Agile Basics Flashcards
What is Agile?
Agile is a set of related frameworks, concepts, techniques, and behaviours. It was a presented as an alternative to Waterfakll which was documentation heavy and not good at handling change.
Agile can be an iterative and timeboxed approach to delivery, a group of management products and check-ins (ways of working), or a set methodology (Scrum, Kanban, XP)
What are the use cases for PRINCE2 and Agile
PRINCE2 and PRINCE2 Agile can only be used for projects. Agile can bee use for BAU operations.
BAU is a routine behaviours that can be undertaken by anyone with the technical to complete the work and not exclusively PMS.
A lot of Agile principles and concepts can be brought into PRINCE2.
PRINCE2 is a PM process. Agile is a family of behaviour, frameworks, concepts, and techniques.
Agile frameworks are BAU process, but can be used to delivery MDP steps in a PRINCE2 project.
What is a release?
A set of features, fixes, or improvements that are built, managed, tested, and released to the production environment together.
The term “Deployment” can also be used interchangeably, but not in PRINCE” Agile.
What is flow-based working?
Way of working that does not rely on putting work into timeboxes, but instead pulling from the backlog when needed
What is a timebox?
Finite period of time with a hard deadline, in wich the team works towards a set goal. Time should not be changed the the work contained within should be prioritised and pushed to keep to the time restraint,
What is an increment?
An increment is the sum of all items in the product backlog completed during a sprint (the work done). This work should be tested and in a usable condition.
What is Agile agnostic and how does this support project delivery?
Agile agnostic refers to the concept that Agile or PRINCE2 Agile does not favour particular concepts, behaviours, or techniques. Those selected should b=e unique to each project and support the particular requirements and demands of the project.
What is Agile?
Agile is a set of behaviours, concepts, and techniques. A PM can use any variety of these items in any combination to fit the needs of the business.
What is a user story?
Format can change, but generally lists who, what, and why (i.e. As a <role>(stakeholder), I want to <function>(requirement) so that <benefit> (why))</benefit></function></role>
Allows one to translate customer requirements and vision to language the delivery team will understand. Allows easy testing.
AC for each US, effort (estimate), and the value. Can also have technical requirements.
PM creates the US and populates the user stories.
When estimating, all user stories are mapped out and estimated. Check for dependencies between user stories and opportunities to do multiple user stories at the same time.
Once estimated, PM then populates the sprints
User stories need to be exact with what the user should be able to do and why
User stories can be technical for non-functioanltiy reuiqqnments (security updates, performance).
What makes a good user story?
INVEST - good user stories are:
- Independent
- Negotiable
- Valuable
- Estimable
- Small
- Testable