Related Issue 2: Chapter 6 Flashcards
What are features of the market economy?
Resources own by the private sector Low govt intervention Economic self interest Efficiency is valued Allocation by price
What is another name for command economies?
Socialist or centrally planned economies
What are the features of command economies?
Resources are owned by the state
Economic decision making is done by the government
Goods are distributed to benefit the state
Prices created by the state
Equity is valued
What is a Mixed economy made of?
The features of market economies and command economies
What is the All out approach to economies in transition?
Price and trade liberalization
Opening of markets
Privatization of state owned enterprises
Reform of tax, legal, and financial systems
What is the phased approach to economies in transition?
Gradual price liberalization
Agricultural reform
Reform of state run enterprises
Relaxed restrictions on non-state industrial firms
What are the advantages of market systems?
Economic freedom, efficiency
what are the disadvantages of market systems?
Unequal distribution of income and wealth
What are the advantages of command systems?
What are the disadvantages of command systems?
Inefficiencies and waste
What did the post war Canadian economy have?
Universal Healthcare Canadian Pension plan Investment Canada CRTC Atomic Energy of Canada Limited
What happened as a result of Arabs using the Yom Kippur war?
OPEC declared an oil embargo on the nations of the west and slowed the production of oil. This caused prices to quadruples
How was the USA affected by oil shortages?
Goods became more expensive and slowed the economy. Inflation and recession occured at the same time
What is stagflation?
A recession when no one is spending money and price of goods increases
How did Stagflation affect the British economy?
The British govt was forced to borrow US 3.9 billion from IMF
What is Monetarism?
The principle that governments have a role in the amount of money circulating in the economy
What steps were carried out in monetarism?
Decrease interests rate to entice people to enter the market
Decrease the amount of money printed
Decrease taxes for the business and wealthy
What is Milton Friedman associated with?
Neo-conservatism aka Classical economics
What were Milton Friedman’s ideas closely linked with?
Classical liberalism
What did Classical liberalism oppose?
Modern liberalism
What was Milton Friedman against?
The welfare state
Why was Milton Friedman against the welfare state?
Because it requires large govt spending which leads to debt
What was Milton Friedman for?
Fiscal responsibility and balanced budgets
What was Milton Friedman’s Economic Practice?
Monetarism or Supply Side economics