Quiz 55 Flashcards
What is the equation for sensitivity?
What is the equation for PPV?
What is the equation for specificity?
What is a NPV?
Probability of no disease in a person who receives a negative test result; or the probability that a person with a negative test is disease free
What is the PPV?
Person with a positive test does have the disease
Child with cystic neck mass on lateral aspect of right side just below the angle of the jaw
Branchial cleft cyst
Brachial cleft cysts result from what?
Failure of the 2nd branchial cleft to involute
Where is the most common site of ulnar nerve intrapment?
Cubital tunnel
What is the cubital tunnel?
A channel located near the medial epicondyle
How can one differentiate between ulnar nerve entrapment from the guyon’s canal vs. the cubital tunnel?
In Guyon’s canal entrapment, sensory nerve supplying the dorsum of the hand is spared
What activity predisposes patients to Guyon’s canal entrapment
In wound healing, when do fibroblasts appear?
At one week
When do macrophages predominate wound healing?
Days three to five
What cells play an essential role in formation of granulation tissue in wound healing?
Fibroblasts lay down what type of collagen during wound healing?
Type III collagen (granulation tissue type), later replaced by type I collagen (fibrosis)
What is the most common site affected by Crohn’s disease?
Terminal ileum
What is the most common site affected by ulcerative colitis?
Cobblestone appearance of colon is seen in what disease?
Crohn’s disease
Microscopically, what is seen in Crohn’s disease?
Noncaseating granulomas
Enzymatic deactivation of antibiotics is a common mode of resistance in what classes of antibiotics?
Aminoglycosides, chloramphenicol, sulfonamides
What is conn syndrome?
Primary hyperaldosteronism resulting from from an aldosterone-producing adrenal adenoma
What is parinaud syndrome?
Palsy of upward gaze, dissociation of light and accommodation, and failure of convergence
What is a common cause of parinaud syndrome?
Pinealoma compresses what?
Tectum (superior colliculus)