Coordination Flashcards
Whennis coordination achieved?
When a flight operating in accordance with the co-ordination has reached agreed position, level or time.
Where does the transfer of control take place?
- agreed reporting point
- On estimate for an FIR Boundaries
- At or passing agreed level,
- Climbing or descending to agreed level, providing standard separation exists
Define co-ordination
The act of negotiation between 2 or more parties each vested with the authority to make executive decisions appropriate to the task being discharged
Why is transfer of communication done?
Permitted so that instructions which become effective later can be issued.
The coordination and transfer of control of a flight between successive ATC units and control sectors shall be effected by a dialogue comprising of the what 4 following stages?
1) Notification of the flight to prepare for coordination
2) Coordination of Conditions if transfer of control by transferring ATC unit.
3) Coordination and acceptance of conditions of transfer of control by the accepting ATCU
4) Transfer of Control to the accepting ATCU or control sector
ATCUs should establish and apply standardised procedures for the flight coordination and transfer of control of flights, in order to reduce the need for verbal coordination.
Coordination procedures shall conform to the procedures contained in?
The LoA and local instructions
LoA and instructions shall cover?
1) Definition of Areas of responsibility/airspace structure+classification
2) Delegation of responsibility for the provision of ATS
3) Procedures for the exchange of flight plans and control data
4) means of communication
5) Requirements and procedures for approval requests
6) Sig points/levels/times for transfer comms
7) Sig points/levels/times for transfer control
8) Conditions applies to the transfer and acceptance of control , such as specified alt/levels, separation minima
9) ATS Surveillance systems Coordination
10) SSR code assignment procedures
11) Procedures for departing traffic
12) designated holding fixes and pros arriving traffic
13) contingency procedures
14) Other provisions or information relevant to Coordination/transfer of controlled flights
If agreed between ATS authorities flight plan and flight progress information for the flights along specified routes or portions of routes in close proximity to FIR Boundaries shall also be provided to the ATCU in charge of the FIRs adjacent to such routes or portions of routes.
The responsibility for the control of an aircraft shall be transferred from the ATC unit to the next unit at?
2 things
- The time of crossing the common control area boundary (as determined by the unit having control of the aircraft)
- or other point/ time has been agreed between the two units
Is it correct to assume that once you have transferred communication to a receiving ATCU responsibility shall not be assumed until the time of crossing the control area boundary or other transfer control point.
ATCUs shall forward from unit to unit necessary FPL and Control Information.
True or False?
If agreed between ATS authorities FPL and flight progress information for flights along specified routes or portions of routes close to FIR Boundaries shall also be provided to the ATCU in charge of the FIR adjacent to such routes.
If flying time from departure AD to boundary of an adjacent CTA is less than the specified minimum required to transmit FPL and control information to accepting ATCU. The transferring ATCU shall, prior to departure?
- Forward Information to accepting ATCU; and
- forward a request for approval.
A unit providing an Approach Control Service May issue clearance to Abu a/c released to it by an ACC without reference to the ACC.
True and false?
And when won’t this happen?
Unless stated other wise in LoA or local instructions.
An ACC may, after Coordination with unit providing approach control service, release a/c directly.
AD control towers if approach will be made under VMC
A unit providing approach control service shall retain control of of arriving a/c until such a/c have been transferred to the AD control tower and are in communication with the AD control tower.
LoA and local instructions shall establish rules for the transfer of arriving traffic between approach control service and AD control tower.
A unit providing an Approach Control Service May authorise an aerodrome Control Tower to release an a/c to T/O subject to discretion of the the AD control tower with respect to arriving traffic.
AD control towers shall, when prescribed by LoA/local instructions, obtain approval from the unit providing the approach control service prior to authorisation operations of SVFR?
Appropriate FPL and Control Information shall be exchanged between control positions within the same ATCU in respect of
(3 things)
1) responsibility for control will be transferred from one to another
2) A/C operating in close proximity between control sectors
3) All A/C for which responsibility for control has been delegated by a ATCO using Procedural to an ATCO using Surveillance System.
ATCUs providing an advisory service shall apply the same co-ordination procedures as an ATC Service , with respect to aircraft having elected to using this time of service.
Coordination between an ATSU providing FIS in adjacent FIR shall be effected in respect of IFR and VFR Flights, in order to ensure continued FIS to such a/c in specified areas or route.
Such coordination shall be effected in accordance with an agreement between ATS units concerned.
Means of communication shall be dependent upon:
5 things
- availability of com channels
- Functions be be performed
- Types of data to be exchanged
- LoA
- processing facilities at centre concerned
Possible means of communication may include:
(5 things)!
Direct speech circuits
Data exchange between ASTSU
DIRECT teletypewriter circuits
Direct computer- computer circuits