digestive Flashcards
GORD meaning
gastro oesophagal reflux disease
GORD causes
weak lower oesophagal sphincter
hiatal hernia
increased pressure form lifting or bending
vomiting or coughing
what happens in GORD
acid from stmach refluxes back into oesephagus but oesophagus doesnt have mucus to protect it
symptons of GORD
heart burn
abdominal pain within an hour after eating
newborns and GORD
newborns have GORD becasue they havent developed the sphicter yet
peptic ulcer disease
- ulcer: break in digestive lining allows contents to reach submucosal layer
- helicobactor pylori - can casue ulcers or gastric cancer
- can be either gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer
peptic ulcer disease: ulcers
- break in the digestive lining, allows contents to reach submucosal layer
- autodigestion
- deep ulcers can erroe muscle layer and even blood vessels
- worse case, can perforate GI wall
helicobactor pylori
- bacterium that is able to live in stomach and duodenum
- estimated 2/3 in world have but most are asymptomatic
- can casue ulcers and even gastric cancer
gastric ulcers
- mucosa becomes damaged
- in response, the stomach secretes more acid, damaging mucosa even more
- may be chronic and heal slow
gastric ulcer symptoms
pain when food is in stomach, anorexia - dont wnat to eat as painful
duodenal ulcer
- more frequant, younger patients
- almost everyone who has it is infected by h.pylori
- created by either hypersecretion of acid pr reduction oh bicarbonate in duodenum
- may heal quicker but more likely to jave exacerbations and remissions
how are duodenal ulcers created
created by either hypersecretion of acid pr reduction oh bicarbonate in duodenum
symptoms of duodenal ulcers
epigastric pain when the stomach is empty
- may be asymptomatic until perferation and haemorrage
types of inflammatory bowel disease
chrons disease
ulcerative colitis
ulcerative colitis
- only affetcs the mucosal layer
- only happens in colon
- inflammation breaks down the mucosal layer whoch can case abscesses
- pattern id exacerbations and remissions