RBC: anemia Flashcards
anemia is:
not having enough red blood cells or haemoglobin
the range of what is considered normal varies wirh sex, age and conditions like pregnancy
what could go wrong with anemia
not enough oxygen to cells
- hypoxia p decreased oxygen levels in the tissues
- hypoxemia decreased oxygen level in blood
kess oxygen in our tissues and blood so compensation
- increased HR
- increased SV in heart
decreased oxygen level in blood
decreased oxygen levels in the tissues
inital symptoms of anemia
feeling cold
increased respiratory rate
decreased ability to physically exert oneself
symptoms if anemia gets bad
fluid overload and heart failure
tachycardia/ palpitations
most common form of anemia:
iron deficieny anemia, especially common in women of child bearing age
iron deficiency anemia
- most common
- considered mycrotic - red blood cells are smaller and paler
casues of Ireon deficiency anemia
- decreased erththropoetin (EPO) fromt he kideys to make RBC
- decreased iron intake
- decreased ability to absorb iron form small intestine
- increased need for iron - fast growth/pregancy
- excessive loss of iron
- gastrctomy - stomach surgery
symptoms of inital iron deficiency anemia
symptoms start out slowly and are vague until haemoglobin level is below 70-80g/l
- fatigue
- weakness
-shortness of breath
- palpitations
symptoms mroe severe iron deficiency anemia
Koilonychia- spoon shaped fingernails
Glossitis and tongue atrophy
Hair loss
cracks in corners of mouth
macroytic anemias
large red blood cells, result form vitamin D deficiencies
types of macroytic anemia
folate deficieny anaemia
pernicious anaemia
folate deficiency anemia
- macrolytic anemia
- folate is vitamin B6, needed for RBCs to fully develop, so cells are produced immature with less oxygen carrying capacity and may die early
causes of folate deficiency anaemia
malnourishment- weight loss diets or lack of grains and veges
pregnancy/lactation - increased amounts needed to provide for children