Pure PRINCE2 - Business Case theme Flashcards
What is the aim of the Business Case theme?
The BC theme establishes mechanisms to assess if a project is desirable, viable, achievable, and if the benefits outweigh the costs. It guides decision-making, particularly at the PB level.
The BC outlines the Business Justification for the project.
it ensures strategic alignment and business justification are in place.
When does the BC theme play into the project?
The PB is created at the start of the project. At every stage boundary, the project is measured against it and the BC is updated. If Business Justification is no longer present, the PB should terminate or pivot.
If a project is viable, it continues, but if not, it is terminated.
For a project to abide by the PRINCE 2 BC theme, it must:
- Create and maintain a Business Justification (BJ)
- Review and update the BJ in response to events and risks
- Define the management actions and products relating to the BC theme
- Define and document the roles and responsibilities of the PM team
- Maintain the Benefits Management Approach (BMA)
What are the key responsibilities of the BC theme
- C/P - Provide the P mandate and responsible for the PBRR
- PE - Responsible for the BC and Benefits Review
- SU - Held accountable for customer realising the expected benefits
- SS - Responsible for delivering the project on time and within budget
- PM - may manage the BC on behalf of the PE and completes RAID (Risks, Assumptions, Impact, Dependencies) analysis