relationships Flashcards
What did Thibaut + Kelly propose in (1959)
They proposed the social exchange theory which states that all social behaviour originates from social exchange and humans have the tendency to look at maximising rewards while minimising costs.
What are some basic assumptions of the social exchange theory?
+ For a relationship to continue, the amount awarded must be reciprocated by the other individual in the relationship
+ Rewards - Cost = Outcome
+ In society we expect that if we give someone something, they should be given something back with profit
+ A relationships commitment level is dependent on how profitable the relationship is
What are the stages of the social exchange theory and what occurs at each stage?
Sampling: Dating around and finding out the costs and rewards of potential relationships
Bargaining: Choosing a particular individuals and identifying the rewards
Commitment: Focusing on the relationship and getting to know the individualI personally
Institutionalism: Cementing the relationship
What is the comparison level in the social exchange theory?
A standard at which all relationships are judged which is the product of past experiences in other relationships and schemas and our general views of what we expect in a relationship. [Similar to Bowbly’s internal working model]
What happens when you exceed the comparison level and vise versa?
Exceeding the comparison level means that a relationship will look worthwhile and attractive as it is seen as profitable.
Being lower than the comparison level can be seen as having a bad relationship and the social exchange theory suggests that when you are not satisfied with your partner, you will leave the relationship for another which is more profitable.
How did can Rusbult’s idea be used as evaluation for the social exchange theory?(1983)
Rusbult added to the social exchange model (investments), which suggests that the more you invest into a relationship, the less you are likely to leave which has explanatory powers, explaining why people do not leave certain relationships all though they are unhappy.
This research suggests that the model is reductionist and too simplistic.
What are some weaknesses of the social exchange theory?
X A very reductionist and deterministic explanation which only looks at relationships from an economic standpoint when current relationships are very complex and can be affected by several different factors hence the development of Rusbults investment model
X Cannot explain why people leave relationships without a profit replacement
X Its key concepts are hard to define as rewards and costs can be very subjective depending on an individual, for example one person may enjoy receiving compliments however another may find it annoying. It also does not explain how much more profitable a replacement must be for them to actually replace the original partner
What is the equity theory?
The equity theory has the central assumption that people will strive to achieve fairness in their relationships.
What are some general assumptions of the equity theory?
+ Individuals try to maximise rewards and minimise costs similar to the social exchange theory
+ There is always a negotiation to produce fairness however this may not be the same thing
+ Unequity in a relationship can cause uncomfortableness
+ The disadvantaged partner in a relationship will attempt to make the relationship equitable
How could you attempt to restore equity in a relationship? What happens if you are unable to restore equity?
X Change the amount you put in a relationship
X Change the amount you are demanding in a relationship
X Change your mindset of relative inputs and outputs
Being unable to restore equity will lead to comparing your current relationship to the comparison level to see what investment is better worthwhile.
What did Stafford and Canary (2006) find out about 200 couples regarding equity?
Stafford and Canary asked 200 couples to measure equity and marital satisfaction and found that satisfaction was highest for spouses who perceive their relationships as equitable.
This study shows that having equity is important in long term relationships!
What did Aumer and Ryan et al (2007) find out regarding equity and cultural differences?
They interviewed men and woman @ the university of Hawaii ( an individualistic culture ) and in Jamaica ( a collectivist culture ) and found differences between men and woman reacted to perceived relationships. Unexpectedly, the Hawaiian sample were more satisfied with equitable relationships than Jamaican individuals who preferred inequitable relationships.
Firstly this study suggests that it is wrong to assume that all cultures prefer equity in their relationships as there is clearly a cultural variation but additionally it suggests that cross cultural variation does exist and we should not assume about cultures directly and more research should be conducted on it.
What did Larsson et al find about intimacy levels during inequity?
Wives are more likely to feel distressed during inequity and this results in affecting intimacy levels negatively and additionally lowers compatibility levels.
To restore intimacy levels and compatibility levels, you have to restore equity supporting the assumptions that inequity causes distress.
Also implies that there are gender differences.
What is the investment model of commitment? Who suggested it? What does each stage of the model mean?
Rusbalt created an updated model in 2011 and believed that commitment in a relationship depended on satisfaction level, comparison with alternatives and then investment size.
Satisfaction level: The positive and negative effects of the relationship and the degree to which a partner will meet the needs. If your partner cannot meet these needs then they will be seen as costful to be in a relationship with.
Comparison with alternatives: Refers to the perceived desirability of the best alternative to the current relationship. If your needs can be better met outside a relationship ( or without a new relationship )than the quality of your alternatives are high and you are less likely to stay in a relationship.
Investment size: The extent and importance of resources associated with the relationship and what you might lose if the relationship is lost
What are the two types of investments?
Extrinsic investment: Resources that did not previously feature in the relationship and are now closely associated with it, for example children and material things bought together such as houses and cars.
Intrinsic investment: Any resources you put directly into a relationship, these are usually abstract things such as emotional support and time.
What are the two variables linked with commitment and how do they influence commitment?
1) Equity: The degree of fairness within a relationship. Inequity of a relationship would lead to distress and a lack of satisfaction,
2) Social support: The degree of care and assistance available from others regarding your relationship such as family and friends. If others approve of your relationship it will have a positive influence on your commitment level.