Reduced Seperation Minima Flashcards
When may the standard separation minima be reduced in the vicinity of Aerodromes?
(3 things)
1) Adequate Separation can be provided by AD controller when each a/c is continuously visible.
2) each a/c is continuously visible to flight crews of other aircraft concerned and pilots report they can maintain own separation.
3) the flight crew of succeeding aircraft reports that the other aircraft is in sight and separation can be maintained.
Provided that an appropriate documented safety assessment has shown that an acceptable level safety can be met (lower than those is 7.9.2 and 7.10.1(turn vacate or upwind) May be prescribed) by ats authority after consultation with operators.
Safety assessments should be?
Carried out for each runway for which the reduced minima are intended.
The safety assessment should taking into account what factors?
1) Runway Length
2) AD layout
3) Types/Categories of aircraft involved.
All applicable procedures related to the application of reduced runway separation minima shall be published where?
In the AIP
Local Air Traffic Control Instructions.
Should controllers be provided with adequate and appropriate training in the use of the procedures?
Reduced Runway separation minima shall only be applied, when?
During daylight hours.
30 minutes after local Sunrise to 30 minutes before local sunset.
For the purpose of reduced runway separation, aircraft shall be classified as follows?
Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
What are Category 1 aircraft?
SEP aircraft with a MCTOM of 2000kg or less.
What are category 2 aircraft?
SEP a/c with a MCTOM if more than 2,000kg but less than 7,000kg.
TEP a/c with MCTOM less than 7,000kg
What are Category 3 aircraft?
All other aircraft
Reduced runway separation minima shall NOT apply between?
A departing aircraft and a preceding landing aircraft.
Reduced runway separation minima shall be subject to following conditions:
(7 things)
1) Wake Turbulence Separation Minima shall be applied;
2) Vis at least 5km and ceiling not be lower 300m (1,000ft)
3) Tailwind wind component shall not exceed 5kts;
4) available means, such suitable landmarks, to assist the controller in assessing distance between a/c. A surface surveillance system providing position information on a/c may be utilised. Safety assessment needed for equipment.
5) Min Separation continues to exist between two departing aircraft immediately after T/O
6) Traffic Information provides to flight crew of succeeding a/c concerned
7) Breaking action not adversely affected by runway contaminants (ice/snow)
Reduced runway separation minima which may be applied at an AD shall be determined for each separate runway.
Try or False?
Landing aircraft minima.
A succeeding landing Category 1 aircraft may cross the runway threshold when the preceding Category 1 or 2 aircraft which either:
(2 things)
1) landed or passed a point at least 600m from the threshold of the runway, is in motion and will vacate the runway without backtracking
2) Airborne and has passed a point at least 600m from the threshold of the runway.
Landing aircraft minima.
A succeeding landing Category 2 aircraft may cross the runway threshold when the preceding Category 1 or 2 aircraft which either:
(2 things)
1) landed or passed a point at least 1500m from the threshold of the runway, is in motion and will vacate the runway without backtracking
2) Airborne and has passed a point at least 1500m from the threshold of the runway.
Landing aircraft minima.
A succeeding landing aircraft may cross the runway threshold when the preceding Category 3 aircraft which either:
(2 things)
1) landed or passed a point at least 2400m from the threshold of the runway, is in motion and will vacate the runway without backtracking
2) Airborne and has passed a point at least 2400m from the threshold of the runway.
Departing aircraft.
A category 1 aircraft may be cleared for takeoff when the preceding Category 1 or 2 aircraft which is airborne.
Has passed a point at least 600m from the position of the succeeding aircraft.
Departing aircraft.
A category 2 aircraft may be cleared for takeoff when the preceding Category 1 or 2 aircraft which is airborne.
Has passed a point at least 1500m from the position of the succeeding aircraft.
Departing aircraft.
An aircraft may be cleared for takeoff when the preceding Category 3 aircraft which is airborne.
Has passed a point at least 2400m from the position of the succeeding aircraft.
Should consideration be given to increased separation between high performance single engine aircraft and preceding Category 1 or 2 aircraft.
Under Doc 4444 7.9.2 (separation of departing a/c) a departing aircraft will not normally be permitted to commence takeoff until?
1) The preceding departing aircraft has crossed the end of the runway-in-use
2) has started a turn
3) until all preceding landing aircraft are clear of the runway-in-use
Under Doc 4444 (separation of landing aircraft and preceding landing and departing aircraft using the same runway) a landing aircraft will not normally be permitted to cross the runway threshold on its final approach until?
1) Preceding departing aircraft has crossed the end of the runway-in-use.
2) Started a turn.
3) Preceding Landing aircraft are clear of runway-in-use.