Random Phrases / Words Flashcards
it’s all about
se trata de / todo se trata de
- Can mean “so” or “therefore”
- I was hungry so/therefore I went to the market
- tenía hambre entonces fui al mercado
- Can mean “then” (at that time)
- We were very happy then
- Éramos muy felices entonces
- Can mean “then” (introducing a conclusion, command, or question)
- if he hasn’t arrived yet, then he must still be at the office
- si no ha llegado, entonces tiene que estar en la oficina
- if you don’t like it, then don’t go
- si no te gusta, entonces no vayas
- if they’re here, then who’s at home?
- si ellos están aquí, entonces, ¿quién está en casa?
- Can be a filler word (basically means “so”)
- so yea, what do you think?
- entonces sí, que piensas?
there are probably more uses as well
at the beginning, in the beginning, initially
al principio
at the beginning, early, at the turn (of the century)
a principios
a few years later
unos años despues
anyway, anyhow, in any case
de todos modos
a short time later, soon after
poco tiempo después
a nadie se le niega un favor // un favor no se le niega a nadie
no one is denied a favor, a favor is not denied to anyone, throwing someone a bone
así es que
It’s very funny
Está muy cagado
- cagado can also mean shitty?
de veras?
seriously? really?
Sleep tight
Que descanses
You’re my type of girl
Eres de las mías
barely, hardly, scarcely, only, as soon as
exactly, precisely (accurately)
justly, fairly (in a fair manner)
just, just as, just when (when) (often used with “cuando” or some other time related word)
por lo tanto
that’s why, for that reason, so, therefore
por eso
a menos que
a pesar de
besides, furthermore, moreover, also, as well as
- used to indicate limit
until (i’m staying until the project is completed)
up to (the dining room can accommodate up to twenty people)
down to (the temperature dropped down to five below zero)
- used to indicate destination
to (i’d go with you to the ends of the earth)
as far as (come with me as far as the corner) (weird example)
- before
until (i never knew until today)
- including
even (everyone knows that, even my dog)
at least
por lo menos, al menos, al menos que, como mínimo
al menos que
the least, at least
How to say “no way”
• Ni loco (a)
• Ni de loco (a)
• Ni de broma
• Ni de chiste
• Claro que no
• Ni aunque me pagaran
• Nunca de los nuncas
• Jamás de los jamases
Would you mind if…?
• ¿Te molesta que…? (subjunctive)
• ¿Cómo ves si…? (indicative)
¿A poco no?
Different ways to say “maybe”
• Igual y sí
• Pues igual
• Puede que
• Pueque
• Puede ser
Ways to say “no worries”
• No hay bronca
• Sin bronca
• No te preocupes (ntp)
• No pasa nada
Ways to say “nice”
• ¡Qué agradable!
• ¡Qué buena onda!
• A gusto / Qué a gusto / Muy a gusto
• Muy lindo (a)
To say a person is nice, use amable.
A gusto does NOT have a feminine form (don’t think)
decision-making process
proceso de toma de decisiones
- used to express impatience
- just (e.g. just do it), once and for all, already (e.g. go to bed already), for God’s sake - in just one attempt, in one go, at once (e.g. doing multiple things at once)
de una vez
*I think can also be used to say a command (e.g. do it at once/ right away)
además de
as well as, besides, in addition to, apart from
besides, also, furthermore, moreover, as well as
de tocho morocho
expression that means “everything/of everything”
it surprised me, i was surprised . . .
me sorprendió . . .
Very common mexican expressions close in meaning to “No way” or “You’re kidding”
No manches/No mames
*** “No mames” could be considered offensive
in our times
en nuestras épocas
as the latino population grows . . .
conforme la población latina va creciendo . . .
mass of people
masa de gente
barely, hardly, scarcely, only, just, as soon as
corto (a)
Adjective: short (distance) (duration) (limited amount, e.g. short on money), brief (duration), dim / dense (intelligence)
Noun: short movie, short film, small glass
*when used as a noun, i don’t think gender is relevant (i.e. will just be “corto” no matter what)
puertorriqueño (a)
Puerto Rican
Adjective: of Puerto Rican origin (e.g. Puerto Rican town)
Noun: nationality (e.g. a Puerto Rican wrote this)
regardless of, irrespective of
independientemente de
regardless of whether it is something that is trendy . . .
regardless (of) that it is something that is trendy . . .
independientemente de que es algo que está de moda . . .
it has become fashionable, it has become a trend
se ha puesto de moda
sort, kind, type, gender, genre
se puso de moda
it became fashionable
in my opinion, in my view
a mi parecer
A cigarette made with cannabis.
Un porro
maybe, I don’t know, you have a joint
a lo mejor, no sé, te echas un porro
*subjunctive might also be appropriate here, but not totally sure
de habla hispana
Spanish-speaking, Hispanic
to become a part of a fad or trending topic
(subirse al) tren del mame
right mind, sane, sound judgment, sound mind
sano juicio
my previous job
mi trabajo anterior
it’s weird to say but . . .
es raro decirlo pero . . .
could also use extraño (i think)
toilet paper
el papel higiénico, el papel de baño, el papel sanitario
solo v. sólo
Recent rule changes establish that we do NOT accentuate solo in any situation
Will know the meaning by context
better to be safe than sorry
*two translations
- más vale colorado una vez que mil veces descolorido
- más vale colorada que cien descoloridas
*I guess the gender can change depending on who you’re talking to?
Life sucks
la vida está de la patada
La vida está de la chingada
Life fucking sucks
Go to hell
Vete al infierno
good grief! // gosh! // jeez! // wow!
ya valió
It’s had it, he’s had it, she’s had it, you’ve had it, we’ve had it
bit the dust, the party’s over, now we’re screwed
se me hace
I find it, it seems to me, that seems
la bocina
Horn, siren, loudspeaker, speaker, megaphone
*no hay tos translated as speaker
No mames
No fucking way, you’re shitting me, are you fucking serious
Fuck, shit (I think)
No manches
No way, you’re kidding me, are you serious
Just, only
My love, my darling, sweetheart
vida mía
Finally, at last
Por fin
a menos (de) que
Really far, really far away
Sponsor, patron
It seems to me that
se me hace que
en mi perra vida
In my damn/fucking life
Tan solo
Can mean “only” or “just”
Can also mean so lonely or so alone
Dirty old man
The idiomatic phrase “viejo rabo verde” literally means “green tail old man”. It refers to old men who exclusively creep on young women.
Afuera, fuera
Both mean outside/out
Go fuck yourself !
¡vete a la chingada!
Go with her
Vete con ella
Anyone, anybody, whoever
Quien sea
Available, free (unoccupied, like free seats)
Proveniente de
From, coming from
Proveniente de
From, coming from
Also, likewise, as well
A partir de
From, as of, beginning in, starting
A la vez
Simultaneously, at the same time, at once (this bus can carry 12 people at once)
*not sure if it can be used as a command (e.g. do it “at once / right now”)
Might just be “de la vez” for a command