had tried to punish the poor to deal with the problem elizabeth thought that although beggars should be punished like whipped her government started to take responsbility for the poor and distingushes between types of poor she tried to help the impotent poor and force the abled bodies poor to work
what were the acts for the relif of the poor
Jps were to build two houses of correction and keep materials so they could give jobs to the unemployed the final act made sure the poor laws were permanent and 4 overseeers were appointed to collect and give out poor relif it made sure the children of the poor could learn a craft
what was the vagabonds act and the act for the punishment of rougues
it meant begging was strictly forbidden and anyone found begging was to be whipped and meant severre penalties were to be sued aginst vagrants and local people had to pay a poor rate and provide shelter for the elderly and overseeres of the poor were invited to help Jps
how succesful were the poor laws ?
poverty rates continused to rise but they helped thousands of people in need and the threat of rebellion reduced it also marked a change in attitude of the goverment and the system remained for 200 years