Pulm: Drugs to Treat Pulmonary HTN Flashcards
WHO Class I-IV of Pulmonary HTN:
I: pHTN w/o limitations
II: pHTN w slight limitation
III: pHTN w marked limitation
IV: pHTN w inability to carry out any physical activity
When would you use dihydropyridine CCBs for pHTN?
If they have a positive vasopressor test
-if negative, they may have adverse effects
What three treatments are used in pHTN that have very little impact on the hypertension itself?
Anticoagulants-to prevent thrombi
Diuretics-for R HF
MOA of prostanoids (contain PROST)?
Mimics the actions of prostacyclin, binds Gs=increase cAMP
- vascular relaxation
- suppresses growth of smooth muscle
- inhibits platelet aggregation
Effects of prostinoids on pHTN?
Lowers pulmonary artery resistance and pressure, increases exercise tolerance, and improves short term survival
Adverse effects of Prostinoids?
If given IV (epoprostenol and treprostinil):
Sepsis through catheter, life treatening if pump is clogged
Others: nausea, headache, flushing
Which prostanoid is given subQ?
What is special about treprostinil’s ROA?
Longer half life and no refrigeration
Lots of Routes!
-SubQ, QID Inhalation, and extended release oral form available
Which drugs are the prostinoids?
EpoPROSTenol, TrePROSTinil, iloPROST, Selexipag
Which prostinoid is only inhaled?
Which prostinoid is administered orally, BID?
-very expensive
What are the two endothelin antagonists?
Bosentan and Ambrisentan
Which endothelin antagonist is nonspecific at the ETa and ETb receptors? Which one is specific?
Bosentan is nonspecific, while ambrisentan is specific
Effects of the endothelin antagonists?
Reduce the amount of vasoconstriction and improves exercise intolerance in pHTN
Which of the endothelin antagonists interacts with warfarin and oral contraceptives?
-accelerates metabolism of both warfarin and oral contraceptives