Pulm: Drugs for Asthma and COPD Flashcards
What are the SABA drugs?
Albuterol Terbutaline Metaproterenol Pirbuterol Levalbuterol
All used in asthma PRN for symptom relief and can be used in COPD
Adverse effects of albuterol
Headache, dizziness, insomnia, dry mouth, cough
Warning when taking the SABA?
paradoxical bronchospasm, deterioration of asthma, CV effects
What is the only B2 agonist available for SubQ injection?
Which of the SABA are safe in pts 4 years and older?
MOA of the inhaled corticosteroids?
Anti-inflammatory as maintenance/prophylaxis of asthma
What is important to remember when changing someone from systemic steroids to inhaled corticosteroids?
Wait a couple of months after stopping systemic to start inhaled
-deaths have occurred due to adrenal insufficiency
What are the most effective drugs for controlling asthma?
-most potent inhibitors of inflammation
When would budesonide or mometasone be contraindicated
in those with a milk allergy
What are budesonide, flunisolide, or triamcinolone not used to treat?
status asthmaticus
-do not use for this or other acute asthmatic events that require intensive measures
What are the inhaled corticosteroids?
Beclomethasone Budesonide Ciclesonide Flunisolide Fluticansone Mometasone Triamcinolone
if it ends in one or ide..
Should you use ciclesonide in the presence of acute bronchospasm? what about around candida?
What is great about flunisolide or triamcinolone, which are ICS?
It reduces/eliminates the need to switch to oral corticosteroids
What is a warning when prescribing fluticasone?
Candida infection of the mouth
MOA of prednisone
it is an Oral corticosteroid used with SABAs for severe asthma flare ups
What is a warning when taking prednisone?
May suppress the Hypothalamic-pituitary-axis