Quiz 52, 53 Flashcards
What amino acid is a biological precursor to catecholamines?
What amino acid is the precursor to nitric oxide?
What is the common presentation of ischemic bowel disease?
Usually seen in older patients (F>M), presents with acute or intermittent cramping abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea
What is the most common location of ischemic colitis?
Splenic flexure
What is a common cause of ischemic colitis?
Atherosclerosis, occlusion, hypoperfusion
What type of amyloid accumulates from chronic inflammation?
SAA - serum amyloid A
What are systemic manifestations of AA amyloidosis?
Nephrotic syndrome and organomegaly
Patients with nephrotic syndrome are predisposed to forming thromboses, why?
Decreased antithrombin III and increased fibrinogen
What type of thrombosis is associated with nephrotic syndrome?
Renal vein thrombosis is most common
What is seen on histologic examination of amyloidosis?
Apple-green birefringence with polarization of congo red stain
What cranial nerves emerge from the brainstem at the cerebellopontine angle?
CN VII (facial nerve) and CN VIII (vestibulocochlear)
What is a common causative organism of neonatal conjunctivitis? How is it prevented?
Chlamydia trachomatis; prevented by erythromycin eye drops
Neonatal conjunctivitis followed by pneumonia
C. Trachomatis
What is mycosis fungoides?
A cutaneous T cell lymphoma
What is the appearance of mycosis fungoides?
Itchy, erythematous plaques and nodules
Cytoplasmic inclusions in the epidermal cells is pathognomonic for what?
Molluscum contagiosum
Poarakeratosis, hyperkeratosis, acanthosis is seen in what skin lesions?
Weak peripheral pulses is associated with what cardiac disease?
Aortic stenosis
Heaves is associated with what cardiac disease?
LVH (heard at apex) or RVH (heard on L side)
Deceased S2 heart sound is associated with what heart disease?
Aortic stenosis
Loud S3 heart sound is associated with what cardiac finding?
Rapid ventricular filling - seen in congestive heart failure
What is the formation of microtubules in cilia/flagella?
9 peripheral pairs and 2 central
What direction does dynein travel along the microtuble, minus or plus end?
Minus end
What type of HSR is contact dermatitis?
Type IV