Echar Flashcards
Echar (literal meaning)
“Echar” technically means “to throw”
Please put that in the hamper
Por favor echa eso a la ropa sucia
Put/add a bit of salt to the soup.
Échale un poquito de sal a la sopa.
we spent three hours in the bank
nos echamos tres horas en el banco
Duarte was governor for six years
Duarte se echó seis años como gobernador
we spent fifteen minutes in line
nos echamos quince minutos en la fila
How far do you think Puebla is from here?
¿Cuánto le echas de aquí a Puebla?
I think a taxi will cost you one hundred pesos
Yo le echo que un taxi te va a costar cien pesos
Estimate it / Calculate it (Echar and Non-Echar)
Échale / Estímalo / Calcùlale
I was being lazy all weekend
Estuve echando la hueva todo el fin de semana
I failed chemistry because I was lazy
Por echar la hueva, reprobé química.
Alfonso won’t stop messing around in class (confused on this one)
Alfonso se la pasa echando desmadre en clase
My neighbors were partying all night long
Mis vecinos estuvieron echando desmadre toda la noche
After going to the gym I had to lie down for a bit
Después de ir al gimnasio tuve que echarme un rato
I love lying in the grass when I go to the park
Me encanta echarme en el pasto cuando voy al parque
Échate ahí
Lie down there
Can you take a look at my computer?
¿Puedes echarle un ojo/vistazo a mi compu?
The doctor took a look at my wound
El doctor le echó un vistazo/ojo a mi herida
Give me a hand with this sofa, it’s really heavy
Échame la mano con este sofá, está muy pesado
Why està here? Other places online translated using es.
I gave Beto a hand with his english homework
Le eché la mano a Beto con su tarea de inglés
I’ll be right back, I’m gonna grab a bite and come back
Ahorita vengo, voy a echarme un taco y regreso
You don’t want to grab a bite at the market?
¿No quieres echarte un taco en el mercado?
We need to make an effort this semester
Tenemos que echarle ganas este semestre
If we try hard we can win this game
Si le echamos ganas podemos ganar este partido
When my dog eats meat he farts all night
Cuando mi perro come carne se echa pedos toda la noche
I got on the elevator and somebody farted
Me subí al elevador y alguien se echó un pedo
Echar (11 uses)
Echar - to put/place/add
Echarse - To be somewhere for a certain amount of time (has a negative connotation in many circumstances, but not always)
Echarle - to give an estimate
Echar la hueva - to be lazy
Echar desmadre - to party, to mess around
Echarse - to lie down (used with animals a good amount, but also used with humans)
Echar(le) un vistazo/ojo - to take a look - think the “le” will be used most of the time
Echar(le) la mano - to give a hand - think the “le” is more optional
Echarse un taco - to grab a bite
Echarle ganas - to make an effort, to try hard
Echarse un pedo - to fart