Pure PRINCE2 - Closing a Project Flashcards
What is the aim of the Closing a Project (CAP) process?
Provides a fix point at which the product is acceptance and project objectives are achieved.
The PB/PM can verify users acceptance of product, ensure that BAU operations can support the product, review the performance of the product against its baselines, assess the benefits achieved and review those not, ensure a plan is made to address the remaining open issues and risks
When does the Closing a Project (CAP) process replace the Managing a Stage Boundary (MSB) process?
This replaces the MSB process at the end of the project lifecycle.
How is the CP stage planned?
It is planned in advance in the final MSB process.
When is the Closing a Project (CAP) process triggered?
PB closes the project and can do so at any time.
It is triggered by the PM at the planned end of a project or by the PB in unplanned early termination of the project.
All products are handed over (or passed on if early). Also should evaluate performance of PMT and measure success of P against original objectives. Get lessons and log. All documents are archives and a recommendation is sent to the PB to close the project.
What does PRINCE2 recommend at a planned closure of a project?
Before planned closure, the PM must ensure all expected results are achieved and delivered to ensure P is complete. PRINCE2 recommends:
- Update PP with actual data from final stage
- Request Product Status Account from PS to ensure product quality and approval
- Ensure the AC have been met and product has been delivered as expressed int he PPD
- Seek approval to give notice of imminent resources release
What does PRINCE2 recommend at an unplanned closure of a project?
Premature closure of P by PB or C/P. May be due to big risks to the BC. PRINCE2 recommends:
- Update the Issue register
- Update thet PP with actual from final stage
- Request Product Status Account from PS to ensure product quality and approval
- Seek approval to give notice of imminent resources release
- Get an agreement to recover products already completed
How is a project closed?
Product needs to be released to the maintenance or BAU environment. PRINCE2 recommends:
- Check the BRP for benefits to be realised post-launch, or post-project closure
- Prepare a follow-on action recommendation for the P products - recommendations to move products onto the next stage of their life, including the transfer of remaining risks and issues as follow-up actions for the operations team. Any post-project meetings (ie review meetings) are also follow-up actions
- Ensure the products are handed over to the SU in line with ChMA
There can be multiple post-project reviews to measure different benefits
At end of project, PB is dissolved, PM and project team return to their BAU roles.
How is a project evaluated after project closure?
Two reasons to do this: determine how well it was managed and to capture useful lessons for future project.
Review original PID to understand how the project has evolved and how much has bene achieved. Review approved changes logged in the IR as these would have an effect on the project. These should be included in the ESR.
A Lessons Report is also generated to pass on useful lessons.
What is a End Project Report?
Generated in CP to review project performance against the original PID, passes on lessons to future PM’s, and passes on important details (outstanding issues, ongoing risks, configuration and work) to the operations team
Should include the LL
Contains - PM report, review of BC, review of project objectives, review of PM team performance, review of project products, and the lessons report